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Jered Larsen #38881

Jered Larsen #38881

Player Info

Player Statistics

2014 Season Totals


MPO · Open101307.50$64
Pro Totals:101307.50$64

2014 Tournament Results

MPO · Open

62590.00The 26th Annual Memorial Championship presented by DiscraftNT26-Feb to 01-Mar-2014
1982.50Disc Go BallB12-Apr to 13-Apr-2014
1197.50Liquid Sunshine OpenB19-Apr to 20-Apr-2014$64
22120.00North Umpqua InvitationalB03-May to 04-May-2014
23105.002014 Rose City OpenB17-May to 18-May-2014
1075.00The LynxB24-May to 25-May-2014
1465.00The Lucky Dawg OpenC07-Jun-2014
65.00Amped Wide OpenC19-Jul-2014
6740.00Fort Steilacoom OpenNT01-Aug to 03-Aug-2014
17127.50Eugene Disc Golf Celebration 2014 Presented by Hop Valley BrewingB06-Sep to 07-Sep-2014