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Kyle Jenkins #39888

Kyle Jenkins #39888

kylejenkins's picture
kylejenkins's picture

Player Info

Player Statistics

2010 Season Totals


MA1 · Advanced3162.50
MA2 · Intermediate171734.00
Am Totals:201896.50

2010 Tournament Results

MA1 · Advanced

340.00Knock a RoundC28-Aug-2010
1610.00Loch and Load at MacGregor ParkC23-Oct-2010
4112.50Double Barrel BCS FinaleB13-Nov-2010

MA2 · Intermediate

10114.00Dynamic Discs Turner Park Tune UpB30-Jan-2010
3150.00Dynamic Discs Towne Lake Pro/AmB31-Jan-2010
652.008th Annual Pleasure Island ClassicC06-Feb-2010
1222.002010 Victoria OpenB27-Feb to 28-Feb-2010
2696.00Texas State Disc Golf ChampionshipsA27-Mar to 28-Mar-2010
764.00The Bluebonnet FandangoC17-Apr-2010
3040.00The Third Annual Manor Championship - Pro/IntC25-Apr-2010
1340.00Higher Power OpenC08-May-2010
292.00McSummer Time SizzlerC12-Jun-2010
752.00Thomas Bertrand Memorial at Klein Park of BeaumontC17-Jul-2010
1978.00Live Oak Summer OpenB24-Jul to 25-Jul-2010
10234.00Dynamic Discs Cedar Hill OpenB14-Aug to 15-Aug-2010
1198.00Revenge of the MonkeyB21-Aug-2010
5156.005th Dynamic Discs OpenB22-Aug-2010
232.00Birdshot's Chain Action in Lake JacksonC29-Aug-2010
572.00Birdshot presents Doin Time at Shawshank Disc Golf PenitentiaryB11-Sep-2010
2242.00Fly Ink OpenA/B04-Dec to 05-Dec-2010