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Jeffrey Yunker #44438

Jeffrey Yunker #44438

j.yunker's picture
j.yunker's picture

Player Info

Player Statistics

2014 Season Totals


MPO · Open253130.00$2,382
Pro Totals:253130.00$2,382

2014 Tournament Results

MPO · Open

1090.00The Lava Creek ClassicC22-Feb-2014$50
935.00One Nite StandC08-Mar-2014
36270.00St. Patrick's ClassicA14-Mar to 16-Mar-2014
485.002014 Northern FlightC22-Mar-2014
865.00Sylmar OpenC05-Apr-2014$75
12180.00Auburn OpenB12-Apr to 13-Apr-2014$56
345.00The Battle of Black ButteC19-Apr-2014$85
18172.50Motherlode 2014 + WGEB10-May to 11-May-2014
33400.0029th Annual "Steady" Ed Memorial Masters Cup - presented by DGANT16-May to 18-May-2014
150.00Hard Pan ClassicC24-May-2014$500
2165.00Evergreen OpenB31-May to 01-Jun-2014
790.002014 UFOS Pro AmB/C07-Jun to 08-Jun-2014$90
1037.50Cannon Ball RunB/C14-Jun to 15-Jun-2014
475.0020th Annual Frying PanB21-Jun to 22-Jun-2014$195
9120.002014 Jelly Jam at Ryan RanchB12-Jul to 13-Jul-2014$74
315.00BlackGold ShootoutC19-Jul-2014
820.00Merced MeltdownC02-Aug-2014
1160.00Rocklin Pro-AmB23-Aug to 24-Aug-2014
5350.00End of the Trail (SJVC) Classic 2014A30-Aug to 31-Aug-2014$491
265.00The Vineyard ClassicC20-Sep-2014$185
10142.50Anderson Valley Brewing Company presents the 25th San Francisco SafariB26-Sep to 28-Sep-2014$150
155.00CenCal Series ChampionshipsC04-Oct-2014$303
14142.502014 Coyote ClassicB10-Oct to 12-Oct-2014$95
27130.00NorCal Series Championships 2014A18-Oct to 19-Oct-2014
23270.002014 So Cal Series Championships - ProsB15-Nov to 16-Nov-2014$33