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Garron Cabe #45861

Garron Cabe #45861

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Old Post; 18 holes; Par 54
Pleasant View; 18 holes; Par 54
Old Post; 18 holes; Par 54
Herman Hill Blue; 18 holes; Par 54
Herman Hill Red; 18 holes; Par 54
Oak Park Blue; 18 holes; Par 54
Oak Park Red; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
16th Hell on the BorderB13-Aug to 14-Aug-2011MA1150974YesYes
16th Hell on the BorderB13-Aug to 14-Aug-2011MA1253940YesYes
16th Hell on the BorderB13-Aug to 14-Aug-2011MA13441042YesYes
War On the ShoreB23-Jul to 24-Jul-2011MA1149991YesYes
War On the ShoreB23-Jul to 24-Jul-2011MA1251979YesYes
War On the ShoreB23-Jul to 24-Jul-2011MA1352957YesYes
Dynamic Discs presents the Wichita Doo DahB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2011MA2161939YesYes
Dynamic Discs presents the Wichita Doo DahB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2011MA2262916YesYes
Dynamic Discs presents the Wichita Doo DahB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2011MA2353997YesYes
Dynamic Discs presents the Wichita Doo DahB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2011MA2455952YesYes
2nd Annual Battle at Bell ParkB20-Nov-2010MA1153932YesYes
2nd Annual Battle at Bell ParkB20-Nov-2010MA1253932YesYes