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Jon Berezay #48606

Jon Berezay #48606

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 81
Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 81
Grass Valley; 18 holes; Par 54
Penn Valley; 18 holes; Par 54
Grass Valley; 18 holes; Par 54
Round 3; 27 holes; Par 81
Round 2; 18 holes; Par 54
Round 1; 18 holes; Par 54
Blue; 13 holes; Par 48
White; 13 holes; Par 48
Red; 13 holes; Par 48
Highland Springs Course Medium layout; 22 holes; Par 66
Oak Springs Temp Course; 22 holes; Par 66
Highland Springs Course Long Layout; 22 holes; Par 66
De Laveaga Round 1; 27 holes; Par 81
De Laveaga Round 3; 27 holes; Par 81
De Laveaga Round 2; 27 holes; Par 81
CSUMB Oaks Course World's Layout; 27 holes; Par 86
CSUMB Oaks Course World's Layout; 27 holes; Par 86
outback saturday; 18 holes; Par 58
outback sunday; 18 holes; Par 58
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
waller pines dgc; 27 holes; Par 82
preskier park dgc; 18 holes; Par 54
waller pines dgc; 27 holes; Par 82
DeLaVeaga Finals; 26 holes; Par 78
DeLaVeaga Round 2; 26 holes; Par 78
Pinto Lake Round 1; 18 holes; Par 61
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19th Annual Vintage CupB2-Mar to 3-Mar-2013MA1188934NoNo
NorCal Series ChampionshipsA20-Oct to 21-Oct-2012MA1362900NoNo
NorCal Series ChampionshipsA20-Oct to 21-Oct-2012MA1263938NoNo
NorCal Series ChampionshipsA20-Oct to 21-Oct-2012MA1156959NoNo
Santa Maria Open 2012B28-Jul to 29-Jul-2012MA1379985NoNo
Santa Maria Open 2012B28-Jul to 29-Jul-2012MA1253953NoNo
Santa Maria Open 2012B28-Jul to 29-Jul-2012MA11461005NoNo
Sea Pines Disc Golf Club Inaugural & Music Festival WeekendC14-Jul-2012MA13401008NoNo
Sea Pines Disc Golf Club Inaugural & Music Festival WeekendC14-Jul-2012MA1244957NoNo
Sea Pines Disc Golf Club Inaugural & Music Festival WeekendC14-Jul-2012MA1144928NoNo
10th Annual Steady Ed Birthday MemorialB9-Jun to 10-Jun-2012MA1161971NoNo
10th Annual Steady Ed Birthday MemorialB9-Jun to 10-Jun-2012MA1257969NoNo
10th Annual Steady Ed Birthday MemorialB9-Jun to 10-Jun-2012MA1368967NoNo
27th Annual "Steady" Ed Memorial Masters Cup - presented by DGAA4-May to 6-May-2012MA1194929NoNo
27th Annual "Steady" Ed Memorial Masters Cup - presented by DGAA4-May to 6-May-2012MA1381979NoNo
27th Annual "Steady" Ed Memorial Masters Cup - presented by DGAA4-May to 6-May-2012MA1297911NoNo
CSUMB Otter Open - AMB11-Feb to 12-Feb-2012MA1294938NoNo
CSUMB Otter Open - AMB11-Feb to 12-Feb-2012MA1199908NoNo
End of the Trail ClassicA3-Sep to 4-Sep-2011MA1161963NoNo
End of the Trail ClassicA3-Sep to 4-Sep-2011MA1358989NoNo
End of the Trail ClassicA3-Sep to 4-Sep-2011MA1261895NoNo
Santa Maria OpenA29-Jul to 31-Jul-2011MA2386948NoNo
Santa Maria OpenA29-Jul to 31-Jul-2011MA2257933NoNo
Santa Maria OpenA29-Jul to 31-Jul-2011MA2191915NoNo
26th Annual Masters CupB20-May to 22-May-2011MA2Finals90919NoNo
26th Annual Masters CupB20-May to 22-May-2011MA2290919NoNo
26th Annual Masters CupB20-May to 22-May-2011MA2173929NoNo