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Austin Strickland #51742

Austin Strickland #51742

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 60
Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 60
Shorts; 24 holes; Par 72
Longs; 24 holes; Par 72
Course A South Concho all play same tees; 18 holes; Par 54
Course B Middle Concho Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 54
Course D Temp Course Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 54
Gonzo Liberty Battle - All Adv and All Rec divisionsC28-Apr-2012MA1167866YesYes
Gonzo Liberty Battle - All Adv and All Rec divisionsC28-Apr-2012MA1254988YesYes
Weatherford RampageC31-Mar-2012MA1170942YesYes
Weatherford RampageC31-Mar-2012MA1276943YesYes
10th Annual Crush on the ConchoC/B10-Mar to 11-Mar-2012MA1167896YesYes
10th Annual Crush on the ConchoC/B10-Mar to 11-Mar-2012MA1263921YesYes
10th Annual Crush on the ConchoC/B10-Mar to 11-Mar-2012MA1373788YesNo