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Andrew Hammond #56129

Andrew Hammond #56129

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Pool E: Camp Kearney - Camp Kearney Long; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,785 ft.
Pool E: Wildlife Prairie Park - Wildlife-MA40; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,244 ft.
Pool E: Kennel Lake - Kennel Lake; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,749 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - hazel 20 holes, 18 competition plus A&B short to all yellow; 20 holes; Par 60; 5,193 ft.
DISC at Fall Creek - FC 24 short tees hco 2021 (skip 4,5,6); 24 holes; Par 76; 6,688 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - Shorts to yellow, long on 9; 19 holes; Par 57; 6,200 ft.
Dr. James A. Dillon Park - Evens Long Dillon; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,800 ft.
Elwood Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,400 ft.
Elwood Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,400 ft.
Honey Bear Hollow Campgrounds - Honey Bear Hollow Campgrounds Indiana Fall Series 2021 (Ams); 26 holes; Par 78; 5,876 ft.
Honey Bear Hollow Campgrounds - Honey Bear Hollow Campgrounds Indiana Fall Series 2021 (Ams); 26 holes; Par 78; 5,876 ft.
Elwood Disc Golf Course - EDGE of Insanity; 24 holes; Par 72; 5,401 ft.
Elwood Disc Golf Course - EDGE of Insanity; 24 holes; Par 72; 5,401 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - hazel 20 holes, 18 competition plus A&B short to all yellow; 20 holes; Par 60; 5,295 ft.
DISC at Fall Creek - FC 27 short tees hco 2021; 27 holes; Par 86; 7,224 ft.
Dr. James A. Dillon Park - 18 holes long tees, start on 10, mixed pins; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,032 ft.
France Park - Fall Frenzy short pads mixed pins; 24 holes; Par 72; 5,555 ft.
France Park - Fall Frenzy short pads mixed pins; 24 holes; Par 72; 5,555 ft.
Lions Club Park - Default 24 Hole Layout; 24 holes; Par 74; 6,524 ft.
Lions Club Park - Default 24 Hole Layout; 24 holes; Par 74; 6,524 ft.
Moser Park - Short Tees MMT Layout; 23 holes; Par 69; 4,435 ft.
Moser Park - Short Tees MMT Layout; 23 holes; Par 69; 4,435 ft.
George Washington Park - Fall Classic AM Layout Round 1; 25 holes; Par 75; 6,228 ft.
George Washington Park - Fall Classic AM Layout Round 2; 25 holes; Par 75; 6,234 ft.
Highland Park - COF Throwdown 2021 AMS; 24 holes; Par 73; 7,138 ft.
Highland Park - COF Throwdown 2021 AMS; 24 holes; Par 73; 7,138 ft.
Pool E: Megiddo Disc Golf Course - Westwood; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,683 ft.
Pool E: Wildlife Prairie Park - Wildlife-MA40; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,244 ft.
Northwood Black - Black Short; 18 holes; Par 68; 8,818 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - Odds long even short, Short on 2.5, hole A, Blue on 2,6; 20 holes; Par 60; 7,200 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - even long odds short except 9. 2.5 short Hole A. Blue basket hole 8 and 12; 20 holes; Par 60; 7,200 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - Hazel short pads; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,000 ft.
Sahm Park - Sahm short; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,295 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - Hazel short pads; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,000 ft.
McCulloch Disc Golf Course - A layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,287 ft.
McCulloch Disc Golf Course - B layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,345 ft.
Dr. James A. Dillon Park - Evens Long Dillon ; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,800 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - Hazel Landing all short pads except 9; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,800 ft.
Deer Run Disc Golf Course - WIFFS Deer Run 2021; 21 holes; Par 63; 5,885 ft.
Deer Run Disc Golf Course - WIFFS Deer Run 2021; 21 holes; Par 63; 5,885 ft.
Honey Bear Hollow Campgrounds - Indiana Fall Series 2020 (Ams); 30 holes; Par 90; 6,484 ft.
Honey Bear Hollow Campgrounds - Indiana Fall Series 2020 (Ams); 30 holes; Par 90; 6,484 ft.
Elwood Disc Golf Course - EOI Short tees F, 10, 15; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,300 ft.
Elwood Disc Golf Course - EOI Short tees F, 10, 15; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,300 ft.
Lions Club Park - 2020 YTO Tiger Fight, White Layout; 20 holes; Par 62; 5,758 ft.
Lions Club Park - 2020 YTO Tiger Fight, White Layout; 20 holes; Par 62; 5,758 ft.
France Park - New Covid Short Layout; 25 holes; Par 75; 6,096 ft.
France Park - New Covid Short Layout; 25 holes; Par 75; 6,096 ft.
Brookside Park - 2020 CFO AM SHORT; 21 holes; Par 66; 7,077 ft.
Brookside Park - 2020 CFO AM SHORT; 21 holes; Par 66; 7,077 ft.
Mastodon Disc Golf Course at Purdue - 2020 FWOO (Woods); 18 holes; Par 59; 5,580 ft.
2020 FWOO (Temps); 18 holes; Par 58; 6,240 ft.
George Washington Park - Fall Classic Par 74; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,393 ft.
George Washington Park - Fall Classic Par 74; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,393 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - hazel 20 holes, 18 competition plus A&B short to all yellow; 20 holes; Par 60; 5,335 ft.
DISC at Fall Creek - FC 27 short tees hco 2020; 27 holes; Par 86; 8,400 ft.
Dr. James A. Dillon Park - 18 holes short tees, start on 10, mixed pins; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,675 ft.
Highland Park - Tournament Layout (am3,am60,fa1); 24 holes; Par 72; 6,193 ft.
Highland Park - Tournament Layout (am3,am60,fa1); 24 holes; Par 72; 6,193 ft.
Elwood Disc Golf Course - Elwood short layout; 24 holes; Par 72; 5,600 ft.
Sanders Memorial Disc Golf Course - Anderson Short Pads; 24 holes; Par 72; 5,600 ft.
Dr. James A. Dillon Park - Short pads Dillon; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,500 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - short pads and modified 6; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,200 ft.
Sahm Park - Sahm short; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,000 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - Hazel Shorts; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,800 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - Blues Hazel; 19 holes; Par 57; 5,500 ft.
Dr. James A. Dillon Park - Dillon EvensLong; 20 holes; Par 60; 5,800 ft.
George Washington Park - Default Layout; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,700 ft.
George Washington Park - Default Layout; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,700 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - hco best layout short tees to yellow; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,055 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - hco best layout short tees to yellow; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,055 ft.
Lemon Lake County Park - Gold - Rec.; 18 holes; Par 64; 8,266 ft.
Lemon Lake County Park - Red - Default Layout - Long 7 & 18; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,246 ft.
Brookside Park - 30th Checkered Flag AM Layout Short Brookside; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,199 ft.
George Washington Park - Checkered Flag Layout Washington Park; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,497 ft.
Dr. James A. Dillon Park - Odds long even short; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,723 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - Odds long even short; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,565 ft.
Dr. James A. Dillon Park - Odds Short Evens Long; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,723 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - Odds short evens long; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,565 ft.
Brookside Park - Longs (22 hole layout); 22 holes; Par 72; 8,561 ft.
Brookside Park - Longs (22 hole layout); 22 holes; Par 72; 8,561 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - Saint and Knight Layout; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,742 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - C-Tier Layout Int/Rec/Jr; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,198 ft.
Hazel Landing Park - C-Tier Layout Int/Rec/Jr; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,198 ft.
France Park - Longs; 25 holes; Par 75; 7,500 ft.
France Park - Longs; 25 holes; Par 75; 7,500 ft.
Standard 18 hole layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,923 ft.
Standard 18 hole layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,923 ft.
Brookside Park - shorts; 21 holes; Par 65; 7,214 ft.
Brookside Park - shorts; 21 holes; Par 65; 7,214 ft.
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 61
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 61
Default Layout; 25 holes; Par 75
Default Layout; 25 holes; Par 75
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Temporary Course; 18 holes; Par 58
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 61
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 61
Brookside 25 Short; 25 holes; Par 76
Brookside 25 Short; 25 holes; Par 76
2015 HCO IntRec; 24 holes; Par 72
2015 HCO IntRec; 24 holes; Par 72
Murdock White; 18 holes; Par 56
McAllister Blue; 18 holes; Par 63
Seviren Lang long 4 temps; 22 holes; Par 73
Seviren Lang long 4 temps; 22 holes; Par 73
Brrokside XL Longs; 25 holes; Par 78
Brookside XL Shorts; 25 holes; Par 76
2022 Discraft's Ledgestone OpenA12-Aug to 14-Aug-2022MA40162894YesYes
2022 Discraft's Ledgestone OpenA12-Aug to 14-Aug-2022MA40270887YesYes
2022 Discraft's Ledgestone OpenA12-Aug to 14-Aug-2022MA40368869YesYes
The 10TH Anniversary Hamilton County Open - presented by Chubb Disc Golf, fueled by Feazel roofingB7-May to 8-May-2022MA2165860YesYes
The 10TH Anniversary Hamilton County Open - presented by Chubb Disc Golf, fueled by Feazel roofingB7-May to 8-May-2022MA2280856YesYes
Tournament 2022 Tournament 2022 (MA2, MA3, MA40)C/B3-Apr-2022MA2154944YesYes
Tournament 2022 Tournament 2022 (MA2, MA3, MA40)C/B3-Apr-2022MA2254910YesYes
Dream Flight (MA2, MA3, MA4, MA40)C/B13-Mar-2022MA2153943YesYes
Dream Flight (MA2, MA3, MA4, MA40)C/B13-Mar-2022MA2263831YesYes
Honeybear Hollow IFS Finale 2021C14-Nov-2021MA2179850YesYes
Honeybear Hollow IFS Finale 2021C14-Nov-2021MA2271924YesYes
Edge of Insanity C31-Oct-2021MA2179842YesYes
Edge of Insanity C31-Oct-2021MA2268942YesYes
hamilton county open IX - presented by chubb disc golfB23-Oct to 24-Oct-2021MA40168821YesYes
hamilton county open IX - presented by chubb disc golfB23-Oct to 24-Oct-2021MA40285870YesYes
hamilton county open IX - presented by chubb disc golfB23-Oct to 24-Oct-2021MA40377718YesNo
France Park Fall FrenzyC17-Oct-2021MA2168905YesYes
France Park Fall FrenzyC17-Oct-2021MA2272865YesYes
The Drew Naffziger Memorial, 5th Annual Yorktown OpenC10-Oct-2021MA2172905YesYes
The Drew Naffziger Memorial, 5th Annual Yorktown OpenC10-Oct-2021MA2277860YesYes
Magical Mystery Tour-nament (IFS #3)C26-Sep-2021MA2159957YesYes
Magical Mystery Tour-nament (IFS #3)C26-Sep-2021MA2263915YesYes
Indy Fall ClassicC19-Sep-2021MA2169911YesYes
Indy Fall ClassicC19-Sep-2021MA2272899YesYes
C.O.F. Throwdown 2021 IFS #1C29-Aug-2021MA2170918YesYes
C.O.F. Throwdown 2021 IFS #1C29-Aug-2021MA2271909YesYes
Discraft Ledgestone Insurance Open presented by GRIPeqA6-Aug to 8-Aug-2021MA40163889NoNo
Discraft Ledgestone Insurance Open presented by GRIPeqA6-Aug to 8-Aug-2021MA40274851NoNo
Ledgestone Flex - Northwood BlackC5-Aug-2021MA40189852NoNo
No More Monkey Business 2021 B24-Jul-2021MA2163932NoNo
No More Monkey Business 2021 B24-Jul-2021MA2272865NoNo
39th Annual Back to the FutureC/B15-May to 16-May-2021MA2152932NoNo
39th Annual Back to the FutureC/B15-May to 16-May-2021MA2247935NoNo
39th Annual Back to the FutureC/B15-May to 16-May-2021MA2350956NoNo
Muncie Spring ShowdownC4-Apr-2021MA2160849NoNo
Muncie Spring ShowdownC4-Apr-2021MA2258888NoNo
WIFFS#16 The Nashville Chill sponsored by Westside DiscsC7-Mar-2021MA40163867NoNo
WIFFS#16 The Nashville Chill sponsored by Westside DiscsC7-Mar-2021MA40263867NoNo
Indiana Fall Series Finale IFS #7C8-Nov-2020MA3183889NoNo
Indiana Fall Series Finale IFS #7C8-Nov-2020MA3286863NoNo
Edge of Insanity C1-Nov-2020MA3176870NoNo
Edge of Insanity C1-Nov-2020MA3271915NoNo
The Drew Naffziger Memorial, 4th Annual Yorktown Open 2020 -Driven by InnovaC24-Oct-2020MA3166889NoNo
The Drew Naffziger Memorial, 4th Annual Yorktown Open 2020 -Driven by InnovaC24-Oct-2020MA3266889NoNo
France Park OpenC18-Oct-2020MA3173926NoNo
France Park OpenC18-Oct-2020MA3274918NoNo
31st Checkered Flag Open - AmB4-Oct-2020MA3171868NoNo
31st Checkered Flag Open - AmB4-Oct-2020MA3267905NoNo
Fort Wayne Outfitters Open (IFS #3)C27-Sep-2020MA3155959NoNo
Fort Wayne Outfitters Open (IFS #3)C27-Sep-2020MA3258907NoNo
Indy Fall ClassicC13-Sep-2020MA3167917NoNo
Indy Fall ClassicC13-Sep-2020MA3272867NoNo
The Hamilton County Open - presented by Chubb Disc Golf B5-Sep to 6-Sep-2020MA3161897NoNo
The Hamilton County Open - presented by Chubb Disc Golf B5-Sep to 6-Sep-2020MA3284895NoNo
The Hamilton County Open - presented by Chubb Disc Golf B5-Sep to 6-Sep-2020MA3351893NoNo
C.O.F Throwdown at HighlandC23-Aug-2020MA3164945NoNo
C.O.F Throwdown at HighlandC23-Aug-2020MA3264945NoNo
2020 Madison County OpenB1-Aug-2020MA3177845NoNo
2020 Madison County OpenB1-Aug-2020MA3273866NoNo
Third Annual No More Monkey Business Day TwoB26-Jul-2020MA3160838NoNo
Third Annual No More Monkey Business Day TwoB26-Jul-2020MA3256908NoNo
Third Annual No More Monkey Business Day OneB25-Jul-2020MA3162854NoNo
Third Annual No More Monkey Business Day OneB25-Jul-2020MA3261879NoNo
Back to the FutureC/B21-Jun-2020MA3158905NoNo
Back to the FutureC/B21-Jun-2020MA3264843NoNo
Indy Fall ClassicC15-Sep-2019MA3174865NoNo
Indy Fall ClassicC15-Sep-2019MA3266942NoNo
The Hamilton County Open VII - AM1, AM MASTERS, AM3, AM WOMEN, JUNIORS presented by the HDGU and CHUBB DISC GOLFB8-Sep-2019MA3161860NoNo
The Hamilton County Open VII - AM1, AM MASTERS, AM3, AM WOMEN, JUNIORS presented by the HDGU and CHUBB DISC GOLFB8-Sep-2019MA3261860NoNo
Indiana AM Championship Series - Event #1 - Lemon LakeC/B17-Aug-2019MA3180862NoNo
Indiana AM Championship Series - Event #1 - Lemon LakeC/B17-Aug-2019MA3267823NoNo
30th Checkered Flag Open (Am's)B10-Aug-2019MA3162847NoNo
30th Checkered Flag Open (Am's)B10-Aug-2019MA3250931NoNo
No More Monkey BusinessB20-Jul to 21-Jul-2019MA2149942NoNo
No More Monkey BusinessB20-Jul to 21-Jul-2019MA2265852NoNo
No More Monkey BusinessB20-Jul to 21-Jul-2019MA2349938NoNo
No More Monkey BusinessB20-Jul to 21-Jul-2019MA2468796NoNo
29th Checkered Flag Open Driven by INNOVA - All AM Divisions Except MA2B4-Aug-2018MA1185816NoNo
29th Checkered Flag Open Driven by INNOVA - All AM Divisions Except MA2B4-Aug-2018MA1281849NoNo
2018 NGT Qualifier - R3: Hazel Landing ParkC3-Jun-2018RAE159863NoNo
Walk In the Park OpenC15-Apr-2018MA3162875NoNo
Walk In the Park OpenC15-Apr-2018MA3262875NoNo
Barking Tree FrogC8-Apr-2018MA2185880NoNo
Barking Tree FrogC8-Apr-2018MA2289850NoNo
2nd Annual UnFrozen Open presented by Predator Disc SportsC25-Mar-2018MA2172793NoNo
2nd Annual UnFrozen Open presented by Predator Disc SportsC25-Mar-2018MA2265862NoNo
28th Checkered Flag Open - All Pros & MA2B13-Aug-2017MA2171845NoNo
28th Checkered Flag Open - All Pros & MA2B13-Aug-2017MA2269865NoNo
Hamilton County Open - Jr, Int, RecB24-Jun-2017MA2158905NoNo
Hamilton County Open - Jr, Int, RecB24-Jun-2017MA2259895NoNo
Seviren Lang Memorial Presented by Innova - Pro & IntB17-Jun-2017MA2166883NoNo
Seviren Lang Memorial Presented by Innova - Pro & IntB17-Jun-2017MA2268865NoNo
33rd Annual Circus City Open - AmsB10-Jun-2017MA2171873NoNo
33rd Annual Circus City Open - AmsB10-Jun-2017MA2273853NoNo
Gentleman's Tern Presented by Innova Disc GolfB28-May-2017MA2165838NoNo
Gentleman's Tern Presented by Innova Disc GolfB28-May-2017MA2261885NoNo
Buffalo Trace Open - Adv & RecC30-Apr-2017MA3168873NoNo
Buffalo Trace Open - Adv & RecC30-Apr-2017MA3274818NoNo
Checkered Flag Open sponsored by Innova DiscsB19-Sep-2015MA2178869NoNo
Checkered Flag Open sponsored by Innova DiscsB19-Sep-2015MA2281842NoNo
The Hamilton County Open Presented by Union Brewery - Int/RecB2-Aug-2015MA2177834NoNo
The Hamilton County Open Presented by Union Brewery - Int/RecB2-Aug-2015MA2275854NoNo
People's Brewing Co. presents The Greater Lafayette OpenB30-May-2015MA2155910NoNo
People's Brewing Co. presents The Greater Lafayette OpenB30-May-2015MA2285752NoNo
5th Annual Seviren Lang Memorial - ISS #1B9-May-2015MA2176908NoNo
5th Annual Seviren Lang Memorial - ISS #1B9-May-2015MA2280877NoNo
Naptown Throwdown Parte Tres - Championship of the UniverseB27-Sep-2014MA2181898NoNo
Naptown Throwdown Parte Tres - Championship of the UniverseB27-Sep-2014MA2279874NoNo