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Zach Drehoff #56273

Zach Drehoff #56273

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Central Park Disc Golf Course - Central Short - Central Classic 2021; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,650 ft.
Central Park Disc Golf Course - Central Short - Central Classic 2021; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,650 ft.
Bud Hill - Original - Bud Hill Original ; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,389 ft.
Bud Hill - Ridge - Bud Hill Ridge; 18 holes; Par 54; 3,113 ft.
Short tees to long baskets; 18 holes; Par 54
Long tees to mixed baskets; 18 holes; Par 54
Back 18 (Short to Short); 18 holes; Par 54
Front 18 (Short to Short); 18 holes; Par 54
The Central Classic Presented by 1010 DiscsC17-Jul-2021MA3163786YesYes
The Central Classic Presented by 1010 DiscsC17-Jul-2021MA3261811YesYes
NADGT Exclusive @ Bud HillB15-May-2021MA3158850YesYes
NADGT Exclusive @ Bud HillB15-May-2021MA3252843YesYes
Equinox IIIC24-Sep-2016MA3175782NoNo
Equinox IIIC24-Sep-2016MA3271785NoNo
Druid Hill OpenC22-Aug-2015MA3171790NoNo
Druid Hill OpenC22-Aug-2015MA3257875NoNo