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Joe Michelini #58560

Joe Michelini #58560

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Friends of Punderson State Park Disc Golf Course - 27 holes long/blue round; 27 holes; Par 86
Friends of Punderson State Park Disc Golf Course - 27 holes Red round Long; 27 holes; Par 81
White Tees to Short baskets; 18 holes; Par 57
White tees to Long Baskets; 18 holes; Par 61
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Red Tee; 18 holes; Par 54
Signs to Long; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 65
Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 65
Red Long; 18 holes; Par 58
White Short; 18 holes; Par 57
Red Short; 18 holes; Par 54
Signs to Longs; 18 holes; Par 54
Whites to Longs; 18 holes; Par 54
Reds to Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54
Parma Open 2014; 21 holes; Par 63
Parma Open 2014; 21 holes; Par 63
Tournament Layout; 22 holes; Par 66
Tournament Layout; 22 holes; Par 66
REDS to SHORTS; 18 holes; Par 54
WHITES to SHORTS; 18 holes; Par 57
REDS to LONGS; 18 holes; Par 57
Reds to Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54
Whites to Longs; 18 holes; Par 54
Signs to Longs; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 60
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 60
21 parma open; 21 holes; Par 65
21 parma open; 21 holes; Par 65
Default Layout; 22 holes; Par 66
Default Layout; 22 holes; Par 66
Whites to Shorts; 18 holes; Par 57
Reds to Longs; 18 holes; Par 57
Reds to Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54
Signs to Longs; 18 holes; Par 54
Whites to Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54
Reds to Longs; 18 holes; Par 54
Pun's Labyrinth VIB22-Jul to 23-Jul-2017MA32106851YesYes
Pun's Labyrinth VIB22-Jul to 23-Jul-2017MA3195846YesYes
Puns Labyrinth VC23-Jul to 24-Jul-2016MA3372853YesYes
Puns Labyrinth VC23-Jul to 24-Jul-2016MA3281838YesYes
Puns Labyrinth VC23-Jul to 24-Jul-2016MA3162891YesYes
Discraft Shoot the Breeze OpenC4-Jun-2016MA3252906YesYes
Discraft Shoot the Breeze OpenC4-Jun-2016MA3160867YesYes
Frozen Toes Open 2015C5-Dec-2015MA3269829YesYes
Frozen Toes Open 2015C5-Dec-2015MA3165868YesYes
Parma Open 2015C10-Oct-2015MA2277849NoNo
Parma Open 2015C10-Oct-2015MA2179832NoNo
Puns Labyrinth IVC25-Jul to 26-Jul-2015MA3362882NoNo
Puns Labyrinth IVC25-Jul to 26-Jul-2015MA3276818NoNo
Puns Labyrinth IVC25-Jul to 26-Jul-2015MA3167777NoNo
Discraft Shoot the Breeze OpenC6-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MA3166853NoNo
Discraft Shoot the Breeze OpenC6-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MA3267848NoNo
Discraft Shoot the Breeze OpenC6-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MA3357803NoNo
Parma Open 2014C11-Oct-2014MA2278863NoNo
Parma Open 2014C11-Oct-2014MA2186798NoNo
2014 CLE RockC/B7-Sep-2014MA2179809NoNo
2014 CLE RockC/B7-Sep-2014MA2284762NoNo
Puns Labyrinth 3C26-Jul to 27-Jul-2014MA2162864NoNo
Puns Labyrinth 3C26-Jul to 27-Jul-2014MA2276811NoNo
Puns Labyrinth 3C26-Jul to 27-Jul-2014MA2366850NoNo
Discraft Shoot the Breeze OpenC/B7-Jun to 8-Jun-2014MA2356829NoNo
Discraft Shoot the Breeze OpenC/B7-Jun to 8-Jun-2014MA2266842NoNo
Discraft Shoot the Breeze OpenC/B7-Jun to 8-Jun-2014MA2168774NoNo
FFFT-Last Stop-HudsonC29-Mar-2014MA2166835NoNo
FFFT-Last Stop-HudsonC29-Mar-2014MA2270840NoNo
Frozen Fingers Fairway Tour - Event 4 - EuclidC9-Mar-2014MA2269858NoNo
Frozen Fingers Fairway Tour - Event 4 - EuclidC9-Mar-2014MA2172829NoNo
The Parma Open 2013C19-Oct-2013MA3286812NoNo
The Parma Open 2013C19-Oct-2013MA3186812NoNo
2013 Cleveland RockC/B1-Sep-2013MA3275831NoNo
2013 Cleveland RockC/B1-Sep-2013MA3184745NoNo
Pun's Labyrinth IIC27-Jul to 28-Jul-2013MA3381815NoNo
Pun's Labyrinth IIC27-Jul to 28-Jul-2013MA3279756NoNo
Pun's Labyrinth IIC27-Jul to 28-Jul-2013MA3164854NoNo
Discraft Shoot the Breeze OpenC/B1-Jun to 2-Jun-2013MA3166831NoNo
Discraft Shoot the Breeze OpenC/B1-Jun to 2-Jun-2013MA3365821NoNo
Discraft Shoot the Breeze OpenC/B1-Jun to 2-Jun-2013MA3264791NoNo