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Lyle Goodyear #58898

Lyle Goodyear #58898

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Jimmy Porter Park - JP; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,297 ft.
Greenbelt Park - Greenbelt; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,454 ft.
Jimmy Porter Park - JP; 18 holes; Par 55; 6,297 ft.
Lester Lorch Park - Coyote Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 55
odessa west; 21 holes; Par 63
odessa west; 21 holes; Par 63
odessa south; 21 holes; Par 63
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58
South Concho (Pool A & B); 18 holes; Par 56
Middle Concho Red; 18 holes; Par 55
Middle Concho Temp Course; 18 holes; Par 56
Mae Simmons Long; 18 holes; Par 56
Mackenzie Long; 21 holes; Par 68
Mackenzie Long; 21 holes; Par 68
Full 18 + 3 temp; 21 holes; Par 63
Full 18 + 3 temp; 21 holes; Par 63
New Longs to Longs; 18 holes; Par 63
Old Longs to Longs; 18 holes; Par 57
New Longs to Shorts; 18 holes; Par 60
Mae Simmons 2; 18 holes; Par 58
Mackenzie White; 22 holes; Par 66
Mae Simmons 1; 18 holes; Par 58
cameron park west; 18 holes; Par 54
hewitt; 18 holes; Par 59
cameron park west; 18 holes; Par 54
Longs 20; 20 holes; Par 65
Longs 18; 18 holes; Par 57
Longs 20; 20 holes; Par 65
Middle Concho Temp Course; 21 holes; Par 63
South Concho; 21 holes; Par 63
Middle Concho Reds; 21 holes; Par 63
Mac Long; 21 holes; Par 65
Mae Simmons; 18 holes; Par 57
Mac Long; 21 holes; Par 65
Pendaries Village DGC Long; 18 holes; Par 60
Pendaries Village DGC Long; 18 holes; Par 60
Pendaries Village DGC Long; 18 holes; Par 60
Grindstone Park DGC Long; 27 holes; Par 81
Grindstone Park DGC Long; 27 holes; Par 81
Will Hair Longs; 18 holes; Par 54
Cal Young Longs; 18 holes; Par 54
ACU Temp 18; 18 holes; Par 54
Mae Simmons; 18 holes; Par 54
Jones East; 18 holes; Par 62
Jones West; 18 holes; Par 57
Municipal; 18 holes; Par 60
Mackenzie Long; 21 holes; Par 65
Mae Simmons; 18 holes; Par 57
Mackenzie Short; 21 holes; Par 64
Alien City Open IV Layout A; 18 holes; Par 60
ACO IV Layout B; 18 holes; Par 57
ACO IV Layout C; 18 holes; Par 57
Sunday Temp Course; 21 holes; Par 63
Middle Concho; 21 holes; Par 63
Temp Course; 21 holes; Par 63
Mackenzie Short; 22 holes; Par 68
Mae Simmons; 18 holes; Par 58
Mae Simmons Short; 18 holes; Par 57
Pro Tees; 18 holes; Par 54
Pro Tees; 18 holes; Par 54
Pro Tees; 18 holes; Par 54
Round 3 Short Box; 22 holes; Par 66
Round 2 Short Box; 22 holes; Par 66
Round 1 Long Box; 22 holes; Par 66
Park Short; 18 holes; Par 54
Lake Short Short Tees; 18 holes; Par 54
Park Long; 18 holes; Par 54
Round 2 Short; 18 holes; Par 54
Round 3 short; 18 holes; Par 54
Round 1; 18 holes; Par 54
Short Layout; 18 holes; Par 62
Short Layout; 18 holes; Par 62
Short Layout; 18 holes; Par 62
2014 Old Glory Blue; 20 holes; Par 61
2014 Hogback; 20 holes; Par 60
Mae Simmons ; 18 holes; Par 57
MacKenzie Park White; 20 holes; Par 62
MacKenzie Park Red; 20 holes; Par 60
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 64
Grindstone Park DGC Short; 30 holes; Par 90
Grindstone Park DGC Short; 30 holes; Par 90
Default Layout; 24 holes; Par 72
Default Layout; 24 holes; Par 72
Default Layout; 24 holes; Par 72
Will Hair Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 57
Cal Young Long pins; 18 holes; Par 57
Will Hair Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 57
Short; 20 holes; Par 62
Short; 20 holes; Par 62
White Tees Rd 2; 27 holes; Par 88
White Tees Rd 1; 27 holes; Par 90
Park Int. Rec. Wmn. Jr.; 18 holes; Par 54
Lake Int. Rec. Wmn. Jr. Short ; 18 holes; Par 58
Park Int. Rec. Wmn. Jr.; 18 holes; Par 54
Dynamic Discs Presents the Carrollton Classic Sponsored by the Carrollton Evening Lions ClubB6-Oct to 7-Oct-2018MA2357910YesYes
Dynamic Discs Presents the Carrollton Classic Sponsored by the Carrollton Evening Lions ClubB6-Oct to 7-Oct-2018MA2254931YesYes
Dynamic Discs Presents the Carrollton Classic Sponsored by the Carrollton Evening Lions ClubB6-Oct to 7-Oct-2018MA2160877YesYes
Dynamic Discs Flex Start Friday @ CoyoteC9-Feb-2018MA2163886YesYes
Par-tee in the Petroplex presented by DISConnectB22-Apr to 23-Apr-2017MA1368902YesYes
Par-tee in the Petroplex presented by DISConnectB22-Apr to 23-Apr-2017MA1271874YesYes
Par-tee in the Petroplex presented by DISConnectB22-Apr to 23-Apr-2017MA1166909YesYes
Dynamic Discs Flex Start Friday @ Trophy ClubC7-Apr-2017MA2167873NoNo
15th Annual Crush on the ConchoB11-Mar to 12-Mar-2017MA1368881NoNo
15th Annual Crush on the ConchoB11-Mar to 12-Mar-2017MA1254975NoNo
15th Annual Crush on the ConchoB11-Mar to 12-Mar-2017MA1162879NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the 24th Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB19-Nov to 20-Nov-2016MA1257961NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the 24th Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB19-Nov to 20-Nov-2016MA1175916NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the 24th Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB19-Nov to 20-Nov-2016MA1376909NoNo
Top of Texas Disc Golf Presents: Boomtown Open IIB8-Oct to 9-Oct-2016MA1267931NoNo
Top of Texas Disc Golf Presents: Boomtown Open IIB8-Oct to 9-Oct-2016MA1169914NoNo
Art Elliott's Mayhem VI by Top of Texas Disc Golf + WGEB14-May to 15-May-2016MA1373932NoNo
Art Elliott's Mayhem VI by Top of Texas Disc Golf + WGEB14-May to 15-May-2016MA1261925NoNo
Art Elliott's Mayhem VI by Top of Texas Disc Golf + WGEB14-May to 15-May-2016MA1170893NoNo
Hub City Open presented by DISConnectB23-Apr to 24-Apr-2016MA1365883NoNo
Hub City Open presented by DISConnectB23-Apr to 24-Apr-2016MA1274915NoNo
Hub City Open presented by DISConnectB23-Apr to 24-Apr-2016MA1159937NoNo
Texas States Disc Golf ChampionshipsA15-Apr to 17-Apr-2016MA1174671NoNo
Texas States Disc Golf ChampionshipsA15-Apr to 17-Apr-2016MA1264845NoNo
Texas States Disc Golf ChampionshipsA15-Apr to 17-Apr-2016MA1356886NoNo
ACO VB19-Mar to 20-Mar-2016ma1364952NoNo
ACO VB19-Mar to 20-Mar-2016ma1160916NoNo
ACO VB19-Mar to 20-Mar-2016ma1267926NoNo
14th Annual Crush on the ConchoB12-Mar to 13-Mar-2016MA1268902NoNo
14th Annual Crush on the ConchoB12-Mar to 13-Mar-2016MA1167950NoNo
14th Annual Crush on the ConchoB12-Mar to 13-Mar-2016MA1383886NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the 23rd Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB21-Nov to 22-Nov-2015MA1185874NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the 23rd Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB21-Nov to 22-Nov-2015MA1261927NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the 23rd Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB21-Nov to 22-Nov-2015MA1372941NoNo
Pendaries Fall ClassicB24-Oct to 25-Oct-2015ma1173879NoNo
Pendaries Fall ClassicB24-Oct to 25-Oct-2015ma1269912NoNo
Pendaries Fall ClassicB24-Oct to 25-Oct-2015ma1365945NoNo
27th NEW MEXICO STATE DISC GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPSB22-Aug to 23-Aug-2015ma1285925NoNo
27th NEW MEXICO STATE DISC GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPSB22-Aug to 23-Aug-2015ma1186919NoNo
Hyzerbomb Discs presents Abilene DGA's Wild HairB20-Jun to 21-Jun-2015MA1362871NoNo
Hyzerbomb Discs presents Abilene DGA's Wild HairB20-Jun to 21-Jun-2015MA1261918NoNo
Hyzerbomb Discs presents Abilene DGA's Wild HairB20-Jun to 21-Jun-2015MA1161915NoNo
Amarillo Summer League AL30-May to 1-Aug-2015MA1960917NoNo
Dynamic Discs Glass Blown Open sponsored by Latitude 64A30-Apr to 2-May-2015MA2166911NoNo
Dynamic Discs Glass Blown Open sponsored by Latitude 64A30-Apr to 2-May-2015MA2258913NoNo
Dynamic Discs Glass Blown Open sponsored by Latitude 64A30-Apr to 2-May-2015MA2368914NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the Hub City Open: A Maple Hill QualifierB18-Apr to 19-Apr-2015MA2360922NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the Hub City Open: A Maple Hill QualifierB18-Apr to 19-Apr-2015MA2260928NoNo
Dynamic Discs Presents the Hub City Open: A Maple Hill QualifierB18-Apr to 19-Apr-2015MA2161912NoNo
Alien City Open IVC28-Mar to 29-Mar-2015MA2151965NoNo
Alien City Open IVC28-Mar to 29-Mar-2015MA2258908NoNo
Alien City Open IVC28-Mar to 29-Mar-2015MA2366861NoNo
Crush On The ConchoC/B14-Mar to 15-Mar-2015MA2358892NoNo
Crush On The ConchoC/B14-Mar to 15-Mar-2015MA2266892NoNo
Crush On The ConchoC/B14-Mar to 15-Mar-2015MA2165855NoNo
Chasin' The Chains Presents The 2nd Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB6-Dec to 7-Dec-2014MA2258912NoNo
Chasin' The Chains Presents The 2nd Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB6-Dec to 7-Dec-2014MA2165875NoNo
Chasin' The Chains Presents The 2nd Annual Big Arms on the BrazosB6-Dec to 7-Dec-2014MA2358942NoNo
2014 Toss UpC8-Nov to 9-Nov-2014MA2362947NoNo
2014 Toss UpC8-Nov to 9-Nov-2014MA2264880NoNo
2014 Toss UpC8-Nov to 9-Nov-2014MA2170858NoNo
3rd Annual BasherpaloozaC11-Oct to 12-Oct-2014MA2365916NoNo
3rd Annual BasherpaloozaC11-Oct to 12-Oct-2014MA2258954NoNo
3rd Annual BasherpaloozaC11-Oct to 12-Oct-2014MA2176897NoNo
West Texas Disc Golf Champions TournamentB4-Oct to 5-Oct-2014MA2155865NoNo
West Texas Disc Golf Champions TournamentB4-Oct to 5-Oct-2014MA2257944NoNo
West Texas Disc Golf Champions TournamentB4-Oct to 5-Oct-2014MA2359862NoNo
The 3rd Annual Tornado OpenB23-Aug to 24-Aug-2014MA2250943NoNo
The 3rd Annual Tornado OpenB23-Aug to 24-Aug-2014MA2355896NoNo
The 3rd Annual Tornado OpenB23-Aug to 24-Aug-2014MA2153900NoNo presents: The New Mexico Open at Camp Of The Tall PinesB9-Aug to 10-Aug-2014MA2356957NoNo presents: The New Mexico Open at Camp Of The Tall PinesB9-Aug to 10-Aug-2014MA2260918NoNo presents: The New Mexico Open at Camp Of The Tall PinesB9-Aug to 10-Aug-2014MA2158938NoNo
National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships - IndividualXM16-Apr to 19-Apr-2014MA1271836NoNo
National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships - IndividualXM16-Apr to 19-Apr-2014MA1175843NoNo
Chasin' the Chains Presents Big Arms on the BrazosB2-Nov to 3-Nov-2013MA2370838NoNo
Chasin' the Chains Presents Big Arms on the BrazosB2-Nov to 3-Nov-2013MA2259984NoNo
Chasin' the Chains Presents Big Arms on the BrazosB2-Nov to 3-Nov-2013MA2151949NoNo
Texas Collegiate Championship - Individual ResultsC26-Oct to 27-Oct-2013MA1177923NoNo
25th New Mexico State ChampionshipsB24-Aug to 25-Aug-2013MA2185900NoNo
25th New Mexico State ChampionshipsB24-Aug to 25-Aug-2013MA2282925NoNo
6th Annual Lighthouse On The PlainsB20-Jul to 21-Jul-2013MA2382919NoNo
6th Annual Lighthouse On The PlainsB20-Jul to 21-Jul-2013MA2173924NoNo
6th Annual Lighthouse On The PlainsB20-Jul to 21-Jul-2013MA2282924NoNo
The 10th Annual Abilene Wild HairB22-Jun to 23-Jun-2013MA1366921NoNo
The 10th Annual Abilene Wild HairB22-Jun to 23-Jun-2013MA1265908NoNo
The 10th Annual Abilene Wild HairB22-Jun to 23-Jun-2013MA1176835NoNo
Bicentennial MajesticC1-Jun-2013MA2162925NoNo
Bicentennial MajesticC1-Jun-2013MA2260944NoNo
Art Elliott's Mayhem IIIC18-May to 19-May-2013MA2283939NoNo
Art Elliott's Mayhem IIIC18-May to 19-May-2013MA2197904NoNo
West Texas DiscGolf Champions TournamentB13-Apr to 14-Apr-2013MA2353920NoNo
West Texas DiscGolf Champions TournamentB13-Apr to 14-Apr-2013MA2259956NoNo
West Texas DiscGolf Champions TournamentB13-Apr to 14-Apr-2013MA2152932NoNo