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Moses Beckman #58949

Moses Beckman #58949

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 93
Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 93
Edmund Orgil Lakeside; 18 holes; Par 62
Valentine Mix Course #1 and #2; 18 holes; Par 56
Valentine Course # 1; 18 holes; Par 54
Longs; 18 holes; Par 60
Longs; 18 holes; Par 60
Longs; 18 holes; Par 60
Week9; 19 holes; Par 57
Week9; 19 holes; Par 57
dogwood; 19 holes; Par 57
dogwood; 19 holes; Par 57
dogwood; 19 holes; Par 57
Week 3; 19 holes; Par 57
Week 3; 19 holes; Par 57
Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 81
Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 86
Frozen Chains 2 Layout; 20 holes; Par 66
Frozen Chains 2 Layout; 20 holes; Par 66
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Half and Half; 18 holes; Par 54
Bud Hill; 18 holes; Par 54
Valentine Back Course; 18 holes; Par 54
Valentine Front Course; 18 holes; Par 54
Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54
Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54
Dogwood; 18 holes; Par 56
Dogwood; 18 holes; Par 56
Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54
Dogwood; 18 holes; Par 56
Dogwood 10 11 Together; 18 holes; Par 57
Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54
Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54
Kentucky State ChampionshipsB27-Sep to 28-Sep-2014MPO285975YesYes
Kentucky State ChampionshipsB27-Sep to 28-Sep-2014MPO188977YesYes
10 Annual Copper Hills ClassicC20-Sep to 21-Sep-2014MPO365893YesNo
10 Annual Copper Hills ClassicC20-Sep to 21-Sep-2014MPO250933YesYes
10 Annual Copper Hills ClassicC20-Sep to 21-Sep-2014MPO151918YesYes
Alabama Disc Golf Championship 7 + WGEA10-May to 11-May-2014MA1163971NoNo
Alabama Disc Golf Championship 7 + WGEA10-May to 11-May-2014MA1370913NoNo
Alabama Disc Golf Championship 7 + WGEA10-May to 11-May-2014MA1272872NoNo
Circle 3 leagues @ OrgillL25-Mar to 27-May-2014MA11050983NoNo
Circle 3 leagues @ OrgillL25-Mar to 27-May-2014MA1953949NoNo
Circle 3 leagues @ OrgillL25-Mar to 27-May-2014MA1761915NoNo
Circle 3 leagues @ OrgillL25-Mar to 27-May-2014MA1655974NoNo
Circle 3 leagues @ OrgillL25-Mar to 27-May-2014MA1556978NoNo
Circle 3 leagues @ OrgillL25-Mar to 27-May-2014MA1360905NoNo
Circle 3 leagues @ OrgillL25-Mar to 27-May-2014MA1459915NoNo
Battle Benny 3C22-Mar-2014MA1162981NoNo
Battle Benny 2C15-Feb-2014MA1189972NoNo
Frozen Chains II The Day of InfamyC7-Dec-2013MPO167975NoNo
Frozen Chains II The Day of InfamyC7-Dec-2013MPO272908NoNo
The Clash-presented by Grass Roots Disc GolfC30-Jun-2013MA2158854NoNo
The Clash-presented by Grass Roots Disc GolfC30-Jun-2013MA2255890NoNo
Circle 3 Disc Golf Thursday's at the FarmL30-May to 2-Aug-2013MA2159885NoNo
Tri-Sate Open Presented by Grass Roots Disc Golf and Circle 3B20-Apr to 21-Apr-2013MA2261881NoNo
Tri-Sate Open Presented by Grass Roots Disc Golf and Circle 3B20-Apr to 21-Apr-2013MA2359902NoNo
Tri-Sate Open Presented by Grass Roots Disc Golf and Circle 3B20-Apr to 21-Apr-2013MA2152894NoNo
Circle 3 Disc Golf Singles at OrgillL19-Mar to 21-May-2013MA2360851NoNo
Circle 3 Disc Golf Singles at OrgillL19-Mar to 21-May-2013MA2450967NoNo
Circle 3 Disc Golf Singles at OrgillL19-Mar to 21-May-2013MA21062882NoNo
Circle 3 Disc Golf Singles at OrgillL19-Mar to 21-May-2013MA2959912NoNo
Circle 3 Disc Golf Singles at OrgillL19-Mar to 21-May-2013MA2252944NoNo
Circle 3 Disc Golf Singles at OrgillL19-Mar to 21-May-2013MA2862882NoNo
Circle 3 Disc Golf Singles at OrgillL19-Mar to 21-May-2013MA2756964NoNo
Circle 3 Disc Golf Singles at OrgillL19-Mar to 21-May-2013MA2654921NoNo
Circle 3 Disc Golf Singles at OrgillL19-Mar to 21-May-2013MA2551955NoNo