7 | 125.00 | Smooth Series #1 : Highland Park - FPO, MP40, MP50, MA1, MA3, FA1, FA3, MA50 | C | 25-Mar-2023 |
10 | 135.00 | Fraction Run Cup 5 | C | 01-Apr to 02-Apr-2023 |
19 | 135.00 | 2023 WIIL Border Championship, presented by DG Itch & Discontinuum DGC - Pro, Adv, Age-Protected | B | 21-May-2023 |
2 | 80.00 | Birthday Flex | C | 02-Jun-2023 |
12 | 10.00 | Every Fourth FLEX | C | 07-Jul-2023 |
5 | 270.00 | Clash at The Canyons VII | B | 08-Jul to 09-Jul-2023 |
39 | 202.50 | 41st Illinois State Disc Golf Championships | B | 22-Jul to 23-Jul-2023 |
8 | 127.50 | IOS #120 Oswego Open presented by Fox Valley Metro DGC - FPO/MP40/MP50/MA1/MA3/FA1/FA3/MA50/MA60/MA70 | B | 20-Aug-2023 |
7 | 255.00 | 29th Northwoods Open at Sandy Point Disc Golf Ranch - Driven by Innova Discs | B | 02-Sep to 03-Sep-2023 |
15 | 10.00 | Fundraising flex for Kelly Moore Gossett | C | 20-Oct-2023 |
7 | 120.00 | Black Friday Flex | C | 24-Nov-2023 |