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Chris Browning #59809

Chris Browning #59809

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Greg Carter Memorial Course - Black Friday Flex; 18 holes; Par 54; 3,977 ft.
Pinson Bicentennial Park - Cupcake Kickoff 2024; 18 holes; Par 54; 3,834 ft.
John Lemaster Memorial Disc Golf Course - AL Team Challenge - Singles; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,257 ft.
John Lemaster Memorial Disc Golf Course - Regular Tee; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,169 ft.
Magnolia Links - Iron Thrown 5 - Series Finale; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,128 ft.
George Ward Park - Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,613 ft.
Pinson Bicentennial Park - Tour De Ham - FSF; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,238 ft.
Greg Carter Memorial Course - 2023 Iron Thrown Event #4; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,150 ft.
George Ward Park - Red White & Boom; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,698 ft.
George Ward Park - B Rotation; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,481 ft.
Magnolia Links - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,144 ft.
Inverness Disc Golf Park - TDH Mixed Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 3,999 ft.
Pinson Bicentennial Park - Tour De Ham - FSF; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,238 ft.
George Ward Park - George Ward ; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,805 ft.
John Lemaster Memorial Disc Golf Course - John Lemaster at Civitan; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,018 ft.
Inverness Disc Golf Park - Inverness Mega Bowl Long Blue ; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,883 ft.
John Lemaster Memorial Disc Golf Course - 2023 Iron Thrown Flex Series Event 2; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,018 ft.
Inverness Disc Golf Park - BlueTees to B Position Except Hole 5; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,267 ft.
Magnolia Links - GPPS 4; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,128 ft.
Inverness Disc Golf Park - Red Tees to A Positions; 18 holes; Par 56; 4,237 ft.
Magnolia Links - Magnolia Links - DDIC League; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,128 ft.
Magnolia Links - Magnolia Links - DDIC League; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,128 ft.
Magnolia Links - Magnolia Links - DDIC League; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,128 ft.
George Ward Park - George Ward - Basket Rotation C; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,779 ft.
John Lemaster Memorial Disc Golf Course - IronThrown Finale Civitan; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,267 ft.
Greg Carter Memorial Disc Golf Course - IronThrown Finale Carter; 18 holes; Par 54; 3,930 ft.
John Lemaster Memorial Disc Golf Course - MPO and MA1 Layout; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,225 ft.
Magnolia Links - IT5 - Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,066 ft.
John Lemaster Memorial Disc Golf Course - J. Lemaster @ Civitan Park - Mega Bowl 2021; 19 holes; Par 62; 6,976 ft.
Clay Disc Golf Course - Clay DGC- Mega Bowl 2021 - Blue; 19 holes; Par 59; 7,076 ft.
Pinson Bicentennial Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 3,833 ft.
Inverness Disc Golf Park - Inverness Mega Bowl Long Blue Rd2; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,935 ft.
Inverness Disc Golf Park - Blue Tees - Mega Bowl Layout; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,814 ft.
Greg Carter Memorial Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 3,998 ft.
George Ward Park - 2021 IronThrown Series Event 1; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,354 ft.
Bowers Park - Title Town Classic - The Rematch; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,900 ft.
Ol' Colony Disc Golf Course - Title Town Classic - The Rematch; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,700 ft.
Inverness Disc Golf Park - Red; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,436 ft.
Inverness Disc Golf Park - Blue; 18 holes; Par 62; 7,088 ft.
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Clay Pro 19; 19 holes; Par 58
Lakeview 18; 18 holes; Par 57
Inverness Pro Long; 18 holes; Par 59
2014 Hogback; 20 holes; Par 60
2014 Old Glory Blue; 20 holes; Par 61
Bowers Red C; 18 holes; Par 54
Bowers Red C; 18 holes; Par 54
Sioux Passage Medium 585 Layout; 18 holes; Par 59
Rotation B; 18 holes; Par 54
Bowers Black Custom; 18 holes; Par 55
Bowers Red Custom; 18 holes; Par 54
Bowers - Custom Short 4044; 18 holes; Par 54
Bowers Red Short; 18 holes; Par 54
Bowers Red A; 18 holes; Par 55
Bowers Red B; 18 holes; Par 54
Bowers Red B; 18 holes; Par 54
Palmore Blue B; 18 holes; Par 59
Bowers Red A; 18 holes; Par 55
Palmore Blue Custom; 18 holes; Par 59
Bowers Red A; 18 holes; Par 55
Palmore Blue Tees (Short 1,2,3,5,6,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18); 18 holes; Par 58
Bowers Red Tees C Position; 18 holes; Par 54
Bowers Red Tees C Position; 18 holes; Par 54
Palmore Blue (A tees 2,12,13,14,16) B all other; 18 holes; Par 58
Bowers White C position; 18 holes; Par 54
Palmore Blue Tees (1,2 long); 18 holes; Par 58
Black Friday Flex + Glow presented by Disc in the Dark & Iron City DiscsC29-Nov-2024MPO148960YesYes
2024 Cupcake KickoffC31-Aug-2024MA1140993YesYes
Alabama Team Challenge - SinglesXB17-Aug to 18-Aug-2024MA1160922YesYes
The Pre-Game Flex @ Civitan ParkC31-Dec-2023MPO155959YesYes
2023 Iron Thrown Series Event #5C23-Sep to 24-Sep-2023MA1142994YesYes
Flex Start Friday - Never Ending Summer TourL11-Aug to 22-Sep-2023MA1343970YesYes
Flex Start Friday - Never Ending Summer TourL11-Aug to 22-Sep-2023MA1242965YesYes
2023 Iron Thrown Series Event #4C8-Jul to 9-Jul-2023MA1154884YesNo
Red, White & Boom! Independence Day Flex Start by Dynamic Discs Iron CityC4-Jul-2023MA1148971NoNo
2023 Iron Thrown Series Event #3C20-May to 21-May-2023MA1151941NoNo
Tour De Ham presented by Dynamic Discs Iron CityL28-Apr to 30-Jun-2023MA11044970NoNo
Tour De Ham presented by Dynamic Discs Iron CityL28-Apr to 30-Jun-2023MA1453920NoNo
Tour De Ham presented by Dynamic Discs Iron CityL28-Apr to 30-Jun-2023MA1242968NoNo
The Magic City Mega Bowl presented by Dynamic DiscsA14-Apr to 16-Apr-2023MA1254925NoNo
The Magic City Mega Bowl presented by Dynamic DiscsA14-Apr to 16-Apr-2023MA1156949NoNo
The Magic City Mega Bowl presented by Dynamic DiscsA14-Apr to 16-Apr-2023MA1362993NoNo
2023 Iron Thrown Series Event #2C4-Mar to 5-Mar-2023MA1157932NoNo
2023 Iron Thrown Series Event #1C21-Jan to 22-Jan-2023MA1163958NoNo
The Hangover Flex @Magnolia LinksC1-Jan-2023MPO148925NoNo
Flex Start Fridays! presented by Dynamic Discs Iron CityL4-Nov to 30-Dec-2022MA1952958NoNo
Dynamic Discs Iron City Gardendale Sunday LeagueL28-Aug to 2-Oct-2022MPO449907NoNo
Dynamic Discs Iron City Gardendale Sunday LeagueL28-Aug to 2-Oct-2022MPO249907NoNo
Dynamic Discs Iron City Gardendale Sunday LeagueL28-Aug to 2-Oct-2022MPO146949NoNo
Iron Thrown 22 Event 3C18-Jun to 19-Jun-2022MPO1451022NoNo
IronThrown Disc Golf Tour- Presented by DD Iron City - FinaleC25-Sep-2021MA1264881NoNo
IronThrown Disc Golf Tour- Presented by DD Iron City - FinaleC25-Sep-2021MA11431011NoNo
IronThrown Disc Golf Tour- Presented by DD Iron City - Event 6C14-Aug to 15-Aug-2021MA1156958NoNo
IronThrown Disc Golf Tour- Presented by DD Iron City - Event 5C24-Jul to 25-Jul-2021MA1143989NoNo
The Magic City Mega Bowl presented by Dynamic DiscsA18-Jun to 20-Jun-2021MA11551000NoNo
The Magic City Mega Bowl presented by Dynamic DiscsA18-Jun to 20-Jun-2021MA1363941NoNo
IronThrown Disc Golf Tour- Presented by DD Iron City - Event 4C18-Jun-2021MA1142973NoNo
The Magic City Mega Bowl presented by Dynamic DiscsA18-Jun to 20-Jun-2021MA12661001NoNo
IronThrown Disc Golf Tour- Presented by DD Iron City - Event 3C22-May to 23-May-2021MA1169924NoNo
IronThrown Disc Golf Tour - Presented by DD Iron City - Event 2C25-Apr-2021MA1151930NoNo
IronThrown Disc Golf Tour- Presented by DD Iron City - Event 1C27-Mar-2021MA1149955NoNo
Title Town Classic - The Rematch - Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC7-Nov-2020MA1252953NoNo
Title Town Classic - The Rematch - Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC7-Nov-2020MA1155968NoNo
Mega Warm-Up: Inverness + WGEC12-May-2018MA1250973NoNo
Mega Warm-Up: Inverness + WGEC12-May-2018MA1170940NoNo
DGB Fall Series - Event #1C19-Aug-2017MA1148982NoNo
DGB Fall Series - Event #1C19-Aug-2017MA1251946NoNo
Magic City Mega Bowl sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB17-Jun to 18-Jun-2017MA1355951NoNo
Magic City Mega Bowl sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB17-Jun to 18-Jun-2017MA1263857NoNo
Magic City Mega Bowl sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB17-Jun to 18-Jun-2017MA1172938NoNo
National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships - IndividualXM16-Apr to 19-Apr-2014MA1162957NoNo
National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships - IndividualXM16-Apr to 19-Apr-2014MA1260943NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf League - Spring 2014L24-Mar to 26-May-2014MA1353963NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf League - Spring 2014L24-Mar to 26-May-2014MA1250928NoNo
Gateway Collegiate Classic - Individual ResultsXC15-Mar to 16-Mar-2014MA1164934NoNo
Grip-and-Rip's Spring LeagueL11-Mar to 19-May-2014MA1354822NoNo
5th Annual Alabama Slammer NCDGC Qualifier - IndividualXC22-Feb to 23-Feb-2014MA1254978NoNo
5th Annual Alabama Slammer NCDGC Qualifier - IndividualXC22-Feb to 23-Feb-2014MA1153941NoNo
Tuscaloosa Fall PDGA LeagueL16-Sep to 21-Oct-2013MA1445912NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL8-Jul to 9-Sep-2013MA11049919NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL8-Jul to 9-Sep-2013MA1944966NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL8-Jul to 9-Sep-2013MA1757861NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL8-Jul to 9-Sep-2013MA1554898NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL8-Jul to 9-Sep-2013MA1462886NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL8-Jul to 9-Sep-2013MA1358889NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL8-Jul to 9-Sep-2013MA1262900NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL8-Jul to 9-Sep-2013MA1152956NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL29-Apr to 24-Jun-2013MA1655953NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL29-Apr to 24-Jun-2013MA1762894NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL29-Apr to 24-Jun-2013MA1858933NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL29-Apr to 24-Jun-2013MA1958914NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL29-Apr to 24-Jun-2013MA110441012NoNo
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf LeagueL29-Apr to 24-Jun-2013MA1461901NoNo