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Bradley Fuelling #60765

Bradley Fuelling #60765

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Rolling Hills County Park - Main - Short Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,504 ft.
Rolling Hills County Park - Main - Short Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,504 ft.
Hunts Hideaway - Above Par Open; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,340 ft.
Hunts Hideaway - Above Par Open; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,340 ft.
Whiskey Hills Disc Golf - 2023 States; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,877 ft.
Mason County Park - Beast - 2023 States; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,358 ft.
Leviathan - 2023 States; 18 holes; Par 54; 3,845 ft.
Fairway to Heaven - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,555 ft.
NorthRidge Church - 2023 shorts alt 1 & 3 &9 use alt grass pad; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,637 ft.
NorthRidge Church - 2023 shorts alt 9; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,447 ft.
Firefighters Park - FFC Short; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,832 ft.
Firefighters Park - FFC Long; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,843 ft.
Hunts Hideaway - Landwhale Open; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,340 ft.
Goldenrod Disc Golf Course - Landwhale Open; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,101 ft.
Seymour Lake Park - Long to Long; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,036 ft.
Seymour Lake Park - Long to Short; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,438 ft.
Vienna Park - Tim St. Aubin Memorial; 21 holes; Par 63; 5,713 ft.
Vienna Park - Tim St. Aubin Memorial; 21 holes; Par 63; 5,713 ft.
Rolling Hills County Park - Main - Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,551 ft.
NorthRidge Church - Long tees alt pin 3,9,10 (hole 9 short tee); 18 holes; Par 60; 6,797 ft.
NorthRidge Church - 2023 shorts alt 9 & alt 10; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,602 ft.
NorthRidge Church - 2023 shorts alt 1 & alt 10; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,576 ft.
NorthRidge Church - 2023 shorts Alt 7 pad; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,668 ft.
NorthRidge Church - Jr pad on 18 to yellow basket, alt 9 & alt 10; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,472 ft.
Holly Woods Disc Golf Course - Holly Woods, Regular tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,793 ft.
Holly Woods Disc Golf Course - Holly Woods DGC 18 Holes (2,5,10,14 New Positions); 18 holes; Par 54; 4,923 ft.
Ducks Pond Disc Golf Course - Ducks Pond DGC, Regular tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,121 ft.
The Ponds at Lakeshore - Ponds Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,935 ft.
Cass Benton Hills Disc Golf Course - Long tees champ basket 12; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,459 ft.
Rolling Hills County Park - Main - Long Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,551 ft.
NorthRidge Church - Long tees alt pin 3,9,10 (hole 9 short tee); 18 holes; Par 60; 6,797 ft.
Detroit Palmer Park - Am Tees; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,825 ft.
Detroit Palmer Park - Am Tees; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,825 ft.
Mason County Park - Beast - 2022 States; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,358 ft.
Flip City Disc Golf Park - 18 Am States ; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,540 ft.
Mason County Park - Beauty - 2022 States; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,657 ft.
Mason County Park - Beauty - Beauty; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,059 ft.
NorthRidge Church - 2022 Longs alt 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, & 10; 18 holes; Par 63; 7,314 ft.
Detroit Palmer Park - Pro Tees; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,256 ft.
Detroit Palmer Park - Pro Tees; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,256 ft.
Cass Benton Hills Disc Golf Course - Long tees; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,333 ft.
Cass Benton Hills Disc Golf Course - Short tees champ basket hole 12; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,093 ft.
Red Hawk East at Independence Lake - EAST - WHITE; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,303 ft.
Red Hawk West at Independence Lake - WEST - WHITE; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,351 ft.
NorthRidge Church - 2022 Longs alt 1, 3, 9 and 10; 18 holes; Par 61; 6,917 ft.
NorthRidge Church - 2022 Longs alt 3 & alt 10; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,767 ft.
Addison Oaks County Park - Short Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,129 ft.
Addison Oaks County Park - MCO Long; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,767 ft.
Mott Park - Standard Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,872 ft.
Mott Park - Standard Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,872 ft.
Brys Park Disc Golf Course - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,500 ft.
Brys Park Disc Golf Course - Behemoth ; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,500 ft.
Whiskey Hills Disc Golf - Regular Tees; 24 holes; Par 74; 7,424 ft.
Mason County Park - Beauty - Regular Tees; 24 holes; Par 72; 5,710 ft.
Flip City Disc Golf Park - Regular Tees; 24 holes; Par 72; 7,859 ft.
West Shore Community College - Default Layout; 24 holes; Par 72; 5,927 ft.
Addison Oaks County Park - Short Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,793 ft.
Addison Oaks County Park - Long Layout; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,486 ft.
Mott Park - Short pads 5,6,9,13,14,15; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,802 ft.
Mott Park - Short pads 5,6,9,13,14,15; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,802 ft.
Firefighters Park - Classic Layout Short; 24 holes; Par 72; 6,324 ft.
Firefighters Park - Classic Layout; 24 holes; Par 72; 7,747 ft.
Cass Benton Hills Disc Golf Course - Short tees champ basket 12 long tee hole 3; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,396 ft.
Cass Benton Hills Disc Golf Course - Short tees; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,980 ft.
Independence Lake - Red Hawk Original Course - SOUTH - SHORTS; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,975 ft.
Independence Lake - Red Hawk X Course - NORTH - SHORTS; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,464 ft.
Cass Benton Hills Disc Golf Course - long tees ; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,363 ft.
Cass Benton Hills Disc Golf Course - short tees - hole 12 champ basket; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,106 ft.
Addison Oaks County Park - Short; 22 holes; Par 66; 5,970 ft.
Addison Oaks County Park - Short; 22 holes; Par 66; 5,970 ft.
Kensington Black Locust - Blue - North Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,870 ft.
Kensington Black Locust - Blue - South Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,453 ft.
Kensington Black Locust - Blue - North Shorts; 18 holes; Par 54; 4,870 ft.
Leviathan - Default; 24 holes; Par 72
West Shore Community College - Shorts; 24 holes; Par 72
Mason County Park - Beauty - Default; 24 holes; Par 72
Addison Oaks County Park - Short; 22 holes; Par 66
Addison Oaks County Park - Short; 22 holes; Par 66
24 holes short; 24 holes; Par 72
24 holes short; 24 holes; Par 72
Short R2; 18 holes; Par 54
Short R1; 18 holes; Par 54
Beauty ; 24 holes; Par 72
West Shore ; 24 holes; Par 72
Lev Short; 24 holes; Par 72
Short; 22 holes; Par 66
Short; 22 holes; Par 66
24 holes long; 24 holes; Par 76
24 holes long; 24 holes; Par 76
short second round; 18 holes; Par 54
short first round; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 24 holes; Par 72
Default Layout; 24 holes; Par 72
Buckhorn Short; 18 holes; Par 54
Buckhorn Short; 18 holes; Par 54
Short; 22 holes; Par 66
Short; 22 holes; Par 66
Classic Layout Long; 24 holes; Par 72
Classic Layout Short; 24 holes; Par 72
The Washtenaw County OpenC30-Sep-2023MA3256863YesYes
The Washtenaw County OpenC30-Sep-2023MA3152913YesYes
Above Par OpenB16-Sep to 17-Sep-2023MA3273846YesYes
Above Par OpenB16-Sep to 17-Sep-2023MA3170873YesYes
Discraft Michigan Amateur State Championships Presented By Dungrass Co.B1-Sep to 3-Sep-2023MA2167826NoNo
Discraft Michigan Amateur State Championships Presented By Dungrass Co.B1-Sep to 3-Sep-2023MA2264850NoNo
Discraft Michigan Amateur State Championships Presented By Dungrass Co.B1-Sep to 3-Sep-2023MA2355820NoNo
Farm To Beach ClassicC6-Aug-2023MA2167861NoNo
2023 Northridge summer sanctioned ShortsL13-Jul to 24-Aug-2023MA3458875NoNo
2023 Northridge summer sanctioned ShortsL13-Jul to 24-Aug-2023MA3360843NoNo
Firefighters ClassicC8-Jul-2023MA2249913NoNo
Firefighters ClassicC8-Jul-2023MA2151944NoNo
Land Whale Open - MA1, MA3B2-Jul-2023MA3275836NoNo
Land Whale Open - MA1, MA3B2-Jul-2023MA3164864NoNo
11th Annual Hands to the SunC24-Jun to 25-Jun-2023MA2262910NoNo
11th Annual Hands to the SunC24-Jun to 25-Jun-2023MA2157917NoNo
Tim St. Aubin MemorialC13-May-2023MA3262889NoNo
Tim St. Aubin MemorialC13-May-2023MA3162889NoNo
Hump Day Solstice SinglesL10-May to 21-Jun-2023MA2160884NoNo
Hump Day Solstice SinglesL10-May to 21-Jun-2023MA2374851NoNo
2023 Northridge spring sanctioned ShortsL4-May to 6-Jul-2023MA31059865NoNo
2023 Northridge spring sanctioned ShortsL4-May to 6-Jul-2023MA3862849NoNo
2023 Northridge spring sanctioned ShortsL4-May to 6-Jul-2023MA3654902NoNo
2023 Northridge spring sanctioned ShortsL4-May to 6-Jul-2023MA3157886NoNo
Black Ace Sanctioned Singles - Session AL19-Apr to 14-Jun-2023MA2556859NoNo
Black Ace Sanctioned Singles - Session AL19-Apr to 14-Jun-2023MA2857859NoNo
Random Baskets 2023 #1L17-Apr to 26-Jun-2023MA3451939NoNo
Hump Day Spring SinglesL15-Mar to 3-May-2023MA2168830NoNo
Hump Day Spring SinglesL15-Mar to 3-May-2023MA2557931NoNo
Hump Day Spring SinglesL15-Mar to 3-May-2023MA2658921NoNo
Hump Day Spring SinglesL15-Mar to 3-May-2023MA2762902NoNo
Detroit City ChampionshipC4-Dec-2022MA3251922NoNo
Detroit City ChampionshipC4-Dec-2022MA3155871NoNo
2022 Discraft Michigan Amateur State Championships presented by Dunegrass CoB2-Sep to 4-Sep-2022MA2160888NoNo
2022 Discraft Michigan Amateur State Championships presented by Dunegrass CoB2-Sep to 4-Sep-2022MA2257901NoNo
2022 Discraft Michigan Amateur State Championships presented by Dunegrass CoB2-Sep to 4-Sep-2022MA2355883NoNo
GLD Flex - BeautyC31-Aug-2022MA2176848NoNo
Northridge Fall Sanctioned Singles LongsL11-Aug to 22-Sep-2022MA2369846NoNo
Renaissance City OpenC10-Jul-2022MA2252946NoNo
Renaissance City OpenC10-Jul-2022MA2156900NoNo
Road Commissioner Classic - MPO, MA40, MA50, MA2B26-Jun-2022MA2261894NoNo
Road Commissioner Classic - MPO, MA40, MA50, MA2B26-Jun-2022MA2152915NoNo
Discraft and WCGlow Present the Wolf Pack Disc Open an MDGO Featured Event - MPO MP40 MP50 MA2B1-May-2022MA2265839NoNo
Discraft and WCGlow Present the Wolf Pack Disc Open an MDGO Featured Event - MPO MP40 MP50 MA2B1-May-2022MA2157871NoNo
Northridge Longs spring sanctioned leagueL14-Apr to 9-Jun-2022MA2671824NoNo
Northridge Longs spring sanctioned leagueL14-Apr to 9-Jun-2022MA2463898NoNo
Motor City OpenC/B7-Aug-2021MA2252915NoNo
Motor City OpenC/B7-Aug-2021MA2161862NoNo
Vehicle City Open presented by Discraft - MPO, MA2, MA4, MA40, MA60, All WomenC1-Aug-2021MA2161879NoNo
Vehicle City Open presented by Discraft - MPO, MA2, MA4, MA40, MA60, All WomenC1-Aug-2021MA2262868NoNo
Hyzernaut Sanctioned Singles IIIC24-Jun-2020MA1157884NoNo
Hyzernaut Sanctioned Singles IIC17-Jun-2020MPO154929NoNo
The Discraft Michigan State Championships presented by Short's Brewing CompanyB31-Aug to 1-Sep-2019MA3181886NoNo
The Discraft Michigan State Championships presented by Short's Brewing CompanyB31-Aug to 1-Sep-2019MA3269926NoNo
The Discraft Michigan State Championships presented by Short's Brewing CompanyB31-Aug to 1-Sep-2019MA3377909NoNo
WPD Flex Start Warm Up SinglesC30-Aug-2019MA3166941NoNo
Motor City Open presented by DiscraftB11-Aug-2019MA2252924NoNo
Motor City Open presented by DiscraftB11-Aug-2019MA2158900NoNo
Discraft presents Vehicle City Open - Pro Masters, MA1, MA3, MA50, and JuniorsB27-Jul-2019MA3257872NoNo
Discraft presents Vehicle City Open - Pro Masters, MA1, MA3, MA50, and JuniorsB27-Jul-2019MA3153920NoNo
Firefighters ClassicC/B23-Jun-2019MA2267902NoNo
Firefighters ClassicC/B23-Jun-2019MA2165959NoNo
Road Commissioner Classic presented by Discraft - (MA2,MA4,MA40,MA55,FA2,FA4)B11-May-2019MA2253917NoNo
Road Commissioner Classic presented by Discraft - (MA2,MA4,MA40,MA55,FA2,FA4)B11-May-2019MA2155886NoNo
Discraft and WC Glow Present the Wolf Pack Discs Open - MA1, MA3, AM Masters, AM WomenB20-Apr-2019MA3162835NoNo
Discraft and WC Glow Present the Wolf Pack Discs Open - MA1, MA3, AM Masters, AM WomenB20-Apr-2019MA3261893NoNo
Huron Valley Open - Day 1 (MPO,MP50,MA2,MA4,MA40,MA55,FPO,FA2) Driven by InnovaB15-Sep-2018MA2261894NoNo
Huron Valley Open - Day 1 (MPO,MP50,MA2,MA4,MA40,MA55,FPO,FA2) Driven by InnovaB15-Sep-2018MA2152910NoNo
Motor City OpenB12-Aug-2018MA3268871NoNo
Motor City OpenB12-Aug-2018MA3172830NoNo
2018 Great Lakes Open presented by DISCRAFTA7-Jul to 8-Jul-2018MA3354890NoNo
2018 Great Lakes Open presented by DISCRAFTA7-Jul to 8-Jul-2018MA3271812NoNo
2018 Great Lakes Open presented by DISCRAFTA7-Jul to 8-Jul-2018MA3153902NoNo
Discraft Michigan State ChampionshipsB2-Sep to 3-Sep-2017MA3170875NoNo
Discraft Michigan State ChampionshipsB2-Sep to 3-Sep-2017MA3268897NoNo
Discraft Michigan State ChampionshipsB2-Sep to 3-Sep-2017MA3375850NoNo
Motor City OpenB13-Aug-2017MA3275808NoNo
Motor City OpenB13-Aug-2017MA3170858NoNo
Chain Reaction (MPM, MA1, GM1, MA3)C/B29-Apr-2017MA3276878NoNo
Chain Reaction (MPM, MA1, GM1, MA3)C/B29-Apr-2017MA3179851NoNo
March MudfestC/B19-Mar-2017MA3257855NoNo
March MudfestC/B19-Mar-2017MA3157870NoNo
Discraft Michigan State ChampionshipsB3-Sep to 4-Sep-2016MA3370910NoNo
Discraft Michigan State ChampionshipsB3-Sep to 4-Sep-2016MA3268896NoNo
Discraft Michigan State ChampionshipsB3-Sep to 4-Sep-2016MA3182751NoNo
Motor City OpenB14-Aug-2016MA3269856NoNo
Motor City OpenB14-Aug-2016MA3173814NoNo
Chain Reaction - MPO, MA2, MA4, MM1, All FemaleB30-Apr-2016MA2187836NoNo
Chain Reaction - MPO, MA2, MA4, MM1, All FemaleB30-Apr-2016MA2279898NoNo
March MudfestC/B13-Mar-2016MA3263823NoNo
March MudfestC/B13-Mar-2016MA3167789NoNo
2015 No Foolin' - Open, Am Master, Am Grandmaster, Intermediate and All WomenB11-Apr-2015MA2275867NoNo
2015 No Foolin' - Open, Am Master, Am Grandmaster, Intermediate and All WomenB11-Apr-2015MA2175867NoNo
March MudfestC/B8-Mar-2015MA2265813NoNo
March MudfestC/B8-Mar-2015MA2159880NoNo
Motor City OpenB17-Aug-2014MA3280762NoNo
Motor City OpenB17-Aug-2014MA3180762NoNo
Firefighters ClassicC/B18-May-2014MA2177871NoNo
Firefighters ClassicC/B18-May-2014MA2267905NoNo