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Justin McCain #60993

Justin McCain #60993

Deucewithit's picture
Deucewithit's picture

Player Info

Player Statistics

2019 Season Totals


MPO · Open251265.00$263
Pro Totals:251265.00$263

2019 Tournament Results

MPO · Open

2652.50Tishomingo Spring Classic-presented by Westside DiscsB23-Mar to 24-Mar-2019
630.00The Hills of BGC30-Mar-2019$40
625.00The Clash Ignited by Nashville Disc Golf Store and Driven by InnovaC13-Apr-2019
410.00South of 64's Flex Start Friday presented Latitude 64C19-Apr-2019
710.002019 Glass Blown Open One Round Challenge Flex Start C-Tier at the Boyce Baumgardner Memorial CourseC21-Apr-2019
240.00 2019 Glass Blown Open One Round Challenge 7:30AM SHOTGUN START C-Tier at Jones West ParkC22-Apr-2019$45
820.002019 Glass Blown Open One Round Double-Disc Challenge at Hammond Park pres. by Truly Unique (4/22)C22-Apr-2019
630.002019 Glass Blown Open One Round Double-Disc Challenge at FHTC presented by Truly Unique (4/23)C23-Apr-2019
15.002019 Glass Blown Open One Round Challenge 11:30AM SHOTGUN START C-Tier at Peter Pan ParkC23-Apr-2019$18
13870.002019 Dynamic Discs Glass Blown Open - National TourNT24-Apr to 27-Apr-2019
615.002019 Glass Blown Open One Round Double-Disc Challenge at Hammond presented by Truly Unique (4/26)C26-Apr-2019
617.50Two Rivers Throw DownL10-May to 12-Jul-2019
2497.50The Barfield Open X: Driven by InnovaB19-May-2019
1250.002019 Mike Lane Classic Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC26-May-2019
730.00Cherokee Park Flex StartC30-May-2019
41110.00The Tennessee Disc Golf State ChampionshipsA31-May to 02-Jun-2019
660.00White House Huk Fest Ignited by Nashville Disc Golf Store and DiscraftC15-Jun-2019$65
755.002019 Seven Oaks Summer Solstice Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsC30-Jun-2019$30
650.00Salute at the VA Ignited by Nashville Disc Golf Store- Sponsored by DiscmaniaC20-Jul-2019$25
235.00Music City Open Flex Start @ Ravenwood Ignited by Nashville Disc Golf StoreC01-Aug-2019$40
43320.002019 Music City Open Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsA02-Aug to 04-Aug-2019
1667.50Skeeter Heater XVB18-Aug-2019
175.002019 Weekly Warfare Session 4L12-Oct to 14-Dec-2019
2330.00The Springfield Open Ignited by Nashville Disc Golf StoreC13-Oct-2019