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Adam Wright #6387

Adam Wright #6387

Player Info

Career Wins

28-Sep to 29-Sep-2024Oconee County Classic presented by Down South DiscsMixed Amateur 50+C/B
02-Sep-2024JARR DG Labor Day FlexMixed Amateur 55+C
17-Aug-2024Seneca Championship of What Flex StartMixed Amateur 55+C
04-Jul-2024JARR 4th of July PMMixed Amateur 55+C
15-Jun-2024The Open at the TrailsMixed Amateur 50+C
27-May-2024JARR DG Memorial Day FLEXMixed Amateur 55+C
29-Mar-2024Good Friday FlexMixed Amateur 55+C
19-Feb-2024JARR DG President’s Day FlexMixed Amateur 55+C
15-Jan-2024JARR DG MLK DayMixed Amateur 55+C
24-Nov-2023JARR DGMixed Amateur 50+C