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Jake Lehman #66241

Jake Lehman #66241

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Dretzka Park - Summer - Panda9; 28 holes; Par 84; 6,800 ft.
Dretzka Park - Summer - Panda9; 28 holes; Par 84; 6,800 ft.
Pool B: Sandy Point Resort Disc Golf - Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 81
Sandy Point Resort Disc Golf - Default Layout; 27 holes; Par 81
Pool B: Sandy Point Resort Disc Golf - Short Layout; 27 holes; Par 81
Cato Falls Long Mixed; 18 holes; Par 54
Silver Creek Long Mixed 19 36; 18 holes; Par 56
Silver Creek Long Mixed 1 18; 18 holes; Par 57
SHORT; 20 holes; Par 60
SHORT; 20 holes; Par 60
Panda8; 28 holes; Par 84
Panda8; 28 holes; Par 84
Dretzka Park; 18 holes; Par 54
Pool B: Brown Deer; 18 holes; Par 54
Pool B: Dretzka Park; 18 holes; Par 54
Concrete Mixed Pins B; 22 holes; Par 66
Concrete Mixed Pins A; 22 holes; Par 66
rd2; 20 holes; Par 62
rd1; 20 holes; Par 60
Red Teepad to Red Pins 5904; 18 holes; Par 56
Orange Teepads / Orange Pins 4632 Feet; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 63
Default Layout; 21 holes; Par 63
Pandamonium 9C27-May-2018MA2288776YesYes
Pandamonium 9C27-May-2018MA2179860YesYes
23rd Northwoods Open at Sandy Point Resort Disc Golf Ranch Presented by Innova DiscsB2-Sep to 3-Sep-2017MA3194854YesYes
23rd Northwoods Open at Sandy Point Resort Disc Golf Ranch Presented by Innova DiscsB2-Sep to 3-Sep-2017MA3282883YesYes
Silver Cup XVII Amateur WeekendB1-Jul to 2-Jul-2017MA2157849YesYes
Silver Cup XVII Amateur WeekendB1-Jul to 2-Jul-2017MA2265773YesYes
Silver Cup XVII Amateur WeekendB1-Jul to 2-Jul-2017MA2368750YesYes
Estabrook Open 2017C25-Jun-2017MA3262871YesYes
Estabrook Open 2017C25-Jun-2017MA3166826YesYes
Pandamonium 8C28-May-2017MA2291779YesYes
Pandamonium 8C28-May-2017MA2188806YesYes
The Greater Milwaukee Open Powered by Innova DiscsB13-May-2017MA2268861NoNo
The Greater Milwaukee Open Powered by Innova DiscsB13-May-2017MA2169817NoNo
4th Annual Riverside Challenge PDGA B TierB15-Apr-2017MA3278810NoNo
4th Annual Riverside Challenge PDGA B TierB15-Apr-2017MA3174850NoNo
Wisconsin Spring Opener 2017 - Int, Rec & JrB19-Mar-2017MA3275820NoNo
Wisconsin Spring Opener 2017 - Int, Rec & JrB19-Mar-2017MA3182771NoNo
Rollin Ridge Open - Int, Rec, Novice, JrsB18-Mar-2017MA3275836NoNo
Rollin Ridge Open - Int, Rec, Novice, JrsB18-Mar-2017MA3164808NoNo
3rd Annual Estabrook Fall ChallengeC12-Nov-2016MA3164881NoNo
3rd Annual Estabrook Fall ChallengeC12-Nov-2016MA3265859NoNo