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Andrew McMillan #66848

Andrew McMillan #66848

Player Info

Ratings Detail

gold to gold; 18 holes; Par 59
silver to gold; 18 holes; Par 55
Cherokee Disc Golf Course; 18 holes; Par 62
Kiwainas Disc Golf Course; 18 holes; Par 58
Rotary Disc Golf Course; 18 holes; Par 60
Recreational Layout; 19 holes; Par 61
Recreational Layout; 19 holes; Par 61
The Oregon Park Iron Man ChallengeC8-Aug-2015MA1158888YesYes
The Oregon Park Iron Man ChallengeC8-Aug-2015MA1257848YesYes
Tennessee Disc Golf State ChampionshipsA/B6-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MA1158917YesYes
Tennessee Disc Golf State ChampionshipsA/B6-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MA1255865YesYes
Tennessee Disc Golf State ChampionshipsA/B6-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MA1361883YesYes
Disc Stalker Tournament # 4 - Son of FroggyC15-Jun-2014MA3155849YesYes
Disc Stalker Tournament # 4 - Son of FroggyC15-Jun-2014MA3256835YesYes