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Gary Mustard Sr #67771

Gary Mustard Sr #67771

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Pessimist DiscGolfPark - Pessimist Standard; 18 holes; Par 61; 8,046 ft.
Optimist Disc Golf Course - 2019 layout; 21 holes; Par 64; 7,333 ft.
Optimist Disc Golf Course - 2019 layout; 21 holes; Par 64; 7,333 ft.
Optimist Disc Golf Course - Optimist Ams; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,604 ft.
Pessimist DiscGolfPark - Pessimist; 18 holes; Par 61; 8,046 ft.
Quail Dunes Ams; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,014 ft.
Pioneer Park - STD+Island on 3+ MANDO on 6; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,067 ft.
Pioneer Park - Standard; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,067 ft.
Pioneer Park - Standard; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,067 ft.
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
optimist; 18 holes; Par 65
pessimist; 18 holes; Par 61
optimist; 18 holes; Par 65
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 64
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 64
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
HPC Pro am long; 21 holes; Par 75
HPC Pro am long; 21 holes; Par 75
HPC Pro Am short; 21 holes; Par 74
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 60
Am 26 HPC; 26 holes; Par 85
Am 27 HPC long; 27 holes; Par 89
High Plains Challenge 2019A21-Jun to 23-Jun-2019MA65183757YesYes
2019 Cottonwood Classic - Bombs 4 Brad - Driven by InnovaC20-Apr-2019MA60279784YesYes
2019 Cottonwood Classic - Bombs 4 Brad - Driven by InnovaC20-Apr-2019MA60174832YesYes
High Plains ChallengeA15-Jun to 17-Jun-2018MA60375745NoNo
High Plains ChallengeA15-Jun to 17-Jun-2018MA60274816NoNo
High Plains ChallengeA15-Jun to 17-Jun-2018MA60165805NoNo
2018 Stake Your ClaimC14-Apr to 15-Apr-2018MA50369776NoNo
2018 Stake Your ClaimC14-Apr to 15-Apr-2018MA50273788NoNo
2018 Stake Your ClaimC14-Apr to 15-Apr-2018MA50176793NoNo
Peaks to Plains 3C21-Oct-2017MS1281728NoNo
Peaks to Plains 3C21-Oct-2017MS1175823NoNo
Peaks to Plains IIC30-Oct-2016MG1166808NoNo
Peaks to Plains IIC30-Oct-2016MG1272742NoNo
High Plains ChallengeA18-Jun to 19-Jun-2016MS13100736NoNo
High Plains ChallengeA18-Jun to 19-Jun-2016MS1288706NoNo
High Plains ChallengeA18-Jun to 19-Jun-2016MS11100736NoNo
Stake Your Claim presented by Throw ColoradoC26-Mar-2016MG1287734NoNo
Stake Your Claim presented by Throw ColoradoC26-Mar-2016MG1185752NoNo
Peaks To Plains aka The GatheringC31-Oct-2015MG1276745NoNo
Peaks To Plains aka The GatheringC31-Oct-2015MG1178764NoNo
High Plains ChallengeA5-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MS13101730NoNo
High Plains ChallengeA5-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MS12100747NoNo
High Plains ChallengeA5-Jun to 7-Jun-2015MS1196764NoNo
Stake Your Claim at Pioneer ParkC21-Feb-2015MA2188681NoNo
High Plains ChallengeA14-Jun to 15-Jun-2014MA31110793NoNo
High Plains ChallengeA14-Jun to 15-Jun-2014MA32128703NoNo