2 | 16.00 | Wintertime Open | C | 21-Jan-2023 | $43 |
1 | 8.00 | That Fe Buhr ary Tournament sponsored by Prodigy | C | 18-Feb-2023 | $66 |
5 | 12.00 | Duck's Flex in Derby | C | 25-Feb-2023 | |
7 | 12.00 | The Farm Path Tour Presents Augusta Open Sponsored by Prodigy | B | 05-Mar-2023 | |
1 | 16.00 | Evan Charles Memorial Flying Bison Open 2023 | C | 11-Mar-2023 | $95 |
1 | 12.00 | Kansas Disc Sports Scholarship Foundation Event (CEP Charity - Rated) | XC | 01-Apr-2023 | $73 |
3 | 8.00 | Park City Open | C | 15-Apr-2023 | |
3 | 12.00 | ForeFathers Fling | C | 21-May-2023 | |
1 | 12.00 | 29th Norton Open | C | 10-Jun-2023 | $98 |
1 | 12.00 | 2023 Hot and Cold Classic | C | 24-Jun to 25-Jun-2023 | $200 |
3 | 8.00 | Cessna Classic - All Age-Protected Pros, MA1, MA3, FPO, FA2, Juniors | C | 02-Jul-2023 | |
13 | 40.00 | Professional Divisional Doubles at 2023 PDGA Masters Worlds | XC | 08-Jul-2023 | |
81 | 828.00 | 2023 PDGA Professional Masters Disc Golf World Championships | M | 11-Jul to 15-Jul-2023 | |
3 | 16.00 | The Brook - Pro Masters, MA1, MA3, Age Protected Women | C | 30-Jul-2023 | $30 |
3 | 42.00 | 39th Annual Frontier Open | B | 09-Sep to 10-Sep-2023 | $178 |
1 | 8.00 | Keeper C Tier - Presented by: Innova Disc Golf - Clapp West | C | 15-Sep-2023 | $46 |
3 | 32.00 | The 2023 Keeper of the Chains - Presented by: Innova | A | 16-Sep to 17-Sep-2023 | $283 |
3 | 12.00 | Larned Fall Classic Sponsored by Duck's Flying Discs Driven by Innova | C | 30-Sep-2023 | |
3 | 16.00 | 2023 Wichita Round Up | C | 04-Nov-2023 | $35 |
1 | 12.00 | Air Capital Series Finals | C | 19-Nov-2023 | $112 |