2 | 18.00 | Dynamic Discs presents the Monkey Island Open - PRO/INT Only (GDG $5K/$10K event) | B | 24-Mar-2019 | $135 |
1 | 6.00 | 2019 Lawrence Open Presented By Dynamic Discs in association with Kaw Valley Disc Golf Club | C | 30-Mar-2019 | $95 |
1 | 9.00 | Maverick DG: Longview Open V presented by INNOVA | B | 13-Apr to 14-Apr-2019 | $165 |
2 | 3.00 | Maverick DG: Kanza Krush 5 presented by INNOVA | C/B | 04-May-2019 | |
6 | 33.00 | KC Diva Spring Feeva | C | 11-May-2019 | $81 |
2 | 24.00 | Des Moines Challenge 2019 Presented by Discraft and G&L Clothing | A | 25-May to 26-May-2019 | $150 |
1 | 3.00 | Maverick DG: Limestone Classic '19 Presented by Innova | C | 02-Jun-2019 | $48 |
2 | 3.00 | 2019 Heritage Hills (Pro/Adv) | C | 08-Jun-2019 | |
5 | 18.00 | The 37th Annual Kansas City Wide Open Presented by Discraft | A/B | 14-Jun to 16-Jun-2019 | |
39 | 36.00 | DGPT - Discraft Ledgestone Insurance Open | A | 21-Jun to 23-Jun-2019 | |
2 | 6.00 | Omaha Ladies Open | C | 13-Jul-2019 | $118 |
5 | 18.00 | Mid America Open sponsored by Discraft | A/B | 02-Aug to 04-Aug-2019 | |
2 | 22.50 | Coca-Cola Classic - Driven by Innova (MPO, FPO, MP40, MP50, MA40) | B | 01-Sep-2019 | $95 |
1 | 4.50 | Maverick DG: Atchison Aviatrix '19 presented by Innova Discs | B | 21-Sep-2019 | $93 |
1 | 30.00 | 14th Annual Four States Open Sponsored by Dynamic Discs | A/B | 28-Sep to 29-Sep-2019 | $300 |
6 | 9.00 | Emporia Ladies Open presented by Dynamic Discs | C | 05-Oct-2019 | |
1 | 6.00 | Radius Open Sponsored by Dynamic Discs | C | 12-Oct-2019 | $115 |
2 | 9.00 | 2019 Dynamic Discs Open | B | 13-Oct-2019 | $90 |
1 | 3.00 | Maverick DG: Raymore Rumble pres by Grip Equipment | C | 27-Oct-2019 | $48 |
1 | 6.00 | SON of Big Blue Monster presented by Millennium Golf Discs | C | 09-Nov-2019 | $70 |
1 | 6.00 | Saint Joseph Parkway Throwdown | C | 16-Nov-2019 | $76 |
1 | 6.00 | Maverick DG: Centennial Chain Crash 6 pres by Grip Equipment | C/B | 30-Nov-2019 | $100 |