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Lee Cantin #81073

Lee Cantin #81073

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Brock Park - main short; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,016 ft.
Agnes Moffitt Park - MOFFITT -ALL SHORTS ; 21 holes; Par 63; 5,836 ft.
TC Jester Park - TC Jester "ALL Shorts"; 21 holes; Par 63; 6,485 ft.
Milby Park Disc Golf Course - main; 21 holes; Par 64; 7,258 ft.
Jack Brooks Park - Gulf Meadows - Main Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,630 ft.
Jack Brooks Park - Gulf Meadows - Main Layout; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,630 ft.
Spring Valley Disc Golf Course - Hellstorm #1 ; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,387 ft.
Jones Creek Ranch Park - Jones Creek Jam 21 Holes; 21 holes; Par 66; 7,095 ft.
Jones Creek Ranch Park - Jones Creek Jam 21 Holes; 21 holes; Par 66; 7,095 ft.
Duessen Park - Deussen Longs ; 18 holes; Par 59; 7,173 ft.
Duessen Park - Shorts; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,787 ft.
Briscoe Park - shorts; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,836 ft.
Briscoe Park - shorts; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,836 ft.
Briscoe Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,836 ft.
Briscoe Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,836 ft.
Briscoe Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,836 ft.
Briscoe Park - Main 18; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,836 ft.
Texas Army Trail - 1,2,3,15 short 9 long; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,621 ft.
Evergreen Disc Golf Course - Evergreen - all short concrete ; 21 holes; Par 68; 7,570 ft.
Evergreen Disc Golf Course - Evergreen - all short concrete ; 21 holes; Par 68; 7,570 ft.
Milby Park Disc Golf Course - New 21 Hole Layout; 21 holes; Par 67; 7,289 ft.
Milby Park Disc Golf Course - New 21 Hole Layout; 21 holes; Par 67; 7,289 ft.
Windwood Presbyterian Church - Windwood FTH2022- *short 13; 21 holes; Par 64; 6,558 ft.
Northside Christian Church Disc Golf Course - NCC Short 1 and 18 ; 21 holes; Par 66; 6,954 ft.
Briscoe Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,842 ft.
Briscoe Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58; 5,842 ft.
Jack Brooks Park - Gulf Meadows - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,368 ft.
Evergreen Layout; 18 holes; Par 58
Sunday Funday @ Brock parkC25-Nov-2023MA3166788YesYes
Central Houston Fall Classic - Supported by Innova - A Gorilla Disc Golf Event C16-Sep-2023MA4263848YesYes
Central Houston Fall Classic - Supported by Innova - A Gorilla Disc Golf Event C16-Sep-2023MA4168808YesYes
Sunday Funday @ Milby ParkC10-Sep-2023MA4174826YesYes
Banana Spider Open - Supported by Innova C6-Aug-2023MA4267788YesYes
Banana Spider Open - Supported by Innova C6-Aug-2023MA4161855YesYes
SV Flex Tuesday 2023 Session IIL23-May to 25-Jul-2023MA1769799YesYes
HDG's Jones Creek Jam 2023 - Supported by InnovaC20-May-2023MA4274812YesYes
HDG's Jones Creek Jam 2023 - Supported by InnovaC20-May-2023MA4178772YesYes
Deussen Park Open Presented By Par54 & Lone Star DiscC18-Feb-2023MA4263881YesYes
Deussen Park Open Presented By Par54 & Lone Star DiscC18-Feb-2023MA4165795YesYes
Alvin tx Championship Presented by Par 54 & Lone Star DiscC21-Jan-2023MA4159894YesYes
Alvin tx Championship Presented by Par 54 & Lone Star DiscC21-Jan-2023MA4257915YesYes
Gorilla South Side Wednesdays LeagueL21-Sep to 23-Nov-2022MA3462799NoNo
Gorilla South Side Wednesdays LeagueL21-Sep to 23-Nov-2022MA3568725NoNo
Gorilla South Side Wednesdays LeagueL21-Sep to 23-Nov-2022MA3663787NoNo
Sunday Funday @ Briscoe ParkC7-Aug-2022MA3170733NoNo
"Take it Back Open"C30-May-2022MA3172828NoNo
Farewell ForEvergreen: 2016-2022 Driven by Innova C/B22-May-2022MA3276820NoNo
Farewell ForEvergreen: 2016-2022 Driven by Innova C/B22-May-2022MA3178801NoNo
2022 NADGT Exclusive @ Milby ParkB15-May-2022MA3277803NoNo
2022 NADGT Exclusive @ Milby ParkB15-May-2022MA3177803NoNo
Fairway to Heaven III - Driven by Innova - Presented by Houston Disc Golf C/B7-May-2022MA3279792NoNo
Fairway to Heaven III - Driven by Innova - Presented by Houston Disc Golf C/B7-May-2022MA3177804NoNo
Par54 Battle of the Rings 2022 Series @ Briscoe ParkC19-Feb-2022MA3259870NoNo
Par54 Battle of the Rings 2022 Series @ Briscoe ParkC19-Feb-2022MA3159870NoNo
Christmas Bash @ Jack Brooks Park by Par54C12-Dec-2021MA3163805NoNo
Evergreen Flyways Flex Start C-tierC23-Jun-2017MA3175779NoNo