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Aaron MacFadden #85360

Aaron MacFadden #85360

Player Info

Ratings Detail

High Bridge Park Disc Golf Course - 2023 Spookane Open; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,217 ft.
High Bridge Park Disc Golf Course - 2023 Spookane Open; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,217 ft.
Downriver Disc Golf Course at Riverside State Park - Long position; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,356 ft.
Downriver Disc Golf Course at Riverside State Park - Short position ; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,329 ft.
The Spookane Open - Presented by SDGC and RPM DiscsB28-Oct to 29-Oct-2023MA50157937YesYes
The Spookane Open - Presented by SDGC and RPM DiscsB28-Oct to 29-Oct-2023MA50270808YesYes
Chain Slayers Open Presented By Innova and Swinging DoorsC19-Aug-2017MM1164839NoNo
Chain Slayers Open Presented By Innova and Swinging DoorsC19-Aug-2017MM1254959NoNo