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Steph Lillis #89021

Steph Lillis #89021

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 59
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 59
Red White; 27 holes; Par 87
Red Blue; 27 holes; Par 89
IOS #86 - Throwdown at Rolling Knolls - MPO/MA2/MA4/FA2/FA4B12-Aug-2017FA2167786YesYes
IOS #86 - Throwdown at Rolling Knolls - MPO/MA2/MA4/FA2/FA4B12-Aug-2017FA2281629YesYes
15th Annual Matt "HOMIE" Lovasko Fall CelebrationA15-Oct to 16-Oct-2016FA41109733YesYes
15th Annual Matt "HOMIE" Lovasko Fall CelebrationA15-Oct to 16-Oct-2016FA42114733YesYes