1 | 3.00 | Lone Star Disc's Flexin' with the Careys (Tyger) | C | 01-Jan-2024 | $48 |
3 | 22.50 | 20th Anniversary Savannah Open Powered By Dynamic Discs (PRO Weekend) | B | 13-Jan to 14-Jan-2024 | $163 |
2 | 6.00 | 3rd Annual Hornets Nest Buzz Off | C | 27-Jan-2024 | $10 |
3 | 6.00 | Seneca Spring Fling presented by Discmania | A | 09-Mar to 10-Mar-2024 | |
1 | 12.00 | $20 Flex at Kilborne | C | 16-Mar-2024 | $35 |
2 | 18.00 | Queen City Gambit | B | 23-Mar to 24-Mar-2024 | $157 |
2 | 72.00 | Dynamic Discs Presents The Blue Ridge Championship Generated By Grit Discs | A | 26-Apr to 28-Apr-2024 | $255 |
3 | 12.00 | Huk Central presented by Discraft | A | 03-May to 05-May-2024 | |
2 | 66.00 | DG1 Presents: Tennessee State Disc Golf Championships | A | 31-May to 02-Jun-2024 | $450 |
18 | 423.00 | 2024 PDGA Professional Masters Disc Golf World Championships | M | 11-Jun to 15-Jun-2024 | $418 |
1 | 13.50 | 2024 Tryon International Disc Golf Classic Driven by Innova and Play It Again Sports | B | 17-Aug to 18-Aug-2024 | $194 |
1 | 31.50 | 2024 North Cove Classic - Presented by GMT | B | 24-Aug to 25-Aug-2024 | $200 |
10 | 198.00 | 2024 Tim Selinske United States Masters Disc Golf Championships Presented by Innova | M | 19-Sep to 22-Sep-2024 | $620 |
1 | 18.00 | Hub City Halloween Open | A | 25-Oct to 27-Oct-2024 | $449 |