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David Walsh #90293

David Walsh #90293

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Rocklin Disc Golf Course at Johnson Springview Park - East; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,854 ft.
Rocklin Disc Golf Course at Johnson Springview Park - West; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,334 ft.
Oak Grove Regional Park - Purple - Sat Purp; 20 holes; Par 61; 6,276 ft.
Oak Grove Regional Park - Gold - Sat Gold; 20 holes; Par 61; 6,087 ft.
Oak Grove Regional Park - Purple - sun purp; 20 holes; Par 61; 7,269 ft.
DeLaveaga Disc Golf Course - DeLaveaga DGC - MC Long; 24 holes; Par 72; 7,916 ft.
DeLaveaga Disc Golf Course - DeLaveaga DGC - MC Long; 24 holes; Par 72; 7,916 ft.
DeLaveaga Disc Golf Course - DeLaveaga DGC - MC Short; 24 holes; Par 72; 7,518 ft.
Penn Valley Short; 18 holes; Par 54
Condon Short; 18 holes; Par 54
Auburn Short; 18 holes; Par 54
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 60
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 60
Rocklin Pro-AM "Driven by INNOVA"B28-Jul to 29-Jul-2018MA3159842YesYes
Rocklin Pro-AM "Driven by INNOVA"B28-Jul to 29-Jul-2018MA3264832YesYes
24th Annual Frying Pan, a Steady Ed Tour and Norcal Series EventB16-Jun to 17-Jun-2018MA3163897YesYes
24th Annual Frying Pan, a Steady Ed Tour and Norcal Series EventB16-Jun to 17-Jun-2018MA3272795YesYes
24th Annual Frying Pan, a Steady Ed Tour and Norcal Series EventB16-Jun to 17-Jun-2018MA3373849YesYes
Santa Cruz Masters Cup Amateur - Presented by InnovaA4-May to 6-May-2018MA2186899YesYes
Santa Cruz Masters Cup Amateur - Presented by InnovaA4-May to 6-May-2018MA2286899YesYes
Santa Cruz Masters Cup Amateur - Presented by InnovaA4-May to 6-May-2018MA2391829YesYes
2017 Norcal Series ChampionshipsA21-Oct to 22-Oct-2017MA2159862YesYes
2017 Norcal Series ChampionshipsA21-Oct to 22-Oct-2017MA2256885YesYes
2017 Norcal Series ChampionshipsA21-Oct to 22-Oct-2017MA2369775YesYes
Rain or ShineC4-Feb-2017MA3167840NoNo
Rain or ShineC4-Feb-2017MA3273748NoNo