5 | 40.00 | Winter Flex Start at The Woods Trinity | C | 06-Jan-2024 |
1 | 65.00 | Polar Open Flex Start Friday on a Thursday | C | 11-Jan-2024 |
21 | 15.00 | The Polar Open at Bill Allen | B | 13-Jan-2024 |
7 | 5.00 | 1st Annual East Texas Winter Classic at BlackBerry Pines | C | 27-Jan-2024 |
1 | 20.00 | Throwing Love at BlackBerry Pines | C | 24-Feb-2024 |
11 | 15.00 | Mayhem at Munson, a Chain Bomber Event supported by Innova | B | 30-Mar-2024 |
8 | 37.50 | Dynamic Discs Presents the 2nd Annual Blackberry Pines Open Powered by Terraform Landscape Management | B | 29-Jun-2024 |
1 | 10.00 | Friday Flex Start at Munson | C | 05-Jul-2024 |
6 | 25.00 | Summer Shorts at Munson | C | 06-Jul-2024 |
6 | 15.00 | Tiger Open Friday Flex Start at The Woods at Trinity | C | 12-Jul-2024 |
9 | 60.00 | Texas Data and VoIP Presents The 4th Annual Tiger Open Supported By Innova | B | 13-Jul to 14-Jul-2024 |
5 | 10.00 | Attack on Munson | C | 27-Jul-2024 |
17 | 37.50 | The McKinney Classic - A Chain Bomber Event Supported by Innova | B | 21-Sep to 22-Sep-2024 |
1 | 40.00 | Alex Clark Memorial Flex | C | 25-Oct-2024 |
21 | 7.50 | The Alex Clark Memorial - A Chain Bomber Event Supported by Innova | B | 26-Oct-2024 |
1 | 20.00 | Falling Leaves Open at BlackBerry Pines | C | 09-Nov-2024 |