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Michael Rosado #95675

Michael Rosado #95675

Player Info

Ratings Detail

General Sibley Park - 23 Hole Layout; 23 holes; Par 73; 8,500 ft.
General Sibley Park - 23 Hole Layout; 23 holes; Par 73; 8,500 ft.
Reds; 18 holes; Par 55
Whites; 18 holes; Par 56
Blues; 18 holes; Par 58
Gold Layout; 18 holes; Par 65
Silver Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Shortend Layout; 18 holes; Par 57
Shortend Layout; 18 holes; Par 57
Tully Lake; 18 holes; Par 57
Barre Falls; 18 holes; Par 58
West Thompson Lake; 18 holes; Par 56
Buffumville Dam; 18 holes; Par 58
Battle Fore Sibley VC19-May-2018MA2187829YesYes
Battle Fore Sibley VC19-May-2018MA2294775YesYes
Old Glory OpenC1-Jul to 2-Jul-2017MA2161807YesYes
Old Glory OpenC1-Jul to 2-Jul-2017MA2274772YesYes
Old Glory OpenC1-Jul to 2-Jul-2017MA2387730YesNo
Pyramids Invasion 5C10-Jun-2017MA2179813YesYes
Pyramids Invasion 5C10-Jun-2017MA2258908YesYes
Wilcox Memorial OpenC27-May-2017MA3160912YesYes
Wilcox Memorial OpenC27-May-2017MA3267843YesYes
Tournament of the DammedC13-May to 14-May-2017MA3167806NoNo
Tournament of the DammedC13-May to 14-May-2017MA3271806NoNo
Tournament of the DammedC13-May to 14-May-2017MA3370817NoNo
Tournament of the DammedC13-May to 14-May-2017MA3477820NoNo