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Benjamin Mondor #96412

Benjamin Mondor #96412

Player Info

Player Statistics

2023 Season Totals


MPO · Mixed Pro Open10955.00$0
Pro Totals:10955.00$0

2023 Tournament Results

MPO · Mixed Pro Open

1232.50Newton Hill PDGA Flex League - ThursdaysL06-Apr to 18-May-2023
1515.00Newton Hill PDGA Flex League - ThursdaysL26-May to 30-Jun-2023
545.00Ironman Hollows North & SouthB10-Jun-2023
4045.00Clement Classic 2023 - ProsB18-Jun-2023
727.50Newton Hill PDGA Flex League - SundaysL18-Jun to 23-Jul-2023
68440.00DGVTour #5 - Brewster Ridge Open Driven by InnovaA23-Jun to 25-Jun-2023
1515.00Newton Hill PDGA Flex League - ThursdaysL30-Jun to 04-Aug-2023
67310.00High Roller Lobster Company Presents the Maine State Championships Elevated by ThoughtspaceA25-Aug to 27-Aug-2023
1410.00Newton Hill PDGA Flex League - ThursdaysL21-Sep to 02-Nov-2023
815.00Newton Hill PDGA Flex League - SundaysL09-Oct to 13-Nov-2023