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Charles Greene #98186

Charles Greene #98186

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Cross Creek - All; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,483 ft.
Hole in the Sky Disc Golf Course - HITS Long; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,917 ft.
Gypsum Creek Long; 18 holes; Par 62; 9,063 ft.
Flying Eagle Open presented by Bonfire Brewing and Dynamic DiscsB23-Sep to 24-Sep-2017MM1166858YesYes
Flying Eagle Open presented by Bonfire Brewing and Dynamic DiscsB23-Sep to 24-Sep-2017MM1260861YesYes
Flying Eagle Open presented by Bonfire Brewing and Dynamic DiscsB23-Sep to 24-Sep-2017MM1378820YesYes