PDGA Women's Global Event Returns in 2014
PDGA Women's Global Event Returns in 2014
Coming to a course near you on May 10th
The PDGA Women's Committee is very pleased to announce the return of the PDGA Women’s Global Event on May 10th, 2014!
Our inaugural Women's Global Event in 2012 was a huge success and made history as the largest PDGA event for a single demographic within the sport of disc golf. 41 registered tournaments, reaching across 24 states and 4 countries (including United States, Norway, Finland and Australia) resulted in a turnout of 636 women in 15 different PDGA divisions.
This year, on May 10th, women from all around the world will play two rounds of disc golf at their local participating Women's Global Event. Scores from the first two rounds of each participating tournament will be submitted by the individual tournament directors and rated by the PDGA. These round ratings will be totaled and averaged to determine the player's "Global Score." The Global Scores will be updated throughout the day to determine our Women’s Global Event Champions and the winner in each division will receive a memorable trophy.
To be a part of this event you may sign up to play an already sanctioned PDGA event scheduled for May 10th or sanction your own PDGA tournament. The first 600 women to register for a WGE tournament will be eligible to reserve a commemorative player’s package.
For additional event details and how to register your own event please keep your eye on the PDGA Women’s Global Event page and be sure to read the Women's Global Event FAQs.