Virginia Polkinghorne and Ryan Monn both turned in the hot rounds of the day in their divisions as Championship Saturday arrives in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
For the first time this week, Ryan Monn is on top of the MA1 leaderboard after a clean, 9-under round at Fallasburg, but the field is right behind him.
It is my honor to welcome you to Grand Rapids, MI and the home of the 2024 Amateur World Championships presented by Discraft. We hope you are as excited to compete in this event as we have been in preparing and planning for the event. May your stay in Grand Rapids be nothing but extraordinary and we hope you enjoy all the food, libations and sites that the city has to offer. We are proud to partner with the West Michigan Sports Commission to bring this event to Grand Rapids for 2024, as well as the Kent County and Plainfield Township Parks Departments for their hard work and efforts in preparing and updating the local disc golf courses for the event.
Round one will be Modified Best Throw. In modified best throw, teams choose the best throw on each shot; however, the same person’s tee shot cannot be used three holes in a row.
Round two, will be Modified Alternate Throw. On odd-numbered holes, the male player will tee. On even-numbered holes, the female player will tee. After the tee shot, the other partner throws the second shot, and players alternate throughout the hole until it is completed.
There will be nine stations, each with a basket in which three putts of varying length and difficulty will be presented. The spots at each station will have putts worth 1, 2, and 3 points.
All of the invite lists for the world championships are now available on their respective pages (see below, and refer back to these pages for important information).
Congratulations! You have been invited to enter the 2024 PDGA Amateur World Championships in Grand Rapids, MI from August 3rd to August 10th based on your excellent performance during the 2023 PDGA season. The PDGA and the local Worlds Team are looking forward to seeing you in Grand Rapids later this year.
PDGA Major Events are the premier national and international competitions for disc golf each year, featuring the world’s best disc golfers competing for World and National Titles in multiple skill, age, and gender-based divisions. These PDGA marquee events offer any city or town the chance to host an international sporting event in their community, to draw interest and attention to the location, and to generate a significant economic impact for local businesses.
Hosting a PDGA Major is a challenging task. Interest was shown from several involved local organizing committees (LOC), meaning selecting these events was difficult, as so many excellent bid packages were submitted.