2024 Junior Worlds Field Events Information
2024 Junior Worlds Field Events Information
Putting Competition
There will be nine stations, each with a basket in which three putts of varying length and difficulty will be presented. The spots at each station will have putts worth 1, 2, and 3 points.
Players will be in groups of no less than three and get a scorecard and pencil. The layout and flow from station to station will be explained. Normal PDGA rules apply. Players will get one putt at each spot (1-point spot, 2-point spot, and 3-point spot) for three putts at each station/basket. Each player should putt from a spot and retrieve their putter after each attempt. The total number of points will be written for that hole/station before the next station is started. A missed putt is worth zero. Total the points after completing all stations (27 total putts in 9 stations) and submit a scorecard.
***The maximum for each station would be 6 points. A perfect game of no missed putts would have a total score 54.
Skillshot Competition
The throws required in the SkillShotTM Challenge come from a standard repertoire that most disc golfers use. The following definitions will ensure that the Challenge is conducted fairly.
BACKHAND: Bringing the disc across the chest and releasing it with the back of the hand aimed toward the target.
FOREHAND/SIDEARM: Holding the disc level and out away from the body and throwing it with the palm aimed toward the target or upward.
ROLLER: Throwing the disc on an angle, with either a forehand or backhand release, so that it lands on its edge and rolls toward the target. The disc must roll at least half the distance to the target to count.
UPSIDE-DOWN: Thrown in any matter such that the disc is upside down at some point during the flight.
KNEE/SEATED: One or both knees must be on the ground OR the player must be seated when the disc is thrown. Use any throw that feels comfortable.
FREESTYLE: Any stance and throwing style is allowed, including rollers and upside-down. OBSTRUCTED: A tree, bush, or artificial structure is between the thrower and the target. Using the prescribed technique or technique of your choice.
The lowest score wins.
Complete the 16 prescribed skills at the throwing stations with as few possible points. Besides Station 1, you should attempt all of a station’s skills as a group before measuring and scoring.
- At each station, make the throws described on the signs.
- Only one throw per skill!
- If you make your shot in one throw (ace!), record minus 1 point.
- Use the measurement cable to determine how many points each throw receives. Use the
- disc’s point closest to the basket to determine the score. If your disc is beyond the last marker on the cable, record 8 points for that skill.
- Made shot: -1 point
- 0-6 ft (purple): 2 points
- 6-10ft (aqua): 3 points
- 10-15 ft (red): 4 points
- 15-20 ft (silver): 5 points
- 20-25 ft (blue): 6 points
- 25-30 ft (yellow): 7 points
- 30+ ft: 8 points
After finishing all 16 skills, add your score column.
Long Drive Competition
We will have players throw in groups of three or four to expedite the process. Players may throw in a group of less than three if not enough players are checked in. Players will get five throws each, and if a player foot faults (releases the disc with a supporting point in front of the throwing line or outside his or her station), that throw will be forfeited. If a throw is interfered with during flight (the disc hits a person, animal, or an administrator-specified obstacle before the disc contacts the ground), that will not count, and the player shall immediately get a rethrow. Players will alternate with the other players in their group. Each player should throw one shot before the next round of throws starts.
Each spotter will oversee spotting one player at a time. Each spotter should have 5 surveyor flags. As each throw is taken, the spotter will track the disc, spot exactly where it first contacts the ground, and place a flag there. Only the longest throw is measured. There is also a designated landing area; only discs that make the first impact within the designated throwing area will count. After each player has thrown their five throws, the spotter will stand at their player’s longest throw. The administrator will laser each player’s longest throw while standing at the station that the player threw from. The administrator will then note each distance and move on to the next round of players.
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