Member Spotlight: Samantha Hennessy #130277
Member Spotlight: Samantha Hennessy #130277
This story is part of a series of member spotlights, featuring players of all ages and skillsets.
Name: Samantha Hennessy
Member #: 130277
Age: 35
Hometown: Born and raised in Battle Creek Michigan, my home is now in Spokane, Washington
Favorite course: Hard to choose...I'd have to say Downriver DGC
Profession: I work in Financial Aid and am taking steps to become a sport psychologist.
When and how were you first introduced to disc golf?
I was introduced to disc golf during the summer of 2014 on a 3rd date. I've been playing ever since.
How often do you play?
Not often enough! I work full-time, am a part-time graduate student, and have a toddler. I try to play 1-2 times a week.
Who do you play disc golf with?
With my husband and son. I also play with the Spokane Disc Golf Ladies club.
Our family goal is to play disc golf in all 50 states. We have a map in our living room where we add pictures for each state we’ve played in and plan trips around this goal (we’re at thirteen now). We are a disc golf family with the practice basket in the basement and piles of discs to prove it.
What is your favorite thing about disc golf?
I love that I can compete and be a part of the community. I also love the feeling of throwing a good drive and watching it fly.
What makes disc golf different than other sports/hobbies for you?
I've played soccer, volleyball, and cross country. Disc golf is different because I can go out and play whenever. I get to spend time outside, it doesn't cost much to get started in this sport and I could play even during a pandemic.
What is your favorite ever disc golf memory?
I played a Jack and Jill tournament for the first time in September 2019 with my husband and was so excited to see all the women. I had only played one tournament before and there were only five women total in all divisions. There was a whole world of women playing that I had the opportunity to meet. I had so much fun that day! There was even a hole that you had to drive blindfolded.
Anything else you'd like to share with the disc golf community?
Yes, my research. I'm currently working on a study that looks at self-talk of disc golfers while they are putting. It's been really tough to get participants during the pandemic. I need to complete my thesis in order to move forward with my plans of becoming a sport psychologist but mostly so I'll have more time to play disc golf.
The study is made up of a putting test (10 putts at 20 feet), a survey, and a self-talk training. The participant answers a few questions, takes the putting test, answers the survey questions, watches a self-talk training, and completes the putting test for a second time, as well as the survey for a second time. It should take less than an hour to complete the entire study. The study can be completed anywhere with a basket as long as you have at least 20 feet to putt. Performance, anxiety, and perception of self-talk are measured. The results of this study may help athletes, coaches, and sport psychologists create self-talk trainings that are specific to the athlete.
I am in serious need of participants! If you are interested in participating, send me an email. Participants must be 18 years old or older.
Thank you Samantha for being a PDGA member, including disc golf in your research and sharing your disc golf experience with all of us.
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