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Collin Carter #61168

Collin Carter #61168

Player Info

Ratings Detail

The Meadow at West Meadowbrook Park - White pads to Alt baskets; 20 holes; Par 61; 5,464 ft.
The Meadow at West Meadowbrook Park - Blue Pads to Alt baskets; 20 holes; Par 63; 6,930 ft.
Festival Park; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,518 ft.
Johnson Street Park - Jumble; 18 holes; Par 55; 5,164 ft.
Festival Park; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,518 ft.
Castle Hayne Park - New Castle Hayne; 18 holes; Par 64; 7,022 ft.
Castle Hayne Park - New Castle Hayne; 18 holes; Par 64; 7,022 ft.
Castle Hayne Park - New Castle Hayne; 18 holes; Par 64; 7,022 ft.
Castle Hayne Park - New Castle Hayne; 18 holes; Par 64; 7,022 ft.
Zebulon Community Park - Zebulon; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,499 ft.
Zebulon Community Park - Zebulon; 18 holes; Par 57; 6,499 ft.
East Clayton Park - Long; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,278 ft.
East Clayton Park - Long; 18 holes; Par 61; 7,278 ft.
Grand Central Station - Freight Line; 18 holes; Par 59; 6,465 ft.
Northeast Creek Park - BLUE LONG; 18 holes; Par 60; 6,467 ft.
Northeast Creek Park - WHITES LONG; 18 holes; Par 57; 5,264 ft.
Northeast Creek Park - BLUE SHORT; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,136 ft.
Northeast Creek Park - WHITES SHORT; 18 holes; Par 55; 4,943 ft.
The Meadow at West Meadowbrook Park - Meadow Whites to Alts; 20 holes; Par 60; 5,232 ft.
The Meadow at West Meadowbrook Park - Meadow Blues to Alts; 20 holes; Par 62; 6,747 ft.
The Meadow at West Meadowbrook Park - Meadow Blues to Reg; 20 holes; Par 61; 6,328 ft.
The Meadow at West Meadowbrook Park - Meadow Whites to Reg; 20 holes; Par 60; 4,835 ft.
Cedar Hills Rotary Park - Cedar Hills; 18 holes; Par 56
Zebulon Community Park - Zebulon; 18 holes; Par 57
Buckhorn at Harris Lake County Park - Buckhorn All Star; 18 holes; Par 55
Jones Park - Jones; 18 holes; Par 56
Hornets Nest Park - Hornet's Nest(All-Star); 18 holes; Par 63; 7,553 ft.
Robbins Park - Robbins(Long); 18 holes; Par 56; 5,263 ft.
Sugaw Creek Park - Sugaw; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,520 ft.
Matt Keatts Memorial Disc Golf Course at Nevin Park - Nevin(Short); 18 holes; Par 63; 7,284 ft.
Festival Park; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,700 ft.
Johnson Street Park - Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,092 ft.
Johnson Street Park - Jumble Tees; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,164 ft.
Festival Park; 18 holes; Par 58; 6,700 ft.
Lake Eureka Disc Golf Course - Eureka Temp; 18 holes; Par 63
Lake Eureka Disc Golf Course - Eureka Temp; 18 holes; Par 63
Lake Eureka Disc Golf Course - Eureka Temp; 18 holes; Par 63
Lake Eureka Disc Golf Course - Eureka Temp; 18 holes; Par 63
Highland Hills Disc Golf Course - North Wilkesboro - highland longs; 20 holes; Par 60; 5,520 ft.
Ft. Hamby Park - ft.hamby longs; 18 holes; Par 60; 5,538 ft.
Rolling Pines Disc Golf Course - rolling long; 18 holes; Par 56; 7,380 ft.
Zebulon Community Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,589 ft.
Zebulon Community Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,589 ft.
Zebulon Community Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,589 ft.
Zebulon Community Park - Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,589 ft.
Pool A: IDGC - W.R. Jackson - Long; 18 holes; Par 68
Pool B: Ft. Gordon - Marine/Navy - Long; 18 holes; Par 67
Pool A: Ft. Gordon - Marine/Navy - Long; 18 holes; Par 67
Pool B: IDGC - W.R. Jackson - Long; 18 holes; Par 68
Pool A: IDGC - W.R. Jackson - Long; 18 holes; Par 68
Pool B: Ft. Gordon - Marine/Navy - Long; 18 holes; Par 67
Pool A: Ft. Gordon - Marine/Navy - Long; 18 holes; Par 67
Pool B: IDGC - W.R. Jackson - Long; 18 holes; Par 68
Pool A: Cherokee; 18 holes; Par 62
Pool A: Panther Creek; 18 holes; Par 71
Pool A: Kiwanis ; 18 holes; Par 58
Pool A: Rotary; 18 holes; Par 60
Long tee yellow; 18 holes; Par 58
Long tee orange; 18 holes; Par 59
Short tee; 18 holes; Par 55
Long tee yellow; 18 holes; Par 58
UNC 2017; 18 holes; Par 55
UNC 2017; 18 holes; Par 55
UNC 2017; 18 holes; Par 55
UNC 2017; 18 holes; Par 55
short pins A; 19 holes; Par 58
Long Pins A; 19 holes; Par 58
Central A; 18 holes; Par 61
Central A; 18 holes; Par 61
Central B; 18 holes; Par 58
Central B; 18 holes; Par 58
Azalea layout at Castle Hayne Park; 18 holes; Par 64
Castle 2.0; 18 holes; Par 64
Castle 2.0; 18 holes; Par 64
Castle 2.0; 18 holes; Par 64
Pool F: Hogback; 20 holes; Par 60
Pool E: Old Glory Blue; 20 holes; Par 61
Pool F: Old Glory Blue; 20 holes; Par 61
Pool E: Hogback; 20 holes; Par 60
Zebulon; 18 holes; Par 57
Zebulon; 18 holes; Par 57
Cedar Hills Gold; 18 holes; Par 56
Cedar Hills Gold; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 58
renny pro; 18 holes; Par 54
renski; 18 holes; Par 54
renny gold; 18 holes; Par 70
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 61
Alternate Layout; 18 holes; Par 59
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 65
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 65
Blue Pads ; 18 holes; Par 62
Blue Pads ; 18 holes; Par 62
Blue Pads ; 18 holes; Par 62
White; 18 holes; Par 55
Blue; 18 holes; Par 58
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Blue; 18 holes; Par 58
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 60
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 60
Jones Park Longs; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 60
Default Layout; 20 holes; Par 60
DEPC Short Alt; 20 holes; Par 60
DEPC Long Alt; 20 holes; Par 62
DEPC Short Alt; 20 holes; Par 60
DEPC Short Alt; 20 holes; Par 60
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 64
FHO 2016 layout; 20 holes; Par 66
FHO 2016 layout; 20 holes; Par 66
FHO 2016 layout; 20 holes; Par 66
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 59
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 59
Steady Ed Headrick, Long Tees, 50 50 Layout / Jim Warner, Short Tees, Front 9; 27 holes; Par 94
Shamrock Gold; 18 holes; Par 65
Shamrock Gold; 18 holes; Par 65
Cedarock; 18 holes; Par 58
Rock Creek; 18 holes; Par 65
Nevin Short; 18 holes; Par 64
Eastway Long; 18 holes; Par 58
Nevin Long; 18 holes; Par 70
Festival Park Short; 18 holes; Par 57
Johnson Street Blues; 18 holes; Par 54
Johnson Street Jumble; 18 holes; Par 56
Festival Park Long; 18 holes; Par 60
Gold Moraine; 18 holes; Par 66
Gold Moraine; 18 holes; Par 66
Blue Knob Hill; 18 holes; Par 61
21 Holes; 21 holes; Par 65
21 Holes; 21 holes; Par 65
21 Holes; 21 holes; Par 65
Cedar; 18 holes; Par 56
Zebullon; 18 holes; Par 57
Buvkhorn All Star; 18 holes; Par 55
Jones Long; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57
Zebulon; 18 holes; Par 57
Beast; 18 holes; Par 68
Leopard; 18 holes; Par 63
Beast; 18 holes; Par 68
All Star; 18 holes; Par 54
Blue; 22 holes; Par 72
Red (some red to blue); 18 holes; Par 54
White; 18 holes; Par 54
Pro 1; 18 holes; Par 57
Pro 2; 18 holes; Par 59
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Pro 1; 18 holes; Par 57
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 54
Jones Park; 18 holes; Par 55
Middle Creek; 18 holes; Par 54
UNC Chapel Hill; 18 holes; Par 55
2016 THT; 18 holes; Par 55
2016 THT; 18 holes; Par 55
2016 THT; 18 holes; Par 55
2016 THT; 18 holes; Par 55
Pool E: Old Glory Blue Tees; 20 holes; Par 61
Pool F: Hogback; 20 holes; Par 60
Pool E: Hogback; 20 holes; Par 60
Pool F: Old Glory Blue Tees; 20 holes; Par 61
Castle Hayne original 1.0; 18 holes; Par 64
Castle Hayne original 1.0; 18 holes; Par 64
Castle Hayne original 1.0; 18 holes; Par 64
Castle Hayne original 1.0; 18 holes; Par 64
Day 1; 18 holes; Par 61
Day 2; 18 holes; Par 59
White Tees; 18 holes; Par 55
Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 58
White Tees; 18 holes; Par 55
Blue Tees; 18 holes; Par 58
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 57
Roast Layout; 25 holes; Par 75
Pro Final 13; 13 holes; Par 39
Nevin Shorts; 18 holes; Par 64
Hydaway Doubles Blues; 20 holes; Par 66
Team Hydaway White; 60 holes; Par 192
Steady Ed - HOFC 2015 and Warner Front 9 short; 27 holes; Par 95
Rock Ridge All Star; 18 holes; Par 61
Rock Ridge All Star; 18 holes; Par 61
Buckhorn All Star; 18 holes; Par 55
Buckhorn All Star; 18 holes; Par 55
Leopard; 18 holes; Par 67
Beast; 18 holes; Par 68
Leopard; 18 holes; Par 67
Middle Creek long; 18 holes; Par 54
Middle Creek long; 18 holes; Par 54
Jones long; 18 holes; Par 55
Jones long; 18 holes; Par 55
2015 layout; 20 holes; Par 61
2015 layout; 20 holes; Par 61
2015 layout; 20 holes; Par 61
2015 layout; 20 holes; Par 61
Kentwood; 18 holes; Par 54
Cornwallis; 18 holes; Par 54
Cedar Hills; 18 holes; Par 56
UNC; 20 holes; Par 61
Apex Nature Park; 18 holes; Par 54
Buckhorn DGC; 18 holes; Par 55
Zebulon; 18 holes; Par 57
Jones Park; 18 holes; Par 55
Zeb; 18 holes; Par 57
Zeb; 18 holes; Par 57
Buckhorn Blue; 18 holes; Par 58
Buckhorn Blue; 18 holes; Par 58
Castle Hayne original; 18 holes; Par 64
Castle Hayne original; 18 holes; Par 64
Castle Hayne original; 18 holes; Par 64
Castle Hayne original; 18 holes; Par 64
White; 18 holes; Par 55
Blue; 18 holes; Par 58
White; 18 holes; Par 55
Blue; 18 holes; Par 58
Default Layout; 25 holes; Par 75
Am Final 13; 13 holes; Par 39
GCTD4; 18 holes; Par 60
GCTD4; 18 holes; Par 60
allIvey; 18 holes; Par 54
blues and 4more; 22 holes; Par 70
allIvey; 18 holes; Par 54
whites; 18 holes; Par 54
Buckhorn at Harris Lake Park; 18 holes; Par 55
Valley Springs Park; 18 holes; Par 54
White; 18 holes; Par 55
White; 18 holes; Par 55
White; 18 holes; Par 55
White; 18 holes; Par 55
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 18 holes; Par 56
Default Layout; 25 holes; Par 75
Am Final 13; 13 holes; Par 39
Blue; 18 holes; Par 54
White; 18 holes; Par 54
2018 Down East Players Cup presented by Billy BeerB20-Oct to 21-Oct-2018MPO152977YesYes
2018 Down East Players Cup presented by Billy BeerB20-Oct to 21-Oct-2018MPO268879YesNo
Oak Hollow Open 2018B18-Aug to 19-Aug-2018MPO1481018YesYes
Oak Hollow Open 2018B18-Aug to 19-Aug-2018MPO247989YesYes
Oak Hollow Open 2018B18-Aug to 19-Aug-2018MPO3481018YesYes
The Azalea Open driven by Cape Fear GamesB21-Apr to 22-Apr-2018MPO1531046YesYes
The Azalea Open driven by Cape Fear GamesB21-Apr to 22-Apr-2018MPO2561022YesYes
The Azalea Open driven by Cape Fear GamesB21-Apr to 22-Apr-2018MPO3531046YesYes
The Azalea Open driven by Cape Fear GamesB21-Apr to 22-Apr-2018MPO459997YesYes
CADL Presents: 35th Annual Dogwood Crosstown Classic - Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB7-Apr to 8-Apr-2018MPO1501029YesYes
CADL Presents: 35th Annual Dogwood Crosstown Classic - Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB7-Apr to 8-Apr-2018MPO257963YesYes
CADL Presents: 35th Annual Dogwood Crosstown Classic - Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB7-Apr to 8-Apr-2018MPO3581012YesYes
CADL Presents: 35th Annual Dogwood Crosstown Classic - Sponsored by Dynamic DiscsB7-Apr to 8-Apr-2018MPO460997YesYes
4th Annual Tiger Town Throwdown - IndividualXC10-Mar to 11-Mar-2018MPO1511003YesYes
16th Annual Fall Disc Golf Classic Presented by Dynamic DiscsB18-Nov to 19-Nov-2017MPO1521013YesYes
16th Annual Fall Disc Golf Classic Presented by Dynamic DiscsB18-Nov to 19-Nov-2017MPO2471000YesYes
16th Annual Fall Disc Golf Classic Presented by Dynamic DiscsB18-Nov to 19-Nov-2017MPO352999YesYes
16th Annual Fall Disc Golf Classic Presented by Dynamic DiscsB18-Nov to 19-Nov-2017MPO4451028YesYes
13th Down East Players CupB14-Oct to 15-Oct-2017MPO1471009NoNo
13th Down East Players CupB14-Oct to 15-Oct-2017MPO2521019NoNo
13th Down East Players CupB14-Oct to 15-Oct-2017MPO3491029NoNo
13th Down East Players CupB14-Oct to 15-Oct-2017MPO449969NoNo
CADL Presents: The Midtown Chiropractic Raleigh Disc Golf ChampionshipB9-Sep to 10-Sep-2017MPO1441050NoNo
CADL Presents: The Midtown Chiropractic Raleigh Disc Golf ChampionshipB9-Sep to 10-Sep-2017MPO2431070NoNo
CADL Presents: The Midtown Chiropractic Raleigh Disc Golf ChampionshipB9-Sep to 10-Sep-2017MPO349993NoNo
CADL Presents: The Midtown Chiropractic Raleigh Disc Golf ChampionshipB9-Sep to 10-Sep-2017MPO4471057NoNo
The Carolina Clash presented by Dynamic DiscsB/A26-Aug to 27-Aug-2017MPO1561016NoNo
The Carolina Clash presented by Dynamic DiscsB/A26-Aug to 27-Aug-2017MPO251990NoNo
The Carolina Clash presented by Dynamic DiscsB/A26-Aug to 27-Aug-2017MPO3451033NoNo
The Carolina Clash presented by Dynamic DiscsB/A26-Aug to 27-Aug-2017MPO4561001NoNo
Oak Hollow Open 2017B19-Aug to 20-Aug-2017MPO1481009NoNo
Oak Hollow Open 2017B19-Aug to 20-Aug-2017MPO248971NoNo
Oak Hollow Open 2017B19-Aug to 20-Aug-2017MPO3431028NoNo
Oak Hollow Open 2017B19-Aug to 20-Aug-2017MPO4481009NoNo
Ledgestone Insurance Open presented by DiscraftA3-Aug to 6-Aug-2017MPO1571053NoNo
Ledgestone Insurance Open presented by DiscraftA3-Aug to 6-Aug-2017MPO272970NoNo
Ledgestone Insurance Open presented by DiscraftA3-Aug to 6-Aug-2017MPO366985NoNo
Ledgestone Insurance Open presented by DiscraftA3-Aug to 6-Aug-2017MPOFinals74928NoNo
HillSide Summer ThrowDown - presented by Coyote KitchenB29-Jul to 30-Jul-2017MPO157992NoNo
HillSide Summer ThrowDown - presented by Coyote KitchenB29-Jul to 30-Jul-2017MPO2501047NoNo
HillSide Summer ThrowDown - presented by Coyote KitchenB29-Jul to 30-Jul-2017MPO3501040NoNo
Spike Hyzer's:Zebulon Cha-Ching & Zing Presented by InnovaB15-Jul to 16-Jul-2017MPO154952NoNo
Spike Hyzer's:Zebulon Cha-Ching & Zing Presented by InnovaB15-Jul to 16-Jul-2017MPO2481015NoNo
Spike Hyzer's:Zebulon Cha-Ching & Zing Presented by InnovaB15-Jul to 16-Jul-2017MPO3431067NoNo
Spike Hyzer's:Zebulon Cha-Ching & Zing Presented by InnovaB15-Jul to 16-Jul-2017MPO4461036NoNo
2017 PDGA Professional Disc Golf World ChampionshipsM21-Jun to 25-Jun-2017MPO1611032NoNo
2017 PDGA Professional Disc Golf World ChampionshipsM21-Jun to 25-Jun-2017MPO269969NoNo
2017 PDGA Professional Disc Golf World ChampionshipsM21-Jun to 25-Jun-2017MPO367993NoNo
2017 PDGA Professional Disc Golf World ChampionshipsM21-Jun to 25-Jun-2017MPO4621017NoNo
Tennessee State Disc Golf ChampionshipsA2-Jun to 4-Jun-2017MPO1491013NoNo
Tennessee State Disc Golf ChampionshipsA2-Jun to 4-Jun-2017MPO2591031NoNo
Tennessee State Disc Golf ChampionshipsA2-Jun to 4-Jun-2017MPO3451007NoNo
Tennessee State Disc Golf ChampionshipsA2-Jun to 4-Jun-2017MPO4491011NoNo
King's Cup 12B27-May to 28-May-2017MPO154990NoNo
King's Cup 12B27-May to 28-May-2017MPO2511029NoNo
King's Cup 12B27-May to 28-May-2017MPO3451007NoNo
King's Cup 12B27-May to 28-May-2017MPO4491037NoNo
17th Annual Tar Heel Open presented by Brixx PizzaB20-May to 21-May-2017MPO147990NoNo
17th Annual Tar Heel Open presented by Brixx PizzaB20-May to 21-May-2017MPO2461003NoNo
17th Annual Tar Heel Open presented by Brixx PizzaB20-May to 21-May-2017MPO348978NoNo
17th Annual Tar Heel Open presented by Brixx PizzaB20-May to 21-May-2017MPO4451015NoNo
The Pirates' Cup Presented by Sunday BaggersC13-May-2017MPO1491027NoNo
The Pirates' Cup Presented by Sunday BaggersC13-May-2017MPO2481035NoNo
Huk CentralA6-May to 7-May-2017MPO1481032NoNo
Huk CentralA6-May to 7-May-2017MPO2491023NoNo
Huk CentralA6-May to 7-May-2017MPO3511000NoNo
Huk CentralA6-May to 7-May-2017MPO4491020NoNo
Azalea Open presented by Cape Fear GamesB22-Apr to 23-Apr-2017MPO1551018NoNo
Azalea Open presented by Cape Fear GamesB22-Apr to 23-Apr-2017MPO2571006NoNo
Azalea Open presented by Cape Fear GamesB22-Apr to 23-Apr-2017MPO364969NoNo
Azalea Open presented by Cape Fear GamesB22-Apr to 23-Apr-2017MPO4521052NoNo
National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships - IndividualXM12-Apr to 15-Apr-2017MA11501023NoNo
National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships - IndividualXM12-Apr to 15-Apr-2017MA1253987NoNo
CADL Presents: 34th Annual Dogwood Crosstown ClassicB8-Apr to 9-Apr-2017MPO1471031NoNo
CADL Presents: 34th Annual Dogwood Crosstown ClassicB8-Apr to 9-Apr-2017MPO2441061NoNo
CADL Presents: 34th Annual Dogwood Crosstown ClassicB8-Apr to 9-Apr-2017MPO3471014NoNo
CADL Presents: 34th Annual Dogwood Crosstown ClassicB8-Apr to 9-Apr-2017MPO4481002NoNo
Charlotte Points Race at Hornet's Nest, hosted by DGVB1-Apr-2017MPO1511022NoNo
Charlotte Points Race at Hornet's Nest, hosted by DGVB1-Apr-2017MPO2501031NoNo
Charlotte Points Race at Rennaissance Park, hosted by DGVB18-Mar to 19-Mar-2017MPO153965NoNo
Charlotte Points Race at Rennaissance Park, hosted by DGVB18-Mar to 19-Mar-2017MPO2411034NoNo
Charlotte Points Race at Rennaissance Park, hosted by DGVB18-Mar to 19-Mar-2017MPO3621035NoNo
Tiger Town Throwdown - IndividualXC11-Mar to 12-Mar-2017MA11501012NoNo
Tiger Town Throwdown - IndividualXC11-Mar to 12-Mar-2017MA1256965NoNo
Eastern WIP Castle Hayne C25-Feb-2017MPO161985NoNo
Eastern WIP Castle Hayne C25-Feb-2017MPO2541041NoNo
The Smithsonian Open presented by Innova DiscsB18-Feb to 19-Feb-2017MPO1531010NoNo
The Smithsonian Open presented by Innova DiscsB18-Feb to 19-Feb-2017MPO256983NoNo
The Smithsonian Open presented by Innova DiscsB18-Feb to 19-Feb-2017MPO356983NoNo
CADL presents the 16th Annual Buckhorn OpenB11-Feb to 12-Feb-2017MPO1451027NoNo
CADL presents the 16th Annual Buckhorn OpenB11-Feb to 12-Feb-2017MPO2531004NoNo
CADL presents the 16th Annual Buckhorn OpenB11-Feb to 12-Feb-2017MPO3431045NoNo
CADL presents the 16th Annual Buckhorn OpenB11-Feb to 12-Feb-2017MPO4511022NoNo
Chains 4 Change presented by Prodigy DiscC28-Jan-2017MPO1521015NoNo
Chains 4 Change presented by Prodigy DiscC28-Jan-2017MPO2501034NoNo
Wolfpack Cross County ClassicC21-Jan to 22-Jan-2017MA11471038NoNo
CADL Presents The Raleigh Winter JamC14-Jan-2017MPO1461003NoNo
CADL Presents The Raleigh Winter JamC14-Jan-2017MPO2421055NoNo
Down East Players CupB3-Dec to 4-Dec-2016MPO153950NoNo
Down East Players CupB3-Dec to 4-Dec-2016MPO2541004NoNo
Down East Players CupB3-Dec to 4-Dec-2016MPO3471054NoNo
Down East Players CupB3-Dec to 4-Dec-2016MPO4451016NoNo
49 Hole ShowdownC12-Nov-2016MA1164933NoNo
Forest Hills OpenB5-Nov to 6-Nov-2016MPO1501056NoNo
Forest Hills OpenB5-Nov to 6-Nov-2016MPO2511047NoNo
Forest Hills OpenB5-Nov to 6-Nov-2016MPO3551011NoNo
The 3rd Red and White ShowdownC30-Oct-2016MPO152979NoNo
The 3rd Red and White ShowdownC30-Oct-2016MPO2491010NoNo
Innova Southeast Collegiate Open - IndividualC22-Oct to 23-Oct-2016MA1187961NoNo
Spike Hyzer's:31st Sneeky Pete Classic; Western, NC Conf #5 Presented by InnovaA/B24-Sep to 25-Sep-2016MPO161988NoNo
Spike Hyzer's:31st Sneeky Pete Classic; Western, NC Conf #5 Presented by InnovaA/B24-Sep to 25-Sep-2016MPO266948NoNo
Spike Hyzer's:31st Sneeky Pete Classic; Western, NC Conf #5 Presented by InnovaA/B24-Sep to 25-Sep-2016MPO350980NoNo
Spike Hyzer's:31st Sneeky Pete Classic; Western, NC Conf #5 Presented by InnovaA/B24-Sep to 25-Sep-2016MPO4541015NoNo
Carolina Clash presented by Dynamic DiscsB27-Aug to 28-Aug-2016MPO1551012NoNo
Carolina Clash presented by Dynamic DiscsB27-Aug to 28-Aug-2016MPO2501035NoNo
Carolina Clash presented by Dynamic DiscsB27-Aug to 28-Aug-2016MPO364995NoNo
Oak Hollow Open 2016B20-Aug to 21-Aug-2016MPO147985NoNo
Oak Hollow Open 2016B20-Aug to 21-Aug-2016MPO2451004NoNo
Oak Hollow Open 2016B20-Aug to 21-Aug-2016MPO348976NoNo
Oak Hollow Open 2016B20-Aug to 21-Aug-2016MPO451972NoNo
Pittsburgh Flying Disc OpenA30-Jul to 31-Jul-2016MPO166990NoNo
Pittsburgh Flying Disc OpenA30-Jul to 31-Jul-2016MPO2601031NoNo
Pittsburgh Flying Disc OpenA30-Jul to 31-Jul-2016MPO361972NoNo
5th Annual 21 Hole Salute sponsored by Latitude 64B23-Jul to 24-Jul-2016MPO164967NoNo
5th Annual 21 Hole Salute sponsored by Latitude 64B23-Jul to 24-Jul-2016MPO262984NoNo
5th Annual 21 Hole Salute sponsored by Latitude 64B23-Jul to 24-Jul-2016MPO3571026NoNo
CADL Presents: The Midtown Chiropractic Raleigh Disc Golf ChampionshipB16-Jul to 17-Jul-2016MPO152950NoNo
CADL Presents: The Midtown Chiropractic Raleigh Disc Golf ChampionshipB16-Jul to 17-Jul-2016MPO2481019NoNo
CADL Presents: The Midtown Chiropractic Raleigh Disc Golf ChampionshipB16-Jul to 17-Jul-2016MPO3481007NoNo
CADL Presents: The Midtown Chiropractic Raleigh Disc Golf ChampionshipB16-Jul to 17-Jul-2016MPO453978NoNo
Spike Hyzer's: Zebulon Cha-Ching & Zing; East NC Event #4, a Dynamic Discs EventB9-Jul to 10-Jul-2016MPO1451041NoNo
Spike Hyzer's: Zebulon Cha-Ching & Zing; East NC Event #4, a Dynamic Discs EventB9-Jul to 10-Jul-2016MPO251976NoNo
Spike Hyzer's: Zebulon Cha-Ching & Zing; East NC Event #4, a Dynamic Discs EventB9-Jul to 10-Jul-2016MPO349998NoNo
Spike Hyzer's: Zebulon Cha-Ching & Zing; East NC Event #4, a Dynamic Discs EventB9-Jul to 10-Jul-2016MPO450987NoNo
TCP Hot Singles In Your Area Presented By Byte Ship (Games 7-12)L30-Jun to 4-Aug-2016MPO149986NoNo
Spike Hyzer's: Sandhills Hybrid Invitational; Western NC Conf#3 sponsored by Innova DiscsA18-Jun to 19-Jun-2016MPO170925NoNo
Spike Hyzer's: Sandhills Hybrid Invitational; Western NC Conf#3 sponsored by Innova DiscsA18-Jun to 19-Jun-2016MPO254990NoNo
Spike Hyzer's: Sandhills Hybrid Invitational; Western NC Conf#3 sponsored by Innova DiscsA18-Jun to 19-Jun-2016MPO3601002NoNo
2016 Big Valley Challenge Presented by Pei WeiB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2016MPO148991NoNo
2016 Big Valley Challenge Presented by Pei WeiB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2016MPO2661007NoNo
2016 Big Valley Challenge Presented by Pei WeiB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2016MPO346969NoNo
2016 Big Valley Challenge Presented by Pei WeiB4-Jun to 5-Jun-2016MPO448959NoNo
King's Cup 11B28-May to 29-May-2016MPO154986NoNo
King's Cup 11B28-May to 29-May-2016MPO2541004NoNo
King's Cup 11B28-May to 29-May-2016MPO348966NoNo
King's Cup 11B28-May to 29-May-2016MPO4501024NoNo
TCP Hot Singles In Your Area Presented By Byte Ship (Games 1-6)L18-May to 23-Jun-2016MPO1401011NoNo
TCP Hot Singles In Your Area Presented By Byte Ship (Games 1-6)L18-May to 23-Jun-2016MPO2471024NoNo
TCP Hot Singles In Your Area Presented By Byte Ship (Games 1-6)L18-May to 23-Jun-2016MPO5461008NoNo
TCP Hot Singles In Your Area Presented By Byte Ship (Games 1-6)L18-May to 23-Jun-2016MPO6451001NoNo
16th Annual Tar Heel Open presented by Brixx Pizza + WGEB14-May to 15-May-2016MPO1461006NoNo
16th Annual Tar Heel Open presented by Brixx Pizza + WGEB14-May to 15-May-2016MPO248982NoNo
16th Annual Tar Heel Open presented by Brixx Pizza + WGEB14-May to 15-May-2016MPO3441030NoNo
16th Annual Tar Heel Open presented by Brixx Pizza + WGEB14-May to 15-May-2016MPO4461006NoNo
National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships - IndividualXM13-Apr to 16-Apr-2016MA1168886NoNo
National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships - IndividualXM13-Apr to 16-Apr-2016MA12491031NoNo
Azalea Am presented by Cape Fear GamesB19-Mar to 20-Mar-2016MA11561006NoNo
Azalea Am presented by Cape Fear GamesB19-Mar to 20-Mar-2016MA1259980NoNo
Azalea Am presented by Cape Fear GamesB19-Mar to 20-Mar-2016MA1358989NoNo
Azalea Am presented by Cape Fear GamesB19-Mar to 20-Mar-2016MA14531032NoNo
Tiger Town Throwdown - Individual ResultsC5-Mar to 6-Mar-2016MA1155964NoNo
Tiger Town Throwdown - Individual ResultsC5-Mar to 6-Mar-2016MA1252983NoNo
15th Buckhorn OpenB6-Feb to 7-Feb-2016MA11451027NoNo
15th Buckhorn OpenB6-Feb to 7-Feb-2016MA1253996NoNo
15th Buckhorn OpenB6-Feb to 7-Feb-2016MA1348993NoNo
15th Buckhorn OpenB6-Feb to 7-Feb-2016MA1459938NoNo
Wolfpack Cross County ClassicC16-Jan to 17-Jan-2016MA11471011NoNo
Spike Hyzer Presents: Year End @ THE CC IVC26-Dec-2015MPO164983NoNo
Spike Hyzer Presents: Year End @ THE CC IVC26-Dec-2015MPO236970NoNo
49 Hole Showdown - IndividualC14-Nov to 15-Nov-2015MA1162957NoNo
Flamethrower Collegiate Qualifier ClassicC7-Nov to 8-Nov-2015MA1159997NoNo
Flamethrower Collegiate Qualifier ClassicC7-Nov to 8-Nov-2015MA1265952NoNo
Innova Southeast Collegiate Open - IndividualC17-Oct to 18-Oct-2015MA1193895NoNo
Midtown Chiropractic Disc Golf ChampionshipB18-Jul to 19-Jul-2015MA11551004NoNo
Midtown Chiropractic Disc Golf ChampionshipB18-Jul to 19-Jul-2015MA1260960NoNo
Midtown Chiropractic Disc Golf ChampionshipB18-Jul to 19-Jul-2015MA1353935NoNo
Midtown Chiropractic Disc Golf ChampionshipB18-Jul to 19-Jul-2015MA1451958NoNo
Spike Hyzer's: Sandhills Hybrid Invitational Tournament III; Southern Conf. #4A/B11-Jul to 12-Jul-2015MA1159967NoNo
Spike Hyzer's: Sandhills Hybrid Invitational Tournament III; Southern Conf. #4A/B11-Jul to 12-Jul-2015MA1267936NoNo
Spike Hyzer's: Sandhills Hybrid Invitational Tournament III; Southern Conf. #4A/B11-Jul to 12-Jul-2015MA13541011NoNo
Powerade State Games of North CarolinaC27-Jun to 28-Jun-2015MA1147984NoNo
Powerade State Games of North CarolinaC27-Jun to 28-Jun-2015MA1250947NoNo
Powerade State Games of North CarolinaC27-Jun to 28-Jun-2015MA13491012NoNo
Powerade State Games of North CarolinaC27-Jun to 28-Jun-2015MA1452981NoNo
15th Annual Tar Heel Tournament presented by Brixx PizzaB16-May to 17-May-2015MA11481035NoNo
15th Annual Tar Heel Tournament presented by Brixx PizzaB16-May to 17-May-2015MA1258938NoNo
15th Annual Tar Heel Tournament presented by Brixx PizzaB16-May to 17-May-2015MA13511006NoNo
15th Annual Tar Heel Tournament presented by Brixx PizzaB16-May to 17-May-2015MA1460919NoNo
Triangle Chain Posse Dimsydoodledingles, presented by Mike Kirsch Real Estate & Mortgage SolutionsL22-Apr to 24-Jun-2015MPO1411004NoNo
Triangle Chain Posse Dimsydoodledingles, presented by Mike Kirsch Real Estate & Mortgage SolutionsL22-Apr to 24-Jun-2015MPO246921NoNo
Triangle Chain Posse Dimsydoodledingles, presented by Mike Kirsch Real Estate & Mortgage SolutionsL22-Apr to 24-Jun-2015MPO354927NoNo
Triangle Chain Posse Dimsydoodledingles, presented by Mike Kirsch Real Estate & Mortgage SolutionsL22-Apr to 24-Jun-2015MPO455957NoNo
Triangle Chain Posse Dimsydoodledingles, presented by Mike Kirsch Real Estate & Mortgage SolutionsL22-Apr to 24-Jun-2015MPO556898NoNo
Triangle Chain Posse Dimsydoodledingles, presented by Mike Kirsch Real Estate & Mortgage SolutionsL22-Apr to 24-Jun-2015MPO656898NoNo
Triangle Chain Posse Dimsydoodledingles, presented by Mike Kirsch Real Estate & Mortgage SolutionsL22-Apr to 24-Jun-2015MPO8481002NoNo
Triangle Chain Posse Dimsydoodledingles, presented by Mike Kirsch Real Estate & Mortgage SolutionsL22-Apr to 24-Jun-2015MPO1050984NoNo
32nd Dogwood Crosstown ClassicB11-Apr to 12-Apr-2015MA1153956NoNo
32nd Dogwood Crosstown ClassicB11-Apr to 12-Apr-2015MA1255934NoNo
32nd Dogwood Crosstown ClassicB11-Apr to 12-Apr-2015MA1356957NoNo
32nd Dogwood Crosstown ClassicB11-Apr to 12-Apr-2015MA1453986NoNo
Azalea Amateur Presented by Cape Fear GamesB21-Mar to 22-Mar-2015MA1169898NoNo
Azalea Amateur Presented by Cape Fear GamesB21-Mar to 22-Mar-2015MA12571001NoNo
Azalea Amateur Presented by Cape Fear GamesB21-Mar to 22-Mar-2015MA1366912NoNo
Azalea Amateur Presented by Cape Fear GamesB21-Mar to 22-Mar-2015MA1461956NoNo
14th Buckhorn OpenB7-Feb to 8-Feb-2015MA1151950NoNo
14th Buckhorn OpenB7-Feb to 8-Feb-2015MA1257957NoNo
14th Buckhorn OpenB7-Feb to 8-Feb-2015MA1355903NoNo
14th Buckhorn OpenB7-Feb to 8-Feb-2015MA1458948NoNo
Spike Hyzer Presents: The Year End @ THE CCC27-Dec-2014MA1170951NoNo
Spike Hyzer Presents: The Year End @ THE CCC27-Dec-2014MA1233962NoNo
Gate City Throwdown FORE!!C14-Sep-2014MA1161897NoNo
Gate City Throwdown FORE!!C14-Sep-2014MA1257937NoNo
Big Valley Challenge Presented by Bull City Disc ClubB7-Jun to 8-Jun-2014MPO152952NoNo
Big Valley Challenge Presented by Bull City Disc ClubB7-Jun to 8-Jun-2014MPO276943NoNo
Big Valley Challenge Presented by Bull City Disc ClubB7-Jun to 8-Jun-2014MPO358922NoNo
Big Valley Challenge Presented by Bull City Disc ClubB7-Jun to 8-Jun-2014MPO455882NoNo
Triangle Chain Posse (TCP) SpringlesL23-Apr to 25-Jun-2014MA1653957NoNo
Triangle Chain Posse (TCP) SpringlesL23-Apr to 25-Jun-2014MA1749984NoNo
13th Annual Buckhorn OpenB8-Feb to 9-Feb-2014MA2165807NoNo
13th Annual Buckhorn OpenB8-Feb to 9-Feb-2014MA2254931NoNo
13th Annual Buckhorn OpenB8-Feb to 9-Feb-2014MA2355919NoNo
13th Annual Buckhorn OpenB8-Feb to 9-Feb-2014MA2457897NoNo
Raleigh Winter JamC18-Jan-2014MA1165860NoNo
Raleigh Winter JamC18-Jan-2014MA1259919NoNo
Spike Hyzer presents: The Year End Roast @ The CC IIIC28-Dec-2013MA2176896NoNo
Spike Hyzer presents: The Year End Roast @ The CC IIIC28-Dec-2013MA2239866NoNo
North Carolina Flying Disc ChampionshipsC6-Sep to 8-Sep-2013MA2159855NoNo
North Carolina Flying Disc ChampionshipsC6-Sep to 8-Sep-2013MA2257873NoNo