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PDGA Board of Directors

PDGA Board of Directors

The PDGA Global Board of Directors Nominating Committee completed a comprehensive assessment of self-nominated candidates for the 2024 PDGA Elections, which included detailed reviews of cover letters, resumes, referral letters, background checks, and for the most qualified candidates, video interviews.

More information about the Nominating Committee can be found here.

The process culminated in seven candidates from different backgrounds appearing on the ballot for the upcoming PDGA Global Board of Directors elections. These seven candidates will be vying for three open positions on the board.

The PDGA seeks highly motivated active members interested in guiding the policies and strategic priorities for the global governing body of disc golf. Competitive candidates will show background and expertise in the desired knowledge, skills, and abilities (“KSAs”) listed below, and a passion for growing disc golf into a globally recognized recreational and competitive sport. The Nominating Committee (“NC”) will review candidate applications and determine which applicants will appear on the ballot.

By Lavone Wolfe #580

Tom Monroe, PDGA# 033, passed away after a yearlong battle with cancer on February 10, 2024. He was one of the most important pioneers of all flying disc sports and was known as “The Johnny Appleseed of Disc Golf.” His Frisbee story began when he was a student at the University of North Alabama in Florence. In the summer of 1973, Tom happened to be in Atlanta when there was a Wham-O-sponsored “Great Frisbee Fly In” and he decided to go. Hundreds of people competed in distance and accuracy; Tom won both events.


Doug Bjerkaas presents a trophy at the 2023 PDGA Junior Disc Golf World Championships.

In the search for the next executive director of the Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA), the Board of Directors sought candidates from several sources. In the end, they did not have to look far.

The PDGA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the selection of Doug Bjerkaas #14902 as the new Executive Director of the PDGA.

Disc golf and, in turn, the Professional Disc Golf Association was experiencing record growth when Joe Chargualaf #15615 was hired as PDGA Executive Director in 2017.

In the nearly seven years since, the sport and the PDGA have quickly reached heights that, back in 2017, were merely long-term goals.

This past week, the PDGA Board of Directors accepted the retirement of Chargualaf, who first joined the PDGA in 1999 during a decades-long career in the United States Air Force. 

The PDGA Global Board of Directors Nominating Committee completed a comprehensive assessment of 13 self-nominated candidates which included detailed reviews of cover letters, resumes, referral letters, background checks, and for the most qualified candidates, video interviews. More information about the Nominating Committee can be found here.

The process culminated in six candidates from different backgrounds appearing on the ballot for the upcoming PDGA Global Board of Directors elections. These six candidates will be vying for two open positions on the board.

The PDGA seeks highly motivated active members who are interested in guiding the policies and strategic priorities for the global governing body of the sport of disc golf. Competitive candidates will demonstrate a background and expertise in the desired knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) listed below, as well as a passion for growing disc golf into a globally recognized recreational and competitive sport.

Thirteen candidates with wide-raging skillsets, both professionally and within the sport of disc golf, have filed for two open positions on the PDGA Global Board of Directors.

They're all ready to help take disc golf to even higher heights.

Now is the time to get involved.

A call for candidates for the upcoming PDGA Elections is underway through the month of May and there are spots on the PDGA Global Board of Directors, and the PDGA Europe Board of Directors, as well as PDGA State and Provincial Coordinator positions, available.

Board Candidates Sought for 2022 PDGA Election »

Now is the time to get involved.

A call for candidates for the upcoming PDGA Elections is underway through the month of May and there are spots on the PDGA Global Board of Directors, and the PDGA Europe Board of Directors, as well as PDGA State and Provincial Coordinator positions, available.

Board Candidates Sought for 2022 PDGA Election »

All 89,983 ballots have been distributed to PDGA members.

Now, it’s time to let your voice be heard.

We're just over two weeks into the 2021 PDGA Elections and 15,887 ballots – 17.66% – have been cast as we select the next three members of the PDGA Board of Directors as well as several State and Provincial Coordinators.

It’s been a steady climb in participation throughout the 2021 election. A week ago, the percentage of ballots returned was at 15%.

Eight candidates with wide-ranging skillsets, both professionally and within the sport of disc golf, have filed for three open positions on the PDGA Global Board of Directors.

They're all ready to help take disc golf to the next level.

Disc golf is booming, that’s no secret.

In every facet —from tournaments to PDGA membership to busy local courses — disc golf is reaching new heights.

Here’s your chance to help grow the sport even more.

The deadline is quickly approaching for PDGA members who wish to take part in the upcoming PDGA Elections for three positions on the PDGA Global Board of Directors, three positions for the PDGA Europe Board of Directors and 30 State and Provincial Coordinators.

The PDGA Board of Directors has appointed Geoff Hungerford #688 of Louisville, Colorado, to fill the remaining term of Will Schusterick who resigned on December 31, 2020. Hungerford, who has served for four years on the PDGA Seniors Committee, finished third in the 2020 board elections during which he ran on a platform of growing the women’s game, increasing media coverage, and creating a PDGA Seniors Tour.

The Professional Disc Golf Association announces the resignation of Will Schusterick from the PDGA Global Board of Directors effective Dec. 31, 2020. Schusterick, a three-time United States Disc Golf Champion, was elected to serve on the BOD in July and will step down to focus on personal matters.

“Unfortunately, I will have to withdraw from the PDGA Board of Directors,” Schusterick said. “Due to recent events with my family, I will not have the time needed to properly serve as an active board member of the PDGA. I want to thank everyone for their support and will see you on the course.”

It's time to get to know the people who want to get to know you.

The PDGA Board of Directors is providing notification that the PDGA Bylaws have been updated. With this update, sections 3.3 now reads as follows (new additions in bold):

The PDGA Board of Directors is providing notification that it is considering a change to the current bylaws of the organization. The bolded language below represents the proposed change, which is now open for a public commenting period through June 2, 2020. If approved, it will take effect on September 1, 2021.

Board members David Foss and Nate Heinold, who are up for re-election this year, recused themselves from deliberating or voting on the matter because this change is being considered during the current election cycle. 

Any feedback regarding this proposed change should be sent to the Board of Directors.

The PDGA Board of Directors is providing notification that the PDGA Bylaws have been updated. With this update, sections 2.4, 3.3, and 3.12 now read as follows (new additions in bold):

The PDGA Board of Directors is providing notification that it is considering three possible changes to the current bylaws of the organization. These changes include language related to discrimination; election and appointment of former PDGA employees or consultants; and future candidacy of Board members who were removed or resigned. The bolded language in each section below represents the proposed changes, which are now open for a public commenting period through April 29, 2020. Any feedback regarding these changes should be sent to the Board of Directors.

To our loyal and passionate members around the world, thank you for your continued support and dedication to the PDGA during these very difficult and uncertain times. The world is experiencing an unprecedented health crisis that impacts the lives of each and every individual. While it seems small by comparison, our global disc golf community has also been significantly affected by this pandemic. 

UPDATED March 21, 2020

Effective immediately, the PDGA Board of Directors, in consultation with the PDGA staff, is temporarily amending section 1.03 Withdrawals and Refunds of the PDGA Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events in response to the SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 pandemic.

This amendment will remain in effect for all PDGA events sanctioned as of 3/12/2020, that are taking place between 3/12/2020 and 12/31/2020. This policy will be reviewed, and if deemed necessary, be renewed or modified for events in 2021 no later than 11/1/2020.

PDGA Board of Directors Member Mike Sullivan joins this week's podcast. Photo: Alyssa Van Lanen

Steve and Sara announce the PDGA Rookies of the Year and Players of the Year (6:05) on this week’s episode of PDGA Radio. Plus, what’s going on with Paul McBeth’s ankle injury (15:00)? PDGA board member Mike “Sully” Sullivan drops by to discuss the organization’s disciplinary policy overhaul (21:30).

At this year’s Fall Summit, the PDGA Board of Directors approved a sweeping update to the Disciplinary Process. This proposal was workshopped by the Board, staff, and Disciplinary Committee members, and the Board then made further changes in response to member feedback provided at the summit. The primary goal of these changes is to increase transparency and accountability through improved communication with our members.  

At its November 12, 2019, teleconference, the PDGA Board of Directors established a policy regarding the use of cannabidiol (CBD) products during PDGA-sanctioned events. This policy was created with guidance from the PDGA Medical Committee.

The policy reads as follows:

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound derived from the hemp or cannabis plant. Products containing CBD are becoming increasingly available to the general population in the United States and other countries.

The PDGA Board of Directors held a vote at the September 3, 2019 teleconference to elect the PDGA officer positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary for the coming year. The results are listed below.

It's time to get to know the people who want to get to know you.

The PDGA Medical Committee has been formed to provide expert advice on a wide variety of issues concerning the health and well-being of disc golfers. Members of the committee have been selected through an interview process and represent a diverse group of medical and fitness professionals:

The PDGA Board of Directors held an online vote that closed on September 1, 2018 to elect the PDGA officer positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The results are listed below.
