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Apr 28 2005, 01:06 AM
You see how they act. They would be returned the first night.
Joey Harrell, I forgot to mention this when you called but if possible could you please spread the word to all disc golfers out in Waco about our club and let them know that all that join get a bag tag (women get their own seperate tags). I know Charlie said something about joining in San Saba but we weren't sure how to handle the bag tags then. Now that it is clear that anybody who joins will be getting one we might have a few Waco golfers that might potentially join now.
Gurl...i thought u were taking those kids over to Rocco earlier. They were ready to go and stay with him.
I will take the first shift at the lake on Saturday. As long as someone can bring me a basket. I will also have all the handouts ready to go to give to people and some sponsorship information there as well. I am also going to try and see if they will let us set up a donation bucket to help with the new course :) We will get mentioned on the radio Friday night and then whoever is there Saturday from 3-5 needs to push there way over to the radio booth and get some air time :D:D
Shouldn't you be out at the TrainWreck drinking Hot **** and pointing at people? (puke icon here)
I'll be out there Saturday as soon as i'm finished with the mornings work. I'm not exactly sure how long that will take to do though. Hopefully we can get a little over a handful of people willing to help out with our display out there on Saturday.
:oOhhhhhh i have a hang over just thinking about that....too bad i do not remember how much fun i was having :o
I am for sure that you guys will be out at the new course for most of the day. I can represent us until around noon and then i will be ready for some relief :cool:
This is either a picture of Hate signing up in the same division I am in or its me spending the club dues the wisest way I could think of. :cool:
This is the perfect example of why you should not be voted as treasurer or secretary :eek:
back from the wreck, and everyone is safe! If anyone wants 39# they have to take it frome the longs! I'll be out there if I go. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
#39 is nothin'. If anybody wants #42 you'll have to take it from me from the longs. I'll be out there tomorrow.
No, thats what John H. did to me and "Heckin heck yeah's" intry fee. when we signed up for world dub's :mad:
Bbbbbrrrraaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaa
Apr 28 2005, 02:07 PM
Great to hear you guys got hooked up with Alton. I would be there but I have Live Oak. Hope you guys have fun. I heard that the FOX will be there Friday night and 101.7 will be there Saturday. Sounds like Rock-N-Roll to me!
I will go by there Friday on my way home from work and chat with the FOX.
Also for Live Oak we are meeting at the QUIX store on I-25 in Belton across from the Bell Co. Expo Center at 4:20am, leaving there at 4:30am for Live Oak.
Apr 28 2005, 07:19 PM
I-25 :confused:
Rocco can show the radio station how he powders the boys up before each round. :eek: :o Dont make me show you the correct amount of powder to use. (San Saba :D)
Two more people joined the club today. Jay and Tony from the Lowes crew GOT THEM DUES UP. Twenty eight and counting.
Apr 29 2005, 01:44 AM
That is so sweet /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif... Yall scrubs need to wish the Texas 10 Crew Luck. Yall no playin tournament mofo's :p
Hate, shutup before I give you a" chuck-wagon " !! :D
Good luck to everyone playing Texas 10 Saturday!!! Go show them what Temple is made of and kick some arse :D
Us "no playing tournament mofo's" will be here working on the NEW COURSE and promoting our sport in Belton on Saturday.....and I thought I was going to get to sleep in
That is so sweet /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif... Yall scrubs need to wish the Texas 10 Crew Luck. Yall no playin tournament mofo's :p
Now that you all have paid your dues......I could care less about you. :D Good luck and give chainbagger a hard time for me.
Apr 29 2005, 06:22 PM
Temple will be in the house at Live Oak kicking some major booty!
Since no one has verified meeting at OUIX, (Simon and them are going up Friday night to Austin), Jerry and I will leave directly from my house and not stop at the QUIX UNLESS ANYONE CALLS ME TONIGHT TO MEET THERE.
I am going to Liberty Mart this afternoon while the FOX is there. I will talk up the Club so listen to your radios around 4:30 to 5:30.
Went out to Lions today with Nick, Mike, and Joey. If the course we plotted out today gets the green light you will all surely be surprised. This course looks to have a course par of 58 just like South Temple Park except there is no birdie alley on this new one. Be prepared to be challanged.
There is also some big news for the club today. Joey Harrell has stepped up in a big way and will donate the money for a basket to go in the new course. Thank you from all of us.
The other piece of news from the club is that due to lack of people willing to run for office (don't get me wrong, these people will step up and help in anyway) we have decided to have president and vice president as the only officer positions our club will have. If you have any questions as to why this is or that you wish to run for these positions give me a call.
How did the Temple crew do down in Live Oak?
I heard the Temple crew did great at Live Oak!!! WTG to all the playa's that went and represented Temple!
I was able to walk the afternoon at the new course yesterday and it is going to be challenging and fun! Cannot wait to start getting this course up and going! I am still wondering where those short boxes are going to be :confused: :D
Big THANKS to Joey for the basket donation. That is above and beyond what you are already doing and GREATLY appreciated by Temple and the TDGA!!
More good news about the new course. Rick Turner has pledged to pay for a basket. Thank him when you see him.
If we flag the tee pads and pin position we could start playing right? I know I need a head start on you guys! :D
Thank's Joey for all you're help!!
The boxes are flagged. I'm not sure about the basket positions though. Keep in mind that nothing is final. Some holes might be changed depending on the city.
On another note, I just talked to 2 hottie and he would like to run for powder boy! :D
I'm predicting a close race between him and Hate for that position. With Hate's past experience and all the practice time he has been spent of late improving his technique I don't know if he can be beat.
May 02 2005, 12:19 AM
I got 8th in Live Oak, amd was able to hold on yet again to #1 :D. Jimmy Kwah Poser finished 3rd in bagger rec. division. Simon 7th, John Ewing 9th Linda lost by 2 strokes from 1st place and ended up in 3rd (thats all the ones I know of)
Well I heard the course is up and coming. :). I vote we make the holes all spike hyzer shots :D
Good job to all those that went to Live Oak. If anybody would like a walk through of the holes that we have planned for the new course just let me know. We can throw from where the teeboxes will be and talk about how we wish the baskets were in the ground already.
Hate, I can only think of two maybe three holes where a spike hyzer can even be used. I guess we will need to redesign those holes. :D
A group of guys will be meeting at 9:30 a.m. out at Lions at the pavilion by the skate park to throw some discs around. Anybody who would like to come out please do.
May 02 2005, 11:01 PM
If you want #1, YOU WILL HAVE TO SEE PAUL :( :mad:
He played a great game, so I give him his props. During the same round, Zane aced #10 for his 1st ace, tomahawkin a banshee....Awesome shot Zane, and great round Paul. I am now Dirty 8 :o
I will own Lions, when its all said and done. :D
"Says" is already looking for you Hate.
****!! if I only had a POLE CAT I could be number 1 :grin
Watch out! Paul is coming up quick!
Oh, And dont worry about "Shad Back" getting a ace. I aced 18# at Lions today, I dont care what rocco says! :cool:
Lies. Before you know it Doug will start bragging about how far his disc went (even though he shanked it) or bragging about how he lived in the woods for 17 years.
May 03 2005, 02:34 AM
Or how he gazed at the last public restroom he went into. /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif. Your right Paul aint no joke, unlike Rocco. :o
Paul has been throwin' good lately. He practicaly carried you the whole round in dubs when Doug and I anihilated you.
May 03 2005, 12:32 PM
Jason Chaffin #24541
Player Rating Information
Current Rating: 843 (as of 15-Dec-2004)
Player Rating History
Effective As Of Rating Rounds Used
15-Dec-2004 843 4
15-Sep-2004 903 5
15-Jul-2004 903 5
Player Rating Over Time
I told you it wasnt hard to Bag Hate :o:D
Sore about losing the battle of baggers?
Dang Hate, Someone has done their homework.
Looks like you got a fan ! :D
May 03 2005, 04:08 PM
:cool::eek: :D
A fan or a stalker :eek: :D
May 03 2005, 05:33 PM
a stalker fan :D
Any of you guys gonna be in Wacko fri ,I would like to play around with you guys .whos coming up to help out .
May 03 2005, 11:49 PM
But 903 is still intermediate right. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif I cant wait to move up though, advanced in about a year and pro a year later, I hope(David I only beat you by 2 strokes :confused:)
I might be there but i'm not 100% sure yet. What time you plan on being out there?
I don't know if everybody already knows this but for anybody reading they should know that there will be no mini this Sunday at Temple. Many of us (including Mike) will be in Waco helping out with the Waco Charity Open.
Also, I want people to know that if you donate the payout money that you get on the cards (the merchandice money that you get for placing in Adv, Int, and Rec) it will go to the club in the form of cash. You can even use the merchandise money to pay for a membership to the club and get yourself a bag tag.
Hey, we should have a skill based comp. all money going to the new course. Any ideas for events? :confused:
What do you mean by skill based competition? You talking about the contest type stuff that Simon has during the Dyer Maker minis?
Here's an idea thats been floating around a while: now that the course is mapped out we can have a mini at Lions with portable baskets. Payout can be in donated discs (i'm sure people have some discs they don't want and since it will be a charity/fundraiser type event the payout will be smaller i.e. one disc per 1st 2nd and 3rd place winner in each division (based on how many discs are donated)) this way the entry fees can go to raising money for the new course. If Mike is going to hand over the minis he runs to me then the mini next month will be held there if we get an o.k. from the city. We can have the competitions after that (maybe Simon will donate the prize discs for these). The long arm contest could tee of from the proposed teebox on hole 9 (the one by the pool) and throw down that big hill. What does everybody think about this idea? Personally I think it would be a quick way to raise $200 depending on how many show up. Ace pot can be the same price as usual but all the ace pot money carried over from Mikes minis will not be included this month because the mini will be on a different course.
May 04 2005, 01:05 PM
First you guys and gals (ALL) should be in Waco this weekend to help your sister club/courses!!!!!!
I want to see 20 waco people there.
Second I will donate plastic to anything you all are doing.
We will have a big group in Waco this weekend. I doubt it will be twenty people though. I'll bring a membership form with me down to Waco so you can join this weekend.
yeah, Just like simons extra events. We could also do events like speed putting, farthest drive w/ putter, acruracy contest. mabey something like targets with point values. I dont know, It sounds like it would be fun, if we work out the details :confused:
Looks like the girls will have to step up to play with the boys in these events
I will be in Waco Saturday morning and part of the day Sunday to support the players/clubs.
Come on ! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif You know we would have Woman's div.
We got to get Soothe and her sister beagle sac out there some how. :o
Too true....Soothe is great competition for us gurls! Makes us step up our game :eek:
/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif hmmm....all i can say to that is at least i still know that you love soothes ponytail more.....and he'll be out there more than me now ;) i'll be out again someday...maybe....but until then keep practicing so you'll stop getting your [*****] wooped and keeping #39 :eek: ......beagle signing out biatches!! :mad:
Two more have just joined our club. We are now over 30 and growing (hoping to have some people sign up in Waco this weekend). So far we have raised $940 to go to the new course at lions. Here is a current list of club members:
002-Jason Chaffin
003-Keela Mattson
004-Simon Jarma
005-Doug "Footloose" McCracken
006-Steve Marshall
007-Matt Harris
008-Earl Klinksiek
009- "Ninja" Nick Moore
010-Benny Brown
011-Thomas Leroy Gibson
012-Paul Brown
013-Joey "Boom Boom" Roper
014-Milwaukee Bob
015-Jerry "Play'n Hard" Dossey
016-Justin Duke
017-Jimi "Kwah" Castillo
018-John Chaffin
019-Kelly Sue Thompson
020-Robbie Smith
021-Roger King
022-Joey Harrell
023-Gabriel Jimenez
024-Woody Durbin
025-Rick Turner
026-Carson Harrell
027-Jason "Jay-Baller" Newsom
028-Tony Schwanke
029-Christin Jackson
030-Jerry McCollough
031-Mark Hattemer
I'd like to thank all these people. I'll see some of you in Waco this weekend.
May 06 2005, 02:02 AM
Is there anyway we could start a new Temple Thread :confused:
Thanks for pointing that out. :mad:
Hate - Glad to see you got your computer up and running :)
31 people have joined and that is great!!! Thanks to everyone for stepping up and joining and gettin them dues up ;) What a great club to be a part of and the dues are going to a wonderful cause....THE NEW COURSE!!!
Any one going to Waco early? I need a ride. My phone is out , so PM me I guess. :confused:
Simon and I will be at the course at 5:30 today if anyone is up for a round :cool:
May 06 2005, 07:38 PM
Can I get Big Hate in my name...Like Jay Baller, Footloose, Kwah, Ninja, and so on :confused: ;)
Lets start a new thread already :) Or become a club already.
:(feelin left out big j? man rocco how can you forget to include big hate but remember nick :eek: oh and doug if you'd stop buying all that beer you might be able to get phone calls and you might actually beat someone so you can get rid of #39 have fun in waco everyone...
It's cool I like #39 :cool:
Hope to see everybody that said they would come to Waco out here at Cameron Park tomorrow. Joey needs all the help he can get spotting.
Big Hate, you have a new nickname
member #002 - Jason "Baby Frank" Chaffin.
hey just wanted to mention i'm having a b-b-que @ my parents casa on fri 13th before gradutaion. /msgboard/images/graemlins/ anyone down to eat up some grub around 2 or 3 let me know so i can get a count for the shizza to cook...doug will be supplying the basket to putt on....we have a huge back yard to play in....oh and doug: stop buying those stones and work on your phone....phherttt pphheeerrrtt :o
Not one crack on my basket, or I'm taking it and going home! :D
May 07 2005, 09:37 AM
Wuts up w/ all this stones and crack crap :D. 001 Rocco "6 Flags" Varchetto....Baby Frank :o
I might make it to Wacko Sunday, but dont know 4 sure. :confused:
Was able to go out to Waco this afternoon and walk with one of the cards. Lil windy but good day for golf. Saw Rocco spotting on 18.....hope you learned a few things to help that drive of yours :eek: :D
Hope to make it out there tomorrow....but with it being Mother's Day not for sure what is up the kiddos sleeves :confused:
Bad news. I just lost a tag round to Rick Turner in Waco. :( He even took a triple circle 11 on #17 (pin in the long position) and still beat me. Looks like tags 2, 3, and 4 are now there.
I handed out almost every membership form I had in Waco and it looks like we should have some more people joining soon. They even let me post the membership on the course information board (it's like the one they have at cat hollow) that they have out there.
As of today, we also need to welcome another member....Mr. Vinnie Miller (great to see you again as always) :DThanks for the $20 and I will make sure it gets to Rocco and he will send you your number.
May 09 2005, 12:53 AM
Anyone interested in going to this B Tier tournament next Saturday and Sunday in Austin's Pease Park...Holla at me, cus Im already signed up ready to get my arse whipped up on. ;)
As of today, we also need to welcome another member....Mr. Vinnie Miller (great to see you again as always) :DThanks for the $20 and I will make sure it gets to Rocco and he will send you your number.
Wish I would have known. I would have given him his bag tag before he left today.
hey just wanted to mention i'm having a b-b-que @ my parents casa on fri 13th before gradutaion. /msgboard/images/graemlins/ anyone down to eat up some grub around 2 or 3 let me know so i can get a count for the shizza to cook...doug will be supplying the basket to putt on....we have a huge back yard to play in....oh and doug: stop buying those stones and work on your phone....phherttt pphheeerrrtt :o
Free food. My fat senses are going off. You know I am down. Will your parents be there?
Will your parents be there?
I hope someone is there to chaperone you guys :D
I am for sure that Vinnie will be playing Dripping Springs and we can make sure he gets his tag then.
Hey Missy, Jordan said that there will be plenty of Hot ****. So dont worry! :o
May 09 2005, 12:07 PM
someone bring me my tag to COTO.
It's a pleasure to help
Are you telling me we can get smaller numbers,like a tag challenge.
Rocco I see you have #1..........I got my eye on you ;)
Hey Outlaw ;) If that is the case we really will need a chaperone :eek: .....or at least i will, and prolly a ride home too :o :D
someone bring me my tag to COTO.
It's a pleasure to help
Are you telling me we can get smaller numbers,like a tag challenge.
Rocco I see you have #1..........I got my eye on you ;)
I got #42 now.
May 09 2005, 03:59 PM
who is #1 and when does he or she want to lose it?
parents will be and making up wine coolers....but we're free to drink it up and kick back , i gotta be out by 6ish to go to graduation @ UMHB but after that its i figure start around 1 or 2...let me know whats a good time for everyone...hate...big steve...anyone that wants some grub and drinks come out.....i should have my 3 baskets my parents got me for graduation :D....oh and i'll finally have my dues too! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif i think benny has tag #1 and paul has #2....its time to go out there and claim some tags back tonight...any more ?'s about the bque call me 534-4783
No, I had tag #2 till I lost it in Waco yesterday. The only reason I asked if your parents would be there is because a person like me fears that dreaded question "So what do you do.". :D I'm still very in for free drinks and collection of dues.
May 10 2005, 12:44 AM
I heard Rocco is going to Louisiana to gamble w/ the clubs money :eek:. He said he is hoping to double or triple the amount we have already . So lets wish Rocco luck :D
So Rocco, What do you do ? :o, Besides the head clinic you run on the weekends! :D
well hell maybe roccos luck at gambling is better than his drives :oand you know douglas "6 stones deep" mccraken is rocs best client...and remember roccos "not only the president, but also a client" :eek: anyways who ever is down for the bbq on your grill friday just call me ;) earl is tagging it up for #1 @ 430 from the longs today......its on!!
I've won every time that I have gone. <<jinx
Hopefully I will be real lucky and be able to put some money down for some baskets but I may have to spend it on new undies cause doug's lipstick has ruined all the ones I have now.
hey nickle and penny slots dont count for winnings rocco :o
May 10 2005, 11:38 PM
Ask norcal about the arse whippin I put on him today, to take back my #1 tag. :D I knew i had him when I pulled into the parking lot. :o
In my book I will always be #1 in Temple
I may have to spend it on new undies cause doug's lipstick has ruined all the ones I have now.
You HAD to go there.... :( ..... or is it that HE had to go there :confused: :eek: :D
Your #1 tag...your just lucky I came out there late today. Couldn't pass up the opportunity to take Waco's #2 tag.
May 11 2005, 03:00 AM
earl is tagging it up for #1 @ 430 from the longs today......its on!!
No excuses, you knew wut time. I was there right at 4:30 :Dto get my lost bag tag back :eek:
That 1# tag is mine ! Im just letting you scrubs hold it for me ! :D
yup...some arse wooping that was /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif you know if i would have beat you there would have been some lame excuse of why but dont worry about today at 430 cause that tag is mine biatch....looks like sister soothe is back into dg since he's single again.... big hate i know you've been waiting for kayla to give up that ponytail so you can get a tug :eek:
May 12 2005, 01:08 AM
Still #1. 4:30 again tomorrow, bring it. And Doug we are playing from the long boxes for your info :D
Im down for this weekend , So if you want 39# It will have to be from the thongs!!!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
May 13 2005, 12:22 AM
Bad news---Soothe took #1 from me.....The good news I just saved a bunch of money on car insurance.
OK now Im going to the Belton Dam to empty my bag....Scotty, AKA's - Soothe, Bolton, Alf, Hairy and the Hendersons, Big Foot, Bear, Agressive Style, I dont need a Haircut, Team Whip That Arse, Furry, Its Easy, Laser Beam Thrower, What Is It Though, Dont Worry About It, etc.........Beat me /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif :mad::( :o :eek: :confused:
I hope sister soothe is out there today, cause I need to get my tag from her! :D
May 13 2005, 01:05 PM
I want an appointment with number 1. :D
I'll even handicap for it :cool:
Scotty, AKA's - Soothe, Bolton, Alf, Hairy and the Hendersons, Big Foot, Bear, Agressive Style, I dont need a Haircut, Team Whip That Arse, Furry, Its Easy, Laser Beam Thrower, What Is It Though, Dont Worry About It
You forgot Don't play by the rules, Foot foul on every putt. The other day when we were playing he refused to get under the tree on eleven (the one to the right of the basket) after he shanked a drive under it from 9's long box. He said there was poison ivy under it (you all take a look and tell me whats under there). :confused: That's ok. Scotty is a win today, lose all the rest of the month type player. :D
The first mini at Lions went pretty well today. Not only was a good time had by all but we were able to raise $260 to go towards the new course. I'd like to thank all that donated their time and effort as well as everybody that showed up. The best score for the day was 55.
Thanks Rocco!!! You did a great job today :) It was a fun mini!
May 16 2005, 02:08 AM
The disc golf tournament wasnt to bad either... :o:o/msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
:o..... that is just all i can post to that
no..wait...i can also say that it is not the size of the mini, it is how you work it Hate that makes it a fun one :eek:
May 16 2005, 12:12 PM
I am #45 (thanks hate)
May 16 2005, 12:15 PM
Enjoyed play on the same card as you Jason sorry you got scared when you seen I was on your card and you pee'd yourself :o:DSee you @ Twin Parks next week end :D
who got a 55 ? /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
May 17 2005, 12:00 AM
It was fun Chinger, just wish I could have played better. :mad: Vinnie, Scotty Soothe is holding #1 right now...But not for long. /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Thank you Vinnie for hepling the TDGA out :D
dont worry about ken beating u outlaw or dancing queen stealing the ctp:o :eek: /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif does sister soothe still got 1? the hardest part of getting #1 back is trying to get him to play for it...and not tying him :mad: sicky turn out on the LP mini...personal thanks to rocco for using a quarter tank of gas..full ac...moving baskets ;) :Dj/k im glad i got to help out with that...and dont worry that i got them dues up :eek: :D
Hey Nor-Cal, fix youre avatar and quit trying to get all youre busts in on one post!! :D:o
May 18 2005, 11:36 PM
How bout this avatar. :D
good one. :D
See everyone at the wreck!!!!!!!! :cool:
That is why Norcal is still a Lurker Outlaw....he needs to learn how to be a post ***** and get dem posts up!!!! :eek:
We made it ! :p
Thanks for the great time rocco!!! :o:o
man i have no idea whats up with the avitars.... :confused: thank god that tequilla is gone :p
thank god that tequilla is gone :p
Next time i get a bottle of tekillya i will make sure i get a smaller one just for you Norcal. Glad to hear that Outlaw finally got his chance to spoon with Rocco and they had a great time :o :eek:
thanks time just dont go get river water from the border ok?
hey sicky avitar hate..... ;) i know u just want to learn mouth to mouth in case sister soothe falls out... :eek:
May 20 2005, 12:31 AM
footloose is bringing up threads that have not been answered in over a year :D.norcal I can tell you did not have to take computers to learn mouth to mouth w/ team whip that uhh (avatar how hard could be, laser beam attatched to their freakin heads). :eek:rocco varshitto ive seen better drives from jim abbott throwing left handed /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif missy Ive seen better drives from rocco /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.giftypical norcal post here :D
Simon got the cash box from Mike and handed it over to me today. Here is the official money situation:
The acepot is at $418. Mike has said that he owes $50 of the acepot money to us still (which means we have $368 of it). Since we need to have that money on hand at all times $50 will be taken out of the account so when Mike does give us the money it will go into the account (towards baskets).
Between the money in the account and the money the official club has raised over the last two months we have $2818.25 to go towards the new course at Lions.
That $2828 should cover the price of nine baskets but i'm sure it is not enough for shipping and handling. Anybody who has thought of joining the club yet but haven't please do. Your money is needed to put us over the top.
May 20 2005, 03:10 AM
Can we get a member list, so we know who to jump :D...I have a Jordache avatar /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jim abbott throwing left handed!! :eek:
Now thats funny :D :D
Here is a current list of club members:
002-Jason Chaffin
003-Keela Mattson
004-Simon Jarma
005-Doug "Footloose" McCracken
006-Steve Marshall
007-Matt Harris
008-Earl Klinksiek
009- "Ninja" Nick Moore
010-Benny Brown
011-Thomas Leroy Gibson
012-Paul Brown
013-Joey "Boom Boom" Roper
014-Milwaukee Bob
015-Jerry "Play'n Hard" Dossey
016-Justin Duke
017-Jimi "Kwah" Castillo
018-John Chaffin
019-Kelly Sue Thompson
020-Robbie Smith
021-Roger King
022-Joey Harrell
023-Gabriel Jimenez
024-Woody Durbin
025-Rick Turner
026-Carson Harrell
027-Jason "Jay-Baller" Newsom
028-Tony Schwanke
029-Christin Jackson
030-Jerry McCollough
031-Mark Hattemer
032-Vinnie Miller
033-Derek Holcomb
000-Mike Wilson
034-Jordan Fengel
035-Stephen Herrick
Doug, tell your boys Soothe and Shad Back to get their dues up already.
Good luck to all those that went down to Dripping Springs this weekend.
So how did it go in Dripping Springs this weekend? (Keela, leave the stuff you and Simon did on Friday night when you had a room together out of the update)
May 23 2005, 12:27 AM
TDGA rocks, if your not a member you are missing out big time. :D:cool::)This is Big Hate signing out for life :(
Dripping Springs was awesome!!! We had a great time playing the courses. We should pick a day and all of us go down there to play. I can say I did not come in DFL :) Kwah placed and so did John and i think Kenneth. Chinger (BAGGER) won their division shooting a 1 under for the day.
Rocco - what happened Friday night will never be known....wouldn't want to make you more jeaolous then you are of me staying with Simon knowing that you wish it would have been you in that hotel room instead of him. Sometimes being a goddess is such a burden ;)
May 23 2005, 12:43 AM
He was actually wanting it to be him (Rocco) in the room instead of you, so I dont know wut your talkin about Keela :D...Cool website under construction check it out (
Big Hate signing out again, but this time for real I aint *********!ng
He was actually wanting it to be him (Rocco) in the room instead of you, so I dont know wut your talkin about Keela :D
Oh yeah...i forget this is Rocco we are talking about and since Simon does have that long hair i know how Rocco loves to feel it tickle his tummy /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif :eek: :o:D(or so i have heard)
May 23 2005, 10:40 AM
Chinger bagger didnt win with 1 under :Dit was 2 under :o:eek: :Dfor the day :Dand what a great day it was :) You could hear the crowd yell out with excitment BAGGER :eek: :p ;)
Dyer-Makers Disc Golf Art And Accessories
The Temple Disc Golf Association
The Dyer-Makers Saturday Shootout Mini Tournament
Date: Saturday May 28th
Time: Singles Registration Will Be Taken After Doubles
Singles Tee-Off Time: After Lunch
Entry Fee: $5.00 Rec,Int,Advanced
$8.00 Pro
Pay Out In Plastic For All Divisions Except Pro(Cash)
Optional Ace Pot $2.00 Entry(Which Carries Over If No One Gets An Ace)
For all of You that cannot make the two day event in Lago Vista this weekend, We have decided to go ahead and have our scheduled Mini Tournament the 28th.... The TDGA is making Great Progress in raising sufficient funds for the Lion's Park Course, and This Mini is a way to get us one step closer to our Goal.... Due to the short notice, the special events will be held after the Players Meeting right before Fling Dude Doubles....
Schedule is as Follows:
*Players Meeting 10:00 A.M.
*Ring Of Fire (We will be trying a New And Interesting Format)
*Roller Contest
*Fling Dude Flip For Partners Doubles Flip Off 10:15 A.M. 10:30 At The LATEST!!!!!
*Singles Competition (We will be taking Singles Registrations During Special Events)
*Closest To The Pin (If Needed)
*Big Arm Contest
*Award Ceremony and Bag Tag Presentations
Bonus Activities As Follows:
*Ring Of Fire(Optional $1.00 Entry Fee) Prize: To Be Announced
*Big Arm Contest
(Optional 50 Cent Per Throw Fee) Prize: To Be Announced
*Roller Contest
(Optional 50 Cent Per Throw Fee) Prize: Custom Dyer-Maker Dyed Red Discraft Elite Z Wasp(175 Grams)
Please also check out Our Website for future purchases, and tournament info and results....It is still under construction, but up and running.... (
Dyer- Makers
May 23 2005, 01:25 PM
Baby - will see you in July when the kiddos are at camp :D:D
Hey Keela! I had so much fun on Saturday it was so good to see you again. Can't wait til you come down in July it will be a blast! :D Keep in touch see ya soon!
Oh Chinger....1 or 2, really doesn't still BAGGED it!!! :D
Chinger bagger didnt win with 1 under :Dit was 2 under :o:eek: :Dfor the day :Dand what a great day it was :) You could hear the crowd yell out with excitment BAGGER :eek: :p ;)
Tell me it wasn't the rec. division.
May 23 2005, 03:06 PM
it was wRECk Division
It's got to suck to be known as a bagger!! :o
Chinger, you got to trust your game and move up, unless you play a temple mini, then you should play REC. for sure! :D
May 23 2005, 03:51 PM
Man and here all this time I thought they were complamenting my game :o:D
May 23 2005, 04:01 PM
<<< nauseated
May 23 2005, 04:11 PM
is your tummy hurting Krazyeye :o:D
May 23 2005, 04:14 PM
Thought you moved up. You will hurt the sport.
May 23 2005, 04:19 PM
How can that be if you play by the rules :D
May 23 2005, 04:27 PM
Then hopefully you'll be used as an example of a need for reform of the rules. The rec divisision should be abolished in its current form. A true recreational division needs to be set aside for introducing new players to the sport. Not a division used to fill the overstuffed bags and bins of players not quite good enough to compete.
May 23 2005, 04:36 PM
No Rec should be trophy only division and that would keep most baggers out :o:D
May 23 2005, 10:17 PM
You represent Live Oak well, they must be proud to have a Rec Champ....Way to go and whip up on the beginners, now get off are thread no spelling bagger. You make me not even want to play in Live Oak, bad rep if you ask me. :( You just cashed in a BTier tournament a week earlier in Intermediate :confused:
Oh snap!!! , The Kwah man is in the house :D
I heard you did well at dripping springs. Go TDGA!!!
So Lago is coming I the ONLY Temple player representing :confused:
Figured when the talk is about baggers that Temples own number one rec bagger would come through with his first post. How did you do this weekend Kwah?
is that all u got :D in one day u all can make drive :eek:
in this day in time dave from live oke is r bager :eek: <font color="red"> </font>
May 24 2005, 02:50 AM
All I know is that, no one should mention Dancing Queen on this thread, it is a touchy subject Kwah is in the house :D
everyday is a good day :p in the time say what a good putt the day u can to be with rock o
!! :o
May 24 2005, 11:22 AM
Is #1 comin to Lago.....Its time for it to find its owner
Does anyone have the Kwah Translation book?? :o:D
Im in @ Lago :D, hopefully footloose and some other TDGAers are coming out to represent....
Kewl!!!!!! I really didn't think i would be the best representation since i can't play :DAre you guys going to be camping out there with the chiggers?
Kwah speaks in spirited ways....or was that because of too many spirits :eek: :D
Kwah has 5 posts and I think I have understood mabey 1 !! :confused:
Yo Nor Cal , I love that avatar ! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Well you are 1 up on me :confused:
Hey vinnie.....hate to say it man but #1 has been kidnapped by sister soothe and since he never plays and if/when he does, will NEVER challenge for it :p, it'll be awhile before anyone see's it again. You can count on S.S. not to show up at Lago too. :o
nope not parents are going out of town so I have the flipping dog duties /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif...oh well its still on for LAGO!!! :D
Hey chinger you need to step it up and not step down anymore. Im not the greatest discer at all but I wont play in REC just so I can win some plastic and everyones hate :eek: You give us INT players a bad name by bagging in rec then boasting about it....time for a rule change!!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Great!!! So will see you there. I am going down on Friday and staying in Marble Falls until Sunday :D
everyday is a good day :p in the time say what a good putt the day u can to be with rock o
!! :o
^^^^Greatest post ever.
May 24 2005, 05:56 PM
Hey chinger you need to step it up and not step down anymore. Im not the greatest discer at all but I wont play in REC just so I can win some plastic and everyones hate :eek: You give us INT players a bad name by bagging in rec then boasting about it....time for a rule change!!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
or maybe do like you and play World Doubles in INT with a partner who's rating is a 945 (advance) Morole of this story is one who lives in glass houses should not throw stones :o:D
Good one Chainbagger. Too bad that your information is wrong. His partner has never played in a tournament before. I don't know why the PDGA seems to be starting certain Temple players with ratings in the 900's before they even competed in a singles tourny but I wonder why I didn't get that privilege. Bag on Bagger. Why don't you just play in the age protection divisions already?
Club members, we are thinking of donating some money to the Flying Solo Memorial. Solo was a fellow disc golfer who passed away last year. All money donated will go to his sons future college tuition. PM me with a yay or nay on how you feel about this.
May 24 2005, 09:51 PM
Baby and I are thinking about coming up for this cool event, what kind of accomidations are up there close to the course? Because as you may know, we will most likely tie one one the night before, and certainly after. :Do.k probably during too. ;) Look forward to seein' y'all on your home course, ain't nothin' like havin' a tour guide. :cool:Thanks for the invite. :)
Hey Gecko :) Baby would come to town when i am going to be gone :mad:PM me or have Baby call me and i can probably hook you guys up with a place to stay!
May 25 2005, 02:55 AM
Me and my partner had a 814 and 844 rating, at San Saba. Why did we even go, we are below rec. status According to The Ratings? Our ratings dont show us as being that good...But we still get 4th so blow that out you arse chinger...And do ur research, Scottie placed 7th place at a Temple C Tier event (Long boxes and short boxes were in effect for Pro,Adv---Rec. Inter. shorts), does he deserve a 945 rating for that, his only tournament. :D Bagger get off our thread :mad:
yeah I for sure had the advantage with scottie at world doubles chainbagger /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif.......too bad he hadn't played in over 2 months AND doesn't really have that back to the real deal...thats you being a bagger, stop avoiding the truth and trying to come up with B.S. :eek: ;) webster has a great dictionary selection too :eek: /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
How in the hell was Norcal up at 6 something this morning after the drunken night we all had :confused: :confused: :D
Maybe he never went to bed
More importantly how was he walking straight?
Big steve in the house!! Bout time :)
See everyone at the Wreck :cool:
Great to see everyone at the Wreck :Dfun as usual!
Just wasnted to drop all my old friends in T-town a big thank you for deciding to participate in the Flying Solo. A donation from a club trying to raise money for baskets is a big deal. It shows me our players and families are at least as important as the awesome courses we play on.
I miss playing at Rotary Park (he11, I miss playing period) and I can't wait to see Lions Park become a reality.
Big Thanks to the TDGA and keep doing what y'all do.
You already know that we GET THEM DUES UP.
You are welcome for the donation. Anything the TDGA can do to help another DG'er and/or their family we are happy to step up. The club we have and the members are awesome!!
When the Lions Course gets in you will have to come up and let the guys show you how to play (the course that is /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif).
See you this weekend and I will have the donation check and the Remember bands with me.
alrighty here it is....the day before the showdown. I think it's only me, kwah and hot **** going out there...can't wait to get whooped up on in INT :DHey props out to rocco for the donation idea and actually doing it, it's going towards a great cause! Maybe we can throw some loot out for kwah to take a remedial english class ;) much did we donate anyways :confused:
The meeting with the city people went very well this morning. They are allowing us to put nine holes in at a time as well as allowing us to have concrete teeboxes. They even said they would handle the concrete tees (we will have to clear up if this means they will cover the concrete cost).
As far as baskets for the new course goes, the city has one in reserve already (for theft replacement) that we members can vote on to use/not use for Lions park. If we do use it then we should plan to buy another one for reserve after we have all 18 in the ground out at Lions. I think that if we use it then we would have enough money to cover the other 8 baskets as well as the tee sign/course sign cost. At the rate things are going now the first nine could be in by the end of June.
On a seperate note, I need someone to help out with bag tag duties during the dyer maker mini (so nobody bothers Simon). To make it easier bring two bags (paper or plastic) and have the rec/int players drop their tags in one and the adv/pro drop their tags in the other. We wont need to know who has what tag at first but have a sign up sheet (one for the shorts and one for the longs) with one row up top and three columns. Make the row seperate from the columns. Before the round jave people sign their name in the first column and put their tag number in the row. After the round you can fill the second column with the scores and then the third column with the tag that they will be getting. I think this will be a faster way to handle the tag situation so nobody burns of with a tag that they shouldn't have.
May 27 2005, 11:03 PM
Thats wut Im talking about, Rocco on the ball... :D:o
I will help Simon out tomorrow. Good luck to all the Temple man,woman, and Kwah disc golfers goin to Lago...Bring the trophy home :D
Im taking it all tomorrow!!!!!! :D
May 29 2005, 04:40 PM
Hey TDGA, anyone know why Keela's name is not on the scores list on the Flying Solo thread? :confused:
well we didn't make the finals but both finished in the top 15 with jimmy at 11th and I got 12th :eek: :eek: :eek: :p went from tied for 5th to shooting a 12 over...YES!!!:Dlets see today jimmy shot 3 under today after shooting 9 and 10 over yesterday....keela made it into the womens finals :cool:It was a killer tourney overall....glad to see #1 tag is back in circulation :D
Just got home and this was a fun tourney (since my score wasn't great just made sure i had fun :cool:)!! Had a great time playing and getting to see everyone. Hope more of us make it next year (more people=less chiggers for me....right :confused: )!!
Chris Ware thanked Temple for the donation and the bracelets (which my company provided for the tourney from us).
Norcal should have played rec. :o
outlaw should have played :eek:
Hey TDGA - We will be having a get-together Saturday night at my house as a going away to Zane. Christin and I will have the food spread (fajitas) ready at 7pm (figured you guys will be out playing all day). The basket (thanks Rocco /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif ) will be set up in the backyard and the X-box hooked up in the front room. BYOB and chair :DPM me for directions and/or to let me know if you can make it. Will be a fun night!!
Please spread the word to those who do not read the thread :cool:
Theres a one day tourney at spring valley ball golf course in spring, tx., north of houston, on june 4th..looks like big hate, jimmy, ian, and I are heading down there fri. night......should be a sicky tourney :) sign up on
May 30 2005, 10:06 PM
Yes, I will be in Spring on Saturday :DSorry we cant make the going away party :(....I gots to get them ratings up though /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
hey if you want another basket to use call me up...sorry that I can't attend Zane.....we might be able to stop by depending on what time we leave Spring :confused:
went from tied for 5th to shooting a 12 over
Yes, i've been told about this tale of how you folded over faster than Scottie too Hottie at Elton John's bachelor party. Glad everybody had a good time this weekend. I'm sorry to report that I had no luck at the tables (or even some of the courses we played) this weekend in Schrievport.
hey rocco you going to join us in Spring this weekend?? its only 27 bucky for one more seat available unless outlaw decides to step up his game :o
I think I might just hang out and work on my beer gut. :p I dont need to spend 27 bones to whoop norcals arse!!!!!!!
May 31 2005, 11:13 AM
got rid of 35 ....presently holding#24 looking for #1.
Jimmy ain't scared of a lil action.
Good to meet some of you all this weekend.
Okay....who is up for this one?? :D
<<<<*laughs at outlaws lame excuse* ;) :D
i'll be in cali :D.....sorry
May 31 2005, 01:51 PM
Great Win Missy maybe you can give the Temple guys some lesson :o:D
Yeah....right Chinger!!!! That score sucked.....isn't often you can come in first and DFL in the same tournament :D:D
I think our Temple guys kick ***** at tournaments....i am slowly learning from them. At least they aren't bagging the tournaments :eek:
Whadup Missy, Norcal, and others. Glad you made it out this past weekend. Had a blast. Grunion sends his props and Natty will be hollaring soon. :D
hey rocco you going to join us in Spring this weekend?? its only 27 bucky for one more seat available unless outlaw decides to step up his game :o
I don't think I will. Trying to save money for the Waco Charity Open happening on the second weekend of June.
Trying to save money for the Waco Charity Open happening on the second weekend of June.
Especially since you spent your money this last weekend on gambling and "other activities" :o /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Hey Norcal, if you are going to have a new mentor, then at least get one thats old enough to vote!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
You guys look the same age anyway, Mabey you guys can go trolling for middle school girls together :D
awesome comeback outlaw.....i'll let that one slide but next time i'm calling u up /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :D
and yet another legend post by kwah /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :D
what up Norcal? Hey Missy, this thread is not jumping, whats the deal?
what up vortex /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif hey u going to Spring this weekend?
Nah I can't make it. I might be in the area but I can't make the event.
Hey Missy, this thread is not jumping, whats the deal?
Lack of Hot **** :o:D
Jun 02 2005, 12:17 AM
I lost my yellow omega putter in the water on 8 :( in the water....Please keep your eyes open, it is my original putter.. :( Lost it just in time for the tournament in Spring. :confused:
That sucks Hate, that putter has seen more action than soothe back stage at a Sigfred&Roy show. :p
Im trying, I should have ask Simon for a good one ! :confused:
I lost my yellow omega putter in the water on 8 :( in the water....
Now...did you lose it in the water on 8 :confused: ;) :DJust wanted to make sure i was clear on that.
Not only that....why do you need a putter when you have those great upshots for drop-ins anyway?? /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jun 02 2005, 12:32 PM
good morning #1......You are being watched /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
good luck on your big test tonight Norcal !
Jun 02 2005, 11:13 PM
I found it today, or should I say Rocco and Scottie found it last night after the Wreck. Rocco said he and Soothe went for a swim around 2 am.... :o/msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif :DRumor has it Scottie cut his hair :D ;) :) :D
Vinnie you have to take it from my brother :D
right on thnx....that test was a biatch to say the least :pnow i gotta wait 2 weeks to find out if i passed :confused: One more test to go fri morning then thats FINALLY it!! :DHey outlaw you need to bust out in some tournaments...u runnin that miracle mile t.s. :eek: :D/msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Jun 03 2005, 07:05 PM
Bout to be heading towards Houston in 5 minutes..... :DCant wait to be dissapointed again, but have fun doing it :D...See yall on Sunday
Jun 06 2005, 11:00 AM
Great job Hate and Rocco also a Happy Brithday to the Temple Goddess Missy :D
Jun 06 2005, 11:56 AM
Jun 06 2005, 12:03 PM
happy happy joy joy!! :D
Thanks for the wishes everyone!! So far it has been an awesome birthday.....and it is still early :D
Jun 06 2005, 12:51 PM
Happy Birthday
Nelle 18131
Jun 06 2005, 01:12 PM
Feliz Cumpleanos Miss Priss!!!!
Jun 06 2005, 01:37 PM
Happy Birthday...
Happy B-day!! :Dhey i got u a case of hot ****.....that should last about a month /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :p
A month??? Actually it would last me a lifetime (insert puke icon here) :p
Jun 06 2005, 01:51 PM
happy day!
Happy B day I think rocco has something special in mind! :eek: :o:p
Thanks!! I heard Rocco had a special mind....and on some days it does show :o Especially on the days he forgets his helmet :eek:
Jun 06 2005, 03:56 PM
Happy Birthday Keela! :)
Gemini's Rule! :D
Happy B-day. Whats a helment?
I fixed's my birthday and I can misspell if i want to :cool:
Did T-Town represent in Waco yesterday?
Jun 06 2005, 09:23 PM
Happy B-day :DHow old are you :o
Congrats to Rocco, in his big 2nd place finish in Spring. /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Who is going to Waco this weekend :confused:Besides; Hate, Rocco, Keela, Kwah, and Joey. Is the track team going, Big Chief could spot at the beast /msgboard/images/graemlins/ooo.gif :mad::( :o:confused: ??? I will be getting a phone call tonight for that comment :D know ur getting called on that one ;) /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif Well it has been a fun filled couple of weekends with the tourneys. waco's mini yesterday was awesome with kwah shooting a 56 to get 4th and I shot a 59 for 5th....Big hate shot...umm...who knows what he shot /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif :DI'm off to cali to re-up my ****** bag status :p ;) :Dsee everyone in 2 weeks
I am only as old as i feel :cool:
Hope you have a safe trip Norcal!!
Jun 07 2005, 12:04 AM
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! Hope you're having fun :D
I'll be in Waco this weekend (minus my track shoes ) Most likely just to watch or help. :cool: