Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7]

  1. Daylight Saving Starts April 3 !!!! (15 replies)
  2. Keeping Track of Putting (12 replies)
  3. Hall of Fame - Charity Auction (36 replies)
  4. PDGA # breakdown (132 replies)
  5. Anyone can: Teach disc golf at a community college (6 replies)
  6. Disc Golf Survey (96 replies)
  7. Chance to help our environment (0 replies)
  8. DG Foundation Makes Major Hire (1 replies)
  9. Has the PDGA ever thought about getting a credit card (3 replies)
  10. Golf Channel (23 replies)
  11. Disc Golf Article in National Parks & Rec Magazine (16 replies)
  12. MSDGC Video (4 replies)
  13. PDGA Radio - coming back soon? (6 replies)
  14. PDGA Elections (1 replies)
  15. Multiple blank pages? (16 replies)
  16. 2005 Am Worlds in Flagstaff (13 replies)
  17. 2005 Fantasy Disc Golf (19 replies)
  18. A disc golf living (0 replies)
  19. Meet the Fair-Weather Pro (386 replies)
  20. Ace Pools: Where does money go if no one aces? (6 replies)
  21. Making a living playing Disc Golf (42 replies)
  22. PDGA History (22 replies)
  23. Ice Bowl Preperation (5 replies)
  24. DISC GOLF JEWELRY (35 replies)
  25. Close to Memorial time... Shouldn't the National Tour website be updated? (17 replies)
  27. Course Directory feature request (6 replies)
  28. Disc Golf Clinics/Instruction (36 replies)
  29. practice practice practice .... (3 replies)
  30. Tiger Woods 2005 online (15 replies)
  31. Disc Golf World News #72 - Winter 2005 Is in the Mail (89 replies)
  32. 2005 renewals (23 replies)
  33. ATT: Disc Golf Hall of Famers !!! (1 replies)
  35. Ice Bowl Central - Full Schedule (2 replies)
  36. PDGA Cabin Fever Season (34 replies)
  37. Ladies in the pdga (123 replies)
  38. PDGA Election Results (27 replies)
  39. Entre Fee for Warwick (NY) NT Event (18 replies)
  40. Elections (18 replies)
  41. Would you be willing to pay $5 to use the message board? (74 replies)
  42. Worlds DVD (0 replies)
  43. Ice Bowls for Tsunami Relief (10 replies)
  44. getting kids to start (3 replies)
  45. BIG tourneys (7 replies)
  46. SKINS (1 replies)
  47. Avatar (14 replies)
  48. Happy Holidays (15 replies)
  49. Renewal Question (0 replies)
  50. Make a donation to EDGE....get a tax break! (5 replies)
  51. Ostomy Disc Golfers (2 replies)
  52. New Year Disc Golf Resolutions (35 replies)
  53. Bag Tag Chickens (51 replies)
  54. Alternative Scoring Methods (7 replies)
  55. 2005 Worlds Pro Shop Now Open (3 replies)
  56. 2005 Tournaments in Michigan (14 replies)
  57. Why Did you join the PDGA? (22 replies)
  58. Jim Santoro for NY State Coordinator (24 replies)
  59. Illinois Coordinator Elections (0 replies)
  60. Bag Tag programs - how to manage them? (13 replies)
  61. Too Many Texas Tournaments? (211 replies)
  62. Worlds and NT DVDs (98 replies)
  63. Worlds 2006 ? (89 replies)
  64. USDGC Discs for Partner Packages (0 replies)
  65. Disc Golf Camps (10 replies)
  66. New DGWN Has anyone gotten theirs yet??? (188 replies)
  67. 2005 PDGA Tour Standards (73 replies)
  68. USDGC 2004 Video (9 replies)
  69. Disc Golf on TV in California (8 replies)
  70. Worlds outside the US/Canada, what will it take? (13 replies)
  71. Points and the worlds (3 replies)
  72. Calculating Relative Distance (8 replies)
  73. New membership materials? (7 replies)
  74. Disc golf game(s) (2 replies)
  75. 2005 Schedule??? When exactly is the '05 Memorial? (4 replies)
  76. MICHELLE WADE'S FAN CLUB (42 replies)
  77. I Need Disc Golf Pics for Website...... (10 replies)
  78. Thanks NEZ!!!! (2 replies)
  79. Disc Golf Live video magazine (34 replies)
  80. names of posters (101 replies)
  81. 2 hole in ones in 6 holes... record? (20 replies)
  82. Who Need's their own Bulletin Board... (0 replies)
  84. Disc Golf Teams (21 replies)
  85. New TD info (58 replies)
  86. New Ratings (29 replies)
  87. Lost and Found Coastal Clash (13 replies)
  88. Better Courses=Better Golfers? (92 replies)
  89. Joining the PDGA.... (20 replies)
  90. Disc Golf in the Olympics (52 replies)
  91. Disc golf and drinking (60 replies)
  92. Does anyone recognize this Disc poem? (5 replies)
  93. What's withthe south (52 replies)
  95. Irony (13 replies)
  96. HOUSTONIAN'S SHOW NO SUPPORT (199 replies)
  97. Serious topic, please vote... (104 replies)
  98. National Disc Golf Center Course Design - "The Houck Diaries" (52 replies)
  99. ACES (17 replies)
  100. 2 Aces in 1 round (29 replies)
  101. Trophy Only, Y don't all PDGA tournys offer it? (192 replies)
  102. Chat Room (25 replies)
  103. How Do You Find Any Info on (26 replies)
  104. Best Ever Players Package (66 replies)
  105. USDGC (32 replies)
  106. Income Tax Question (24 replies)
  107. What is wrong with the message board? (21 replies)
  108. Best TD ever! (80 replies)
  109. Title change (531 replies)
  110. PDGA Marshalling program - discussions (54 replies)
  111. National Tour and Pro Worlds videos (28 replies)
  112. Increasing Open Division Participation (8 replies)
  113. Setting recommendations for the new board. (17 replies)
  114. 2004 Metropark Players' Amateur Tag Challenge (441 replies)
  115. My favorite features of the new message board (203 replies)
  116. Welcome to the new board - feedback encouraged (279 replies)
  117. Why do Ams have to get prizes? (96 replies)
  118. Big D in the Desert V (45 replies)
  119. For GM's and SGM's Only (5 replies)
  120. Share your "ACE" stories here! (42 replies)
  121. Whats the Strangest thing you've SEEN at a DG course? (275 replies)
  122. Should PDGA be more selective in sanctioning events? (60 replies)
  123. PDGA Message Board Usage (233 replies)
  124. If you could design your own disc what would you call it? (56 replies)
  125. PDGA National Disc Golf Center (262 replies)
  126. ADVOCACY- or why I will renew my PDGA membership (69 replies)
  127. DISCGOLF on TV!!! (98 replies)