- New Disc Golf Monthly host seen here (0 replies)
- I would go on tour full time if..... (15 replies)
- when do you join to be current for next year? (10 replies)
- PDGA Elections (47 replies)
- AM Worlds (7 replies)
- 2006 Am Worlds Room available (1 replies)
- PDGA to hit milestone next week (4 replies)
- New Disc Golf Monthly, PA State Championships a USDGC qualifying event (0 replies)
- Pro/Am Tournaments, building the sport or holding it back? (13 replies)
- Disc Golf on Good Morning America (4 replies)
- Help please college wants to start competion between schools (10 replies)
- What needs to be done to bring DG to the same legit level as other Major Sports? (30 replies)
- Disc golf on disc golf crime. (7 replies)
- Disc Golf Monthly OnLine preview of upcomming show (1 replies)
- The DISCussion board will be down for maintenance Sunday evening, June 18 (3 replies)
- Lost my Ballot Email ! (2 replies)
- PDGA Staff Transition - Fall 2007 (16 replies)
- Who is Chris White and did he get tazered in Tahoe? (3 replies)
- Majestic Payout (1 replies)
- PDGA Constitution (597 replies)
- New Disc Golf Monthly Program availible on Comcast On Demand (0 replies)
- Course Statistics Links (5 replies)
- dallas are disc golfers needed. (3 replies)
- Sponsorship/Advertising Opportunity (1 replies)
- Getting out of your slump (4 replies)
- MapMuse.com (3 replies)
- ESPN and DGTV (84 replies)
- Can anybody help me get...? (1 replies)
- I'm running, by the way. (96 replies)
- Liability Issues (5 replies)
- Fantasy Sponsor List (18 replies)
- Disc Golf Live # 11 on the air (0 replies)
- New sponsors (14 replies)
- Idea for the PDGA (20 replies)
- Mythology and the National Tour (19 replies)
- New Disc Golf Monthly program to be seen on Comcast and other cable companies (0 replies)
- 2005 USDGC VIDEO (27 replies)
- Holiday Aces--Post yours here! (16 replies)
- Raising sponsorship for tournaments (20 replies)
- Thank you for watching Disc Golf Monthly on Comcast's On Demand Service (0 replies)
- The Yeti Road Report (56 replies)
- Chat tonight 8:00 cst !!! (0 replies)
- Nice Terry... (0 replies)
- 2006 Memphis Dogwood Classic-- May 6th and 7th (0 replies)
- Was you LAST ACE like mine? (12 replies)
- Disc Golf Monthly, a television show airing in the Mid Atlantic region of the US (3 replies)
- Attention Tree huggers!!! Big Brother is selling off of your freinds (4 replies)
- Chat tonight 8CST 3/39 (0 replies)
- Server Time Issues (6 replies)
- It's about freakin time!! (4 replies)
- Our President plays Frisbee Golf (9 replies)
- Bank Account for Tournament (5 replies)
- Am Worlds Day Care (3 replies)
- Honoring those that have passed on (2 replies)
- This Week on DISCussion - A Request (0 replies)
- Join the DGAFMA - Disc Golf Action Figure Models Association (4 replies)
- Join the UPDGU - United Pro Disc Golfers Unioin (16 replies)
- 2000 compared to 2006 (20 replies)
- Is the Constitution Being Rewritten? (154 replies)
- Pat Brenner: PDGA Oversight Director Candidate (400 replies)
- HIPPODROME Tournament (Pro Worlds Course) (1 replies)
- Disc Golf Live episode 10 - Marshall Street (2 replies)
- User Rating & Rating Rank POLL (35 replies)
- User Rating & Rating Rank (356 replies)
- Unban Mitch! (6 replies)
- Frisco, CO to bid for 2009 Worlds? (3 replies)
- Unban Seewhere! (68 replies)
- DG Clubs w/most AM invites... (14 replies)
- Pro Worlds format (15 replies)
- The Taming of Wildwood (NDGC) (7 replies)
- Touring Player Awards (2 replies)
- First Ever Disc Sports Camp Opening at World�s Largest Disc Sports Complex (30 replies)
- Interesting Piece of History (12 replies)
- Cleaning Up DISCusssion: Part Deux (730 replies)
- Eddie George playing Disc Golf (13 replies)
- discgolfschedule (2 replies)
- PDGA extra help (8 replies)
- Disc golf Teams or Clubs in College (11 replies)
- PDGA Personalized Bag Tag? (7 replies)
- PDGA +'s (6 replies)
- Grace period for renewals? (36 replies)
- PDGA Message Board Policy (2 replies)
- Sponsorship-How do you do it? (2 replies)
- Membership Updates? (8 replies)
- Included in membership renewal (7 replies)
- Disc Golf Live # 9 ready for public access viewing (0 replies)
- Ice Bowl discounts. (3 replies)
- When you renew about how long does it take to get your stuff? (23 replies)
- NDGC Sponsorship (0 replies)
- Speed Golf (3 replies)
- help for pdga-challenged states! :) (14 replies)
- Those 700 packages going out to 2006 PDGA TDs (5 replies)
- 2006 Course directory (5 replies)
- NDGC Sponsorship (2 replies)
- Link pdga number to message board name (5 replies)
- Live Oak, Texas Needs Your Help! (1 replies)
- Non-member posting (4 replies)
- New "Click for Round Ratings" Stat (6 replies)
- Screen name changes are available again. (13 replies)
- Who is the best message board monitor of all time? (65 replies)
- Your theoretical best possible round (54 replies)
- Rhett Stroh, MB Tzar (6 replies)
- Message Board Time (2 replies)
- Frisbee Dog Recommendations? (36 replies)
- 2006 Pro Worlds Schedule (40 replies)
- PDGA Pro Payout Table 2006 (124 replies)
- Google Map Course Directory (1 replies)
- Has anyone ever seen the illusive roller ace? (17 replies)
- IMPORTANT: New PDGA message board posting policy and account restrictions (302 replies)
- National Disc Golf Center - North Course (2 replies)
- pdga membership dues (17 replies)
- Big Brother, Religious Right, Database Crashes (2 replies)
- World Games?!?! (8 replies)
- Website Search Question (0 replies)
- Are PDGA entry fees too high? (52 replies)
- NEW DGWN thread version 8 (25 replies)
- Donations/Prizes (0 replies)
- two tournaments in the same day? (6 replies)
- Newish Disc Golf MB (0 replies)
- USDGC- the future of... (0 replies)
- Hilarious shirt (7 replies)
- 2000 Courses!!!!! (2 replies)
- Web site enhancements (5 replies)
- USDGC on PGA Weekly (9 replies)
- PDGA: World Qualifying Tour (20 replies)
- Scott Alex - anyone have his digits? (1 replies)
- was the site down yesterday (2 replies)
- New Disc Golf Magazine (1 replies)
- Hoping You Can Help Us Get a Permanent Course in San Francisco (0 replies)
- how do you check the ssa on a course (2 replies)
- Pre-Membership Tourneys?? (0 replies)
- Communication & Cooperation: Saving Disc Golf (8 replies)
- non pdga (12 replies)
- Par (24 replies)
- Criminal Activity *DELETED* (1 replies)
- What's wrong with disc golf in Texas... reincarnated (31 replies)
- Random thoughts on my mind about disc golf.... (11 replies)
- Why do you choose PDGA events over unsanctioned events? (39 replies)
- Tournament Scheduling Stategy- A-tiers and NTs (59 replies)
- Last of a dying breed... (41 replies)
- LA Times article about Disc Golf at Huntington Beach (6 replies)
- Coordinated PDGA Donation for US Disaster relief? (0 replies)
- Late Starting Fantasy Football League on cnn.si (2 replies)
- NY Times article about disc golf 9-23-05 (18 replies)
- United States Vs. The World (72 replies)
- PDGA Fall Summit Agenda (14 replies)
- Fly a Disc (6 replies)
- Latest DGWN (4 replies)
- Nothing to do with pdga just a nice call lol (2 replies)
- COURSE DIRECTORY----State Maps (5 replies)
- Does anyone have any cool autographs on plastic? (36 replies)
- Does anyone live or know people in las vegas that plays........ (8 replies)
- Looking for help: Worlds Photos (4 replies)
- I grok disc golf! (1 replies)
- Why Not DGA? (28 replies)
- Looking for Frisbee Dogs (0 replies)
- NY times article on the psychological allure of disc golf (2 replies)
- Why do some TD's not Post PDGA Tournament results at a reasonable time ?? (13 replies)
- Why say "thread moved"... (33 replies)
- 2005 election results (1 replies)
- Disciplinary Committee Response to Nick Kights Formal Complaint (0 replies)
- Texas State Championships poll (48 replies)
- I.L.T.P.D.G.A (9 replies)
- Disc Golf TV show for public access stations (5 replies)
- playing tournaments (5 replies)
- Rare Disc Golf Art Auction ends in one week (4 replies)
- perhaps the PDGA is misguided in their vision for the future of competitive disc (88 replies)
- New membership - is it good through 2006 yet? (10 replies)
- where can i find it? (8 replies)
- Thinking of joining PDGA (8 replies)
- Debate about disc golf (redux) (184 replies)
- I'll tell you what is ruining disc golf (34 replies)
- Where are all the Texas td's when you need them??? (19 replies)
- My Humble Apology (9 replies)
- ****, I don't think I will be playing any Tournaments where this TD is at !!!! (32 replies)
- Debate about disc golf and furthering it (80 replies)
- PDGA Tournament Player Statistics (24 replies)
- attention! (0 replies)
- Looking for a quote,,,, need HELP (4 replies)
- Disc Golf Videos on Audio Archives (0 replies)
- Is Ebay ruining disc golf and amatuerism? (161 replies)
- Disc golf in the news (17 replies)
- Getting Casual Players Involved (0 replies)
- Why the [heck] don�t you pros nut up and say something in public (Texas) (19 replies)
- Renaming the sport for easier national recognition (25 replies)
- Our hearts go out to the Gurthie Family for their loss (4 replies)
- Current PDGA Records Page (1 replies)
- Wassup with the slowness of the message board? (8 replies)
- Zoey 101 - Disc Golf episode (10 replies)
- #7 - Lance Armstrong - Live Strong! (13 replies)
- New Guy (2 replies)
- Are Rec players riff raff? (104 replies)
- Advanced to Pro (2 replies)
- what does a pdga tourney cost? (9 replies)
- How do you know the ratings of a course... (1 replies)
- Anyone else have problems with Titledisc.com?? (0 replies)
- Disc Golf On A Current Affair (28 replies)
- 2005 PDGA Elections Ballot (7 replies)
- Round Ratings (1 replies)
- Are we Utilizig the PDGA TOUR Website Enough? (34 replies)
- Time allotment between rounds (19 replies)
- Airports near courses? (38 replies)
- Flying with Discs (12 replies)
- By Invitation Only - Is this PDGA legal??? (27 replies)
- Post Totals (6 replies)
- No more post count?? (75 replies)
- Group Pairings (8 replies)
- Ratings Help? (3 replies)
- Help, Disc Golf on College Campus (5 replies)
- How did "The Wright Life" catalog find my home? (12 replies)
- Attention Non-Members (2 replies)
- What's the strangest lie you've ever had? (47 replies)
- Attn Austin dis golfers (10 replies)
- Fly 18 short story by Fine Living Network (21 replies)
- National Tour Website - Is anyone going to update it? (25 replies)
- Titles? (24 replies)
- I can't put a signature in my posts. (71 replies)
- Sponsorship? (6 replies)
- 2005 PDGA Tour Program (0 replies)
- Received in Today's Mail (37 replies)
- PDGA Radio for this week and other funny things (6 replies)
- Official rounds with out ratings? (3 replies)
- What is the PDGA doing to promote our sport to the mainstream? (68 replies)
- Link to upload Scores on PDGA.com (2 replies)
- non-Member PDGA TD's (5 replies)
- Disc Golf in Chicago (5 replies)
- web images (0 replies)
- looking for STEAM (6 replies)
- Disc Golf PHOTOS and NTs (11 replies)
- Is There a Way to Disable Embedded Sounds? (2 replies)
- non pdga member tourney fees (1 replies)
- My 1st Birdie (16 replies)
- membership (2 replies)
- Disc Golf on Nickelodean (25 replies)
- Where is Jay Svitko? (1 replies)
- Which Division should I play at? (11 replies)
- What makes a pro? (1 replies)
- 2005 Memphis Dogwood Classic--May 7th and 8th (2 replies)
- PDGA Membership (14 replies)
- Does anyone use the Chat Room? (15 replies)
- Texas Scheduling Suggestions (191 replies)
- Database of older PDGA tournament results (6 replies)
- Litter on courses (31 replies)
- The Champ! (11 replies)
- Message Board Crash = Lost users (229 replies)
- Renewal of PDGA membership through PDGA Affiliate program (5 replies)
- PDGA Radio News (2 replies)
- PDGA BOD contact info (2 replies)