- google maps (0 replies)
- Japan Open 06' Footage?? (1 replies)
- Senior Foundation Grants (7 replies)
- Ft Collins CO gets some DG on TV (1 replies)
- New Disc Golf Monthly (0 replies)
- Disc Golf Live #21: Don't Be Last! (1 replies)
- Message Board Bugs (19 replies)
- Why is the IDGC located near Appling, GA of all places in the world? (26 replies)
- DFW Doubles? (0 replies)
- Whats up with that? (36 replies)
- Lifetime Membership Fees (11 replies)
- The Return of PDGA Radio (13 replies)
- PDGA Club Affiliate Program (1 replies)
- Info on past, present, future disc golf cruises (4 replies)
- The Divisional Series is Dead (0 replies)
- Magazine (24 replies)
- Online Tournament Registration (2 replies)
- What time period does the membership term run till? (1 replies)
- New Magazine (274 replies)
- New Disc Golf Monthly Seen Here (8 replies)
- Unread threads (87 replies)
- Message Board Myths (134 replies)
- Happy Holidays from the PDGA Moderating Team!! (16 replies)
- Message board poll (26 replies)
- Moderators (2 replies)
- The Circus is Back in Town: Freedom of Speech 101 (24 replies)
- Deceased Former PDGA Members (5 replies)
- Ace/Birdie Logo Contest (5 replies)
- PDGA Constitution (3 replies)
- Some opinions from your fellow golfers in the Southeast (54 replies)
- PDGA Membership Fees Poll (110 replies)
- New Orleans Pot of Gold Requesting Endowment Consideration (108 replies)
- New Disc Golf Monthly Program- The 2007 Jersey Jam (0 replies)
- NEFA...wow. (57 replies)
- Merit Badge for Boy Scouts (17 replies)
- 2008 Schedule TIMELY? (11 replies)
- Video Games? (5 replies)
- youth committee (6 replies)
- Ask Board Member Pat Brenner (386 replies)
- Is the PDGA really growing? (35 replies)
- How about this. (19 replies)
- tech standards review (102 replies)
- TEAMOverTheTop.com Online Tournament Registration (4 replies)
- titleDISC.com (82 replies)
- IDGC - Kids Clinic (4 replies)
- Growing the sport (12 replies)
- Avery Jenkins on Disc Golf Monthly #41 (1 replies)
- Magazine Opt Out (254 replies)
- whorley.....the newest loper (0 replies)
- Everyone's opinion should count (15 replies)
- PDGA Directors Visit Florida, Taser Student (10 replies)
- Question on $5 non member fees (0 replies)
- Why are you a member? (119 replies)
- DGM Weekly Update Video (1 replies)
- Ask Board Member Peter Shive (374 replies)
- Board Meeting (78 replies)
- PDGA Membership Card. (6 replies)
- PDGA BYLAW Question (2 replies)
- Disc Golf & Green Movement (53 replies)
- Competition Manual (10 replies)
- Disc Golf Scholarship (8 replies)
- Note on suspended message board accounts (58 replies)
- Message Board Rules Reminder (126 replies)
- A Free and Open Message Board (29 replies)
- The Unity Summit Open (74 replies)
- Lying Liars, Lying Dogs, or, Calling Folks Liars Is OK? (155 replies)
- PDGA Awards (6 replies)
- PDGA Elections (11 replies)
- Email Response - PDGA (21 replies)
- Jay and Des Reading interviewed here (8 replies)
- DiscgolfTV for 2008 (28 replies)
- Pre-Worlds Chalet Housing (4 replies)
- Cleats (29 replies)
- Highbridge Hills 2006 Mid Nationals DVD Release w/ Course Tours (1 replies)
- Magazine RFPs (43 replies)
- Random Question... (17 replies)
- Side Bets, Ace Pots, etc included in official Tournament Payout results? (107 replies)
- PDGA ?????? (7 replies)
- Nice Disc Golf News Story on a "New" Course in Memphis (1 replies)
- How Many Disc Golf World Championships Have There Been? (12 replies)
- Hold Still!!!! Disc Golf Monthly starts now! (0 replies)
- Spam through the course directory (13 replies)
- Save the Treasure Island Course (0 replies)
- Watch the trailer for the 2007 Beaver State Fling DVD! (15 replies)
- Angel Cabrera chain smokes his way to a Major victory (73 replies)
- Is PDGA commited to the promotion of disc golf? (93 replies)
- New 5-Year Age Brackets at Worlds (17 replies)
- Mission Statement (1 replies)
- Don't let the door hit your booty Pete May (123 replies)
- Disc Golf World Asks the Board Candidates a Question (21 replies)
- BoD Candidate Todd Andrews (5 replies)
- Roger Brickell Board Candidate Blog (15 replies)
- Ask board candidate Bob Decker, CPA (13 replies)
- Question for Am's (12 replies)
- Ax board Candidate Steve Timm ? (23 replies)
- TD ideas (24 replies)
- Hawk Corrick for BOD: Write-in Candidate!!! (8 replies)
- Ask Board Candidate Mike Kernan (193 replies)
- Rules Committee.. (8 replies)
- Roc the Vote (15 replies)
- Suggestion (1 replies)
- Origins of Disc Golf (48 replies)
- Payout Rules (31 replies)
- Payout scale (4 replies)
- 2006 Sponsor List (1 replies)
- Ask Board candidate Peter Shive (202 replies)
- Goodbye Brian and Lorrie (7 replies)
- Philly Open video already? (0 replies)
- Golfing in the Rain........... (2 replies)
- PDGA Elections (40 replies)
- International Disc Golf Center (14 replies)
- 2007 TD Report? (1 replies)
- Disc Golf on Wikipedia (1 replies)
- Disc golf on the radio (9 replies)
- Does the PDGA make Money off Pro/Am Worlds?? (12 replies)
- Question on Ratings (4 replies)
- Disc Golf Live episode 17 ready for broadcast (6 replies)
- Airlines (2 replies)
- Thank you to the PDGA webmaster (2 replies)
- State Coordinator's Job (6 replies)
- Login Problems with the PDGA boards (1 replies)
- Enterprise new sponsor of the PDGA (4 replies)
- Feldberg to be on Conan O'Brien show May 2nd?! (144 replies)
- Disc Golf Monthly episode 36 Coverage from the 4th Annual Virginia Tournament In (1 replies)
- PDGA Radio News (8 replies)
- Music Festival Tournament (7 replies)
- PDGA Radio news (1 replies)
- No link between PDGA and Discgolftv.com? (8 replies)
- PDGA job opening (37 replies)
- 2007 PDGA Elections (1 replies)
- PDGA Financials (25 replies)
- Website Suggestion - Is this possible? (10 replies)
- Course Directory Website Request (1 replies)
- Illegal Discs Pole (0 replies)
- 2007 Memphis Dogwood Classic May 5th & 6th---- $1000 To First Place Pro Open Man (0 replies)
- Promote Disc Golf (10 replies)
- What type of merchandise do you want to get as a prize? (21 replies)
- Another Solution to Expert or Semi-Pro (10 replies)
- Brad? On MTV's NEXT (0 replies)
- "Amnesty" is Worse Than "Pros Playing as Amateurs" (160 replies)
- Thank you Brian Hoeniger and Good luck Brian Graham (3 replies)
- Disc Golf Chapel (60 replies)
- What don't you like about the PDGA (52 replies)
- IDGC Work Days - Help! (1 replies)
- Separate scorecards? If you must, please implement one of these. (35 replies)
- The Disc Golf Survivalist (6 replies)
- Moderators (188 replies)
- Bother Value (0 replies)
- 2007 National Tour Points Standings... (1 replies)
- PDGA Apologist Bids Accepted Here! (10 replies)
- Disc Golf = Shayf? (6 replies)
- Moderation (37 replies)
- MT DGer of the Week Program (27 replies)
- Save Me the Money *DELETED* (32 replies)
- Show Me The Money (8 replies)
- Hawkgammon's Reality Check (188 replies)
- Congratulations Brian Graham! New Executive Director (15 replies)
- Division Structures (229 replies)
- Boycott The PDGA (125 replies)
- PDGA Mini (4 replies)
- Distance Records (7 replies)
- Ask the Source (5 replies)
- Age Based Divisions vs. Ratings Based Divisions (4 replies)
- IDGC Dedication - 4/20/07 (21 replies)
- WHY? why does the PDGA not offer links or information about the ICE BOWL. (2 replies)
- Wisconsin Rapids Disc Golf Live TV broadcasts (0 replies)
- Payouts and Entry Fees (56 replies)
- Beer & Weed During Sanctioned Events (404 replies)
- Our Current Divisional Structure (499 replies)
- Selling Your Won Plastic (33 replies)
- PDGA Sanctioned Tournament Insurance (16 replies)
- One or Two Day Tournaments? Which do you prefer? (27 replies)
- How many players do you want in YOUR Division? (17 replies)
- How to find your disc in the snow (0 replies)
- What is the difference between the average Open player and the average Am? (43 replies)
- Why does it cost more to play Open? (249 replies)
- Why forced membership to play in A, NT or Major? (22 replies)
- Sponsors on the Top of the PDGA Discussion (41 replies)
- '07 Renewals: Posting Privileges and PDGA Stats (2 replies)
- Slow Play During Tournament Rounds (9 replies)
- What's the Best Tournament Format? (12 replies)
- What does the PDGA do locally? (4 replies)
- 5 Things YOU Can do For Your Local Disc Golf Courses Right Now (12 replies)
- Open Pro Entry Fees (60 replies)
- The PDGA's Biggest Tournaments (17 replies)
- AM Worlds (15 replies)
- Spring Summit? (27 replies)
- What's more important? (22 replies)
- AM Rookie of the Year? (13 replies)
- Nationwide Ace King Competition? International? (9 replies)
- Ask the Board of Directors a question: (709 replies)
- New Disc Golf Monthly TV Program available-Shows 3 year Anniversary in January (3 replies)
- Message Board Rules Suggestions (51 replies)
- Message Board Usage Stats (149 replies)
- 2006 Worlds Video (9 replies)
- Disc Golf, the Environment and Pay-for-Play (23 replies)
- Message Board Rules (73 replies)
- PDGA Teleconference TONIGHT!!! (46 replies)
- Examples of Sponsor/Info Sheets? (5 replies)
- Renewal fee structure (224 replies)
- What is the proper way to protest the continued unchecked greed of the PDGA? (265 replies)
- New PDGA Constitution (12 replies)
- Old Scores? (6 replies)
- PDGA Rookie of the Year? (5 replies)
- Disc Golf Monthly Show 31 Coverage of the 2006 MD States (0 replies)
- Regionalize Tournament Info Topic? (22 replies)
- P.D.G.A. pay out schedules (36 replies)
- So, who's turning Am? (192 replies)
- PDGA due's? (15 replies)
- What is par? That is the question! (7 replies)
- Should We Renew? (189 replies)
- Ciggarettes Affecting game? (35 replies)
- FW1? (13 replies)
- Central Texas DG (239 replies)
- National Collegiate Team DG Championships (38 replies)
- Disc Golf Monthly, Episode 30 Starting Right Now! And in Maryland/N. Jersey too (3 replies)
- Rewards program for TD's and Promoters (24 replies)
- New Moderation: Serious DISCussion Attempt (27 replies)
- respect for established events (26 replies)
- Limit discussion boards to 100 posts. (11 replies)
- Should hermaphrodites be allowed to compete in female PDGA divisions? (15 replies)
- Executive Director Search (11 replies)
- PDGA Course Directory moved to new "course" sub-directory (1 replies)
- Should I Renew? (322 replies)
- PDGA NT event Skylands Classic on Disc Golf Monthly NOW! (0 replies)
- Yahoo groups (4 replies)
- PDGA SUMMITT -- was there one??? (296 replies)
- Robotic Frisbees of Death (7 replies)
- Has anyone else seen this Site? (129 replies)
- Renewals for 2007 (6 replies)
- Ball golf in decline (10 replies)
- New Disc Golf Monthly, Clips seen here, David Feldberg & Barry Shultz guest host (0 replies)
- PDGA mini?? (11 replies)
- Barry SHultz free hotels provided by the PDGA? (55 replies)
- Need references about disc golf (10 replies)
- open question re Director duties (3 replies)
- Nick Kight -- Neon Poll (31 replies)
- NC Disc Golf on TV (Promotional Segement , Kinston) (0 replies)
- Pat Brenner - PDGA Board of Director Member (40 replies)
- Major sponsors outside of disc golf (4 replies)
- When are Disc Golfers going to realize....???? (26 replies)
- Disc Golf Monthly clip seen here (0 replies)
- New 2007 Memberships (0 replies)
- 2005-2006 Southern National Tour Stats (0 replies)
- is the Constitution Still in Effect? (22 replies)
- Whats up with DGTV? (5 replies)
- Dane Cook's Tourgasm & Disc Golf (2 replies)