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  1. google maps (0 replies)
  2. Japan Open 06' Footage?? (1 replies)
  3. Senior Foundation Grants (7 replies)
  4. Ft Collins CO gets some DG on TV (1 replies)
  5. New Disc Golf Monthly (0 replies)
  6. Disc Golf Live #21: Don't Be Last! (1 replies)
  7. Message Board Bugs (19 replies)
  8. Why is the IDGC located near Appling, GA of all places in the world? (26 replies)
  9. DFW Doubles? (0 replies)
  10. Whats up with that? (36 replies)
  11. Lifetime Membership Fees (11 replies)
  12. The Return of PDGA Radio (13 replies)
  13. PDGA Club Affiliate Program (1 replies)
  14. Info on past, present, future disc golf cruises (4 replies)
  15. The Divisional Series is Dead (0 replies)
  16. Magazine (24 replies)
  17. Online Tournament Registration (2 replies)
  18. What time period does the membership term run till? (1 replies)
  19. New Magazine (274 replies)
  20. New Disc Golf Monthly Seen Here (8 replies)
  21. Unread threads (87 replies)
  22. Message Board Myths (134 replies)
  23. Happy Holidays from the PDGA Moderating Team!! (16 replies)
  24. Message board poll (26 replies)
  25. Moderators (2 replies)
  26. The Circus is Back in Town: Freedom of Speech 101 (24 replies)
  27. Deceased Former PDGA Members (5 replies)
  28. Ace/Birdie Logo Contest (5 replies)
  29. PDGA Constitution (3 replies)
  30. Some opinions from your fellow golfers in the Southeast (54 replies)
  31. PDGA Membership Fees Poll (110 replies)
  32. New Orleans Pot of Gold Requesting Endowment Consideration (108 replies)
  33. New Disc Golf Monthly Program- The 2007 Jersey Jam (0 replies)
  34. (57 replies)
  35. Merit Badge for Boy Scouts (17 replies)
  36. 2008 Schedule TIMELY? (11 replies)
  37. Video Games? (5 replies)
  38. youth committee (6 replies)
  39. Ask Board Member Pat Brenner (386 replies)
  40. Is the PDGA really growing? (35 replies)
  41. How about this. (19 replies)
  42. tech standards review (102 replies)
  43. Online Tournament Registration (4 replies)
  44. (82 replies)
  45. IDGC - Kids Clinic (4 replies)
  46. Growing the sport (12 replies)
  47. Avery Jenkins on Disc Golf Monthly #41 (1 replies)
  48. Magazine Opt Out (254 replies)
  49. whorley.....the newest loper (0 replies)
  50. Everyone's opinion should count (15 replies)
  51. PDGA Directors Visit Florida, Taser Student (10 replies)
  52. Question on $5 non member fees (0 replies)
  53. Why are you a member? (119 replies)
  54. DGM Weekly Update Video (1 replies)
  55. Ask Board Member Peter Shive (374 replies)
  56. Board Meeting (78 replies)
  57. PDGA Membership Card. (6 replies)
  58. PDGA BYLAW Question (2 replies)
  59. Disc Golf & Green Movement (53 replies)
  60. Competition Manual (10 replies)
  61. Disc Golf Scholarship (8 replies)
  62. Note on suspended message board accounts (58 replies)
  63. Message Board Rules Reminder (126 replies)
  64. A Free and Open Message Board (29 replies)
  65. The Unity Summit Open (74 replies)
  66. Lying Liars, Lying Dogs, or, Calling Folks Liars Is OK? (155 replies)
  67. PDGA Awards (6 replies)
  68. PDGA Elections (11 replies)
  69. Email Response - PDGA (21 replies)
  70. Jay and Des Reading interviewed here (8 replies)
  71. DiscgolfTV for 2008 (28 replies)
  72. Pre-Worlds Chalet Housing (4 replies)
  73. Cleats (29 replies)
  74. Highbridge Hills 2006 Mid Nationals DVD Release w/ Course Tours (1 replies)
  75. Magazine RFPs (43 replies)
  76. Random Question... (17 replies)
  77. Side Bets, Ace Pots, etc included in official Tournament Payout results? (107 replies)
  78. PDGA ?????? (7 replies)
  79. Nice Disc Golf News Story on a "New" Course in Memphis (1 replies)
  80. How Many Disc Golf World Championships Have There Been? (12 replies)
  81. Hold Still!!!! Disc Golf Monthly starts now! (0 replies)
  82. Spam through the course directory (13 replies)
  83. Save the Treasure Island Course (0 replies)
  84. Watch the trailer for the 2007 Beaver State Fling DVD! (15 replies)
  85. Angel Cabrera chain smokes his way to a Major victory (73 replies)
  86. Is PDGA commited to the promotion of disc golf? (93 replies)
  87. New 5-Year Age Brackets at Worlds (17 replies)
  88. Mission Statement (1 replies)
  89. Don't let the door hit your booty Pete May (123 replies)
  90. Disc Golf World Asks the Board Candidates a Question (21 replies)
  91. BoD Candidate Todd Andrews (5 replies)
  92. Roger Brickell Board Candidate Blog (15 replies)
  93. Ask board candidate Bob Decker, CPA (13 replies)
  94. Question for Am's (12 replies)
  95. Ax board Candidate Steve Timm ? (23 replies)
  96. TD ideas (24 replies)
  97. Hawk Corrick for BOD: Write-in Candidate!!! (8 replies)
  98. Ask Board Candidate Mike Kernan (193 replies)
  99. Rules Committee.. (8 replies)
  100. Roc the Vote (15 replies)
  101. Suggestion (1 replies)
  102. Origins of Disc Golf (48 replies)
  103. Payout Rules (31 replies)
  104. Payout scale (4 replies)
  105. 2006 Sponsor List (1 replies)
  106. Ask Board candidate Peter Shive (202 replies)
  107. Goodbye Brian and Lorrie (7 replies)
  108. Philly Open video already? (0 replies)
  109. Golfing in the Rain........... (2 replies)
  110. PDGA Elections (40 replies)
  111. International Disc Golf Center (14 replies)
  112. 2007 TD Report? (1 replies)
  113. Disc Golf on Wikipedia (1 replies)
  114. Disc golf on the radio (9 replies)
  115. Does the PDGA make Money off Pro/Am Worlds?? (12 replies)
  116. Question on Ratings (4 replies)
  117. Disc Golf Live episode 17 ready for broadcast (6 replies)
  118. Airlines (2 replies)
  119. Thank you to the PDGA webmaster (2 replies)
  120. State Coordinator's Job (6 replies)
  121. Login Problems with the PDGA boards (1 replies)
  122. Enterprise new sponsor of the PDGA (4 replies)
  123. Feldberg to be on Conan O'Brien show May 2nd?! (144 replies)
  124. Disc Golf Monthly episode 36 Coverage from the 4th Annual Virginia Tournament In (1 replies)
  125. PDGA Radio News (8 replies)
  126. Music Festival Tournament (7 replies)
  127. PDGA Radio news (1 replies)
  128. No link between PDGA and (8 replies)
  129. PDGA job opening (37 replies)
  130. 2007 PDGA Elections (1 replies)
  131. PDGA Financials (25 replies)
  132. Website Suggestion - Is this possible? (10 replies)
  133. Course Directory Website Request (1 replies)
  134. Illegal Discs Pole (0 replies)
  135. 2007 Memphis Dogwood Classic May 5th & 6th---- $1000 To First Place Pro Open Man (0 replies)
  136. Promote Disc Golf (10 replies)
  137. What type of merchandise do you want to get as a prize? (21 replies)
  138. Another Solution to Expert or Semi-Pro (10 replies)
  139. Brad? On MTV's NEXT (0 replies)
  140. "Amnesty" is Worse Than "Pros Playing as Amateurs" (160 replies)
  141. Thank you Brian Hoeniger and Good luck Brian Graham (3 replies)
  142. Disc Golf Chapel (60 replies)
  143. What don't you like about the PDGA (52 replies)
  144. IDGC Work Days - Help! (1 replies)
  145. Separate scorecards? If you must, please implement one of these. (35 replies)
  146. The Disc Golf Survivalist (6 replies)
  147. Moderators (188 replies)
  148. Bother Value (0 replies)
  149. 2007 National Tour Points Standings... (1 replies)
  150. PDGA Apologist Bids Accepted Here! (10 replies)
  151. Disc Golf = Shayf? (6 replies)
  152. Moderation (37 replies)
  153. MT DGer of the Week Program (27 replies)
  154. Save Me the Money *DELETED* (32 replies)
  155. Show Me The Money (8 replies)
  156. Hawkgammon's Reality Check (188 replies)
  157. Congratulations Brian Graham! New Executive Director (15 replies)
  158. Division Structures (229 replies)
  159. Boycott The PDGA (125 replies)
  160. PDGA Mini (4 replies)
  161. Distance Records (7 replies)
  162. Ask the Source (5 replies)
  163. Age Based Divisions vs. Ratings Based Divisions (4 replies)
  164. IDGC Dedication - 4/20/07 (21 replies)
  165. WHY? why does the PDGA not offer links or information about the ICE BOWL. (2 replies)
  166. Wisconsin Rapids Disc Golf Live TV broadcasts (0 replies)
  167. Payouts and Entry Fees (56 replies)
  168. Beer & Weed During Sanctioned Events (404 replies)
  169. Our Current Divisional Structure (499 replies)
  170. Selling Your Won Plastic (33 replies)
  171. PDGA Sanctioned Tournament Insurance (16 replies)
  172. One or Two Day Tournaments? Which do you prefer? (27 replies)
  173. How many players do you want in YOUR Division? (17 replies)
  174. How to find your disc in the snow (0 replies)
  175. What is the difference between the average Open player and the average Am? (43 replies)
  176. Why does it cost more to play Open? (249 replies)
  177. Why forced membership to play in A, NT or Major? (22 replies)
  178. Sponsors on the Top of the PDGA Discussion (41 replies)
  179. '07 Renewals: Posting Privileges and PDGA Stats (2 replies)
  180. Slow Play During Tournament Rounds (9 replies)
  181. What's the Best Tournament Format? (12 replies)
  182. What does the PDGA do locally? (4 replies)
  183. 5 Things YOU Can do For Your Local Disc Golf Courses Right Now (12 replies)
  184. Open Pro Entry Fees (60 replies)
  185. The PDGA's Biggest Tournaments (17 replies)
  186. AM Worlds (15 replies)
  187. Spring Summit? (27 replies)
  188. What's more important? (22 replies)
  189. AM Rookie of the Year? (13 replies)
  190. Nationwide Ace King Competition? International? (9 replies)
  191. Ask the Board of Directors a question: (709 replies)
  192. New Disc Golf Monthly TV Program available-Shows 3 year Anniversary in January (3 replies)
  193. Message Board Rules Suggestions (51 replies)
  194. Message Board Usage Stats (149 replies)
  195. 2006 Worlds Video (9 replies)
  196. Disc Golf, the Environment and Pay-for-Play (23 replies)
  197. DISCGOLFER IN SPACE (0 replies)
  198. Message Board Rules (73 replies)
  199. PDGA Teleconference TONIGHT!!! (46 replies)
  200. Examples of Sponsor/Info Sheets? (5 replies)
  201. Renewal fee structure (224 replies)
  202. What is the proper way to protest the continued unchecked greed of the PDGA? (265 replies)
  203. New PDGA Constitution (12 replies)
  204. Old Scores? (6 replies)
  205. PDGA Rookie of the Year? (5 replies)
  206. Disc Golf Monthly Show 31 Coverage of the 2006 MD States (0 replies)
  207. Regionalize Tournament Info Topic? (22 replies)
  208. P.D.G.A. pay out schedules (36 replies)
  209. So, who's turning Am? (192 replies)
  210. PDGA due's? (15 replies)
  211. What is par? That is the question! (7 replies)
  212. Should We Renew? (189 replies)
  213. Ciggarettes Affecting game? (35 replies)
  214. FW1? (13 replies)
  215. Central Texas DG (239 replies)
  216. National Collegiate Team DG Championships (38 replies)
  217. Disc Golf Monthly, Episode 30 Starting Right Now! And in Maryland/N. Jersey too (3 replies)
  218. Rewards program for TD's and Promoters (24 replies)
  219. New Moderation: Serious DISCussion Attempt (27 replies)
  220. respect for established events (26 replies)
  221. Limit discussion boards to 100 posts. (11 replies)
  222. Should hermaphrodites be allowed to compete in female PDGA divisions? (15 replies)
  223. Executive Director Search (11 replies)
  224. PDGA Course Directory moved to new "course" sub-directory (1 replies)
  225. Should I Renew? (322 replies)
  227. PDGA NT event Skylands Classic on Disc Golf Monthly NOW! (0 replies)
  228. Yahoo groups (4 replies)
  230. PDGA SUMMITT -- was there one??? (296 replies)
  231. Robotic Frisbees of Death (7 replies)
  232. Has anyone else seen this Site? (129 replies)
  233. Renewals for 2007 (6 replies)
  234. Ball golf in decline (10 replies)
  235. New Disc Golf Monthly, Clips seen here, David Feldberg & Barry Shultz guest host (0 replies)
  236. PDGA mini?? (11 replies)
  237. Barry SHultz free hotels provided by the PDGA? (55 replies)
  238. Need references about disc golf (10 replies)
  239. open question re Director duties (3 replies)
  240. Nick Kight -- Neon Poll (31 replies)
  241. NC Disc Golf on TV (Promotional Segement , Kinston) (0 replies)
  242. Pat Brenner - PDGA Board of Director Member (40 replies)
  243. Major sponsors outside of disc golf (4 replies)
  244. When are Disc Golfers going to realize....???? (26 replies)
  245. Disc Golf Monthly clip seen here (0 replies)
  246. New 2007 Memberships (0 replies)
  247. 2005-2006 Southern National Tour Stats (0 replies)
  248. is the Constitution Still in Effect? (22 replies)
  249. Whats up with DGTV? (5 replies)
  250. Dane Cook's Tourgasm & Disc Golf (2 replies)